
Thursday, August 11, 2005


Warning: for those of you that are faint of heart, or if you happen to be my stepmom, don't read this.

I'm in Houston, and as you know after I'm in Houston for a little bit I usually rant so I can get all of this awful crap out of my system.

Well today marked the end of my "I can't take anymore crap from my stepmom" phase. I just can't. The woman manipulates my dad so hard. He is whipped. He can't even pay attention to my sister: she's been here two weeks and says she doesn't get any attention. Why? Because if she does, stepmom gets jealous and then life is hell for everyone. If she's trying to make it hard for us to come here, she's doing a great job. Today, the straw that snapped the camel's back was this interaction with her:

Chris (previously known as Jimivoodoo323): [opens guitar, starts rocking]
Stepmom: RRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!!!! [turns into a giant winged beast] "Stop playing that music" <-- seriously the most annoying angry downright bitchiest voice I've heard in a long time. She yelled that from the basement.
Chris: [shock] "Was someone supposed to tell me I can't play?" [looks at me with huge eyes like WHAT THE CRAP IS GOING ON BRIAN YOUR STEPMOM IS A GIANT WINGED EVIL DEMON FROM HADES look]
Stepmom: "Cece (my stepsister) told you not to" [quieter voice]
Everyone in the upstairs room: "No she didn't!"
Silence from the evil stepmom.

Today my sister was in tears because of her. She has my dad so whipped that me and my sister get no attention. Why are we here? To spend time with dad. But we don't. It is utter crap. And today dad sat next to me at the table, with an open spot next to him. The stepmom sits across the table, a long ways from us. Dad moves within the next 5 minutes to sit next to her. She coulda sat next to us, but no, she has to get all his attention.

Then, let's add to this the fact that she treats him like crap. She disappears for long periods of time without telling him where he's going EVERY TIME I come here. She is not good or encouraging: she forgot their anniversary. When dad was picking out a card for the ungrateful wench that actually put him down for not taking her to dinner that day when she forget his anniversary (Grrrrrrrrrr.........), we saw one that said something like "to a wonderful wife. you are so encouraging and helpful to me etc etc" and dad said, "I couldn't get this card without being sarcastic." Gosh, sucks for dad!

And no wonder he's angry all the time. He still doesn't realize that Lorenzo's turned into a kid that, although he's whiny, is treated unfairly all the time and works hard. He's a quality kid that if he had any sort of good instruction or supervision could seriously go places. Cece, on the other hand, just lies all the time and doesn't do her work. Sarah and Lorenzo and Cece were commanded by the stepmom to clean the house multiple times since Sarah's been here, but Cece never helps. She's stepmom's favorite.

The injustice is sickening. Dad can't do anything cuz she's got him by the testicles, and Sarah just cleans and does the laundry and cooks dinner and everything!! I came here on my vacation: I'm not cleaning her house for her. I think it's crap.

She mocked me saying, "I got you boys a new shirt each [to me and Lorenzo] for working so hard." I got a chick magnet shirt that is ridiculous. Anyway, she was totally sarcastic, as though I never freaking do hard work. Guess what, stepmom? I have a freaking 3.89 at U of I in chemistry. During the school year I only have free time after 9 at night unless I'm throwing the disc around and I do all kinds of homework. I'm just a regular slacker. Throw in the idea that she loves Cece and she doesn't do jack crap and you can see why that pissed me off. But I just take it. I take it all. I can't say anything to dad, last time I did he ended up getting divorced (actually both times he got divorced started with us voicing our dislike of the stepmom). I won't be responsible for that again. And saying something to her would be like asking dad to get me a plane ticket home a few days early. Dad's even talked to me like "what am I supposed to do, another divorce?" Poor dad, he's owned. And it just kills me. And it's killing me and Sarah's already messed up relationship with our father, too.

If she ever finds this, I want her to know that this is a fictional story with no basis in reality. I don't feel this way and dad didn't say anything I quoted him saying here.

Bye, and sorry for the real drama.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Hey out there, all you WPOD fans!
I didn't get any hatemail, despite my begging for it a few posts ago. I loved the madlib. It was kinda ridiculous though hahahaha. Yeah, like, really ridiculous. But whatever, that's what this site is all about right?

So speaking of ridiculous, my cousin and I play Starcraft 5 hours a day. Ha!

Drama? I got nothin, really, and that's good. Maybe I'll join an IV coed Bible study to see what happens. lol. That won't happen in reality.

I'm out folks.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Nick... wow. That was just... wow, I don't know, that was... intimate.

So, I'm guessing there's some sort of government devised around my life, and this is one of those moments when a veto gets used...

It's always weird to find out you're the topic of a conversation.

We used 'beautiful' at the exact same spot, and I used the right sport too, "great minds..." and all that jazz.

Sunday, August 07, 2005


After Michael wakes up.

Speaking of spades, I wrote a song. The lyrics are so sad that I won't post them. I got to LeAnne's early for Springfield, and tried playing and singing it for her, only to realize that my ability to sing loud or play soft does not exist; therefore, she couldn't hear it. When I just told her the lyrics, I swear I saw her eyes tear up. She kept saying "I did not!" in a very adamant and stubborn tone, but I'm only telling you what I saw. Anyway, I will give you verse 2 to the end, because those lyrics aren't sad. I really don't want to make anyone else cry
(LeAnne, this is where you send me hatemail)


It goes
I go to my room, but what can I do?
cards ain't the same all alone.
I feel this pain and I know it's a shame
let me go to the place I call home
PAR why are you so far?
In frisbee we'll kick your behind [despite our loss at the picnic - I blame it on Sarah Nolan - she doesn't live in PAR. If she reads this, hatemail to me is the appropriate response] =)
I'll go 6 doors down and see who's around
Those are the people I want to find

I guess that I'll get through this summer
Apart from those who really care [note: this is taking shots at my home 'friends' who this summer never called me but 3 times and didn't seem to care I was home. I was bitter. I know that my family cares, this line does not refer to them (trying to avoid more hatemail here)]
I guess that I'll get through this summer
wishing that I was up there
I guess that I'll get through this summer
Up there they won't forget me
I guess that I'll get through this summer
I know when I'm up there I'mnever lonely

Someday I'll find the one, until then I'm done
Girls put me through so much crap
Instead I want my bros, who needs those hos?
Let's play spades after michael's nap
We'll throw disc for hours, take communal showers
My guys I will always applaud
And if girls again, should do this to them
I'll slander their names on the WPOD

Repeat chorus

Anyway, school coming up and the spades question reminded me of this song, and since
I'll never play it again because it made someone cry (again, hatemail is the correct response), I figured I should write the lyrics I can up here cuz I liked them and thought them appropriate. PAR ain't so far away, only 2 weeks. And for that I am pumped. Not because of PAR, of course, but because of the people there.

Jake got back from TC05. Congrats bro. Glad you went! I hope that, once again, you enjoy the WPOD. You should catch up on it, at least the convos I had with Jimivoodoo323, my cousin. I think they are my favorite thing I did this summer. The rest is good too, as always.

I will probably post daily. Houston isn't that busy.

PS: Lisa wrote this in her Xanga
"Both LeAnne and Bish have dogs named Bear. Maybe this is a sign that they should date. It would just be really comical for the rest of us too if they did. They might be mad at me for saying this on my livejournal......hmmmm. It's ok, we're good friends so they'll forgive me."

I tried that and it didn't work. Remember? I am not a desperate glutton for pain despite however much it may seem that I am. HA!

EDIT: I noticed that what I wrote just above this made it sound a bit like I would be desperate if I went for LeAnne. I didn't mean that. I meant desperate in the sense of acting as though I needed a girlfriend. And DESPITE however much it may seem like I act like I do, I don't.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

I am done! One final yesterday, one this morning, and now, I'm done. 15 credit hours in a summer, definitely not recommended, but... it's over!

So... Sssssssssssssssssssssspades?

Actually, I've got a bunch of web work to do, but I'm up for a game of spades if it so happens to be arranged.

Friday, August 05, 2005

So, I'm off to Texas for 10 days now.

I just packed, and I brought the bare essentials. They include:

1. Bible
2. Swimsuit
3. Computer Hard Drive (I put the entire tower into my carry on bag) with SC installed.
4. Starcraft cd.
5. Two brood war cds.
6. Optical mouse for good micro. (micro is important)
7. Extra CD Key so I can install brood war on my dad's computer.
8. Guitar - for style, and proving that I'm not as big of a nerd as I seem.

Anyway, my carry on bag is going to look ridiculous. I will post more in Houston, and I hope everybody has a good time. I will be seeing you U of I homeboys (and homegirls too I guess) in two weeks! Awesome!

Keep it real.
Peace out world,

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

If only everyone played as much sc as me, I could make a bunch of jokes on here and everyone would get them. But alas, for most people there's a lot more to do this summer than just playing starcraft.

Things have been going well for me lately. I'm happy to have Andrew in town until Friday, and although he is heavily sedated as a result of his wisdom teeth being out, he's still fun and I hang out with him and such. Fortunately, my home friends that haven't called me in a month still talk to him so I've seen them a little. It's kinda weird, cuz, you know, I've been here all summer but I only see them when Andrew's here. Kinda like I'm the guy that gets brought along that isn't really part of the group. And when those people used to be my group it just sucks. Oh well, when I'm around them they are nice to me, so that's good.

I'm going to my dad's on Friday, and that's going to be fun. My sister is there, my grandparents will be there, my cousin Chris will be there. We are going to hook up two computers side by side for an insane amount of starcraft ownage. It will be completely ridiculous: no one will be able to stop us.

Drama? Yeah right, but school's coming up. I'm going to go for a third year of no success. If you don't try, you can't fail right? And I can't succeed if I don't try, right? Going to go for the status quo unless something fall's in my lap.

Yay for the status quo.
Boo for nobody left to date. [hahahaha]
Yay for starcraft.
Boo to lack of my friends who know about starcraft.
Yay for Bible study.
Boo to the last Bible study in 2 hours.
Yay for seeing dad.
Boo to being in Houston for 10 days.

That's it.

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