
Saturday, April 30, 2005

Yeah, Jason, you are right. After that, you know, - they owe us.

That's the good ole Jason I know: crossing the line and not meaning a word of it.


The longest PS EVER: Ok, so the trip home was super awesome, and I got to see all kinds of friends, random student teachers I had, my sister DOMINATE her part as Gertrude McFuzz, some girl Andrew works with that is always behind me in the Schnucks line getting alcohol, Aug and Lois, grandma Harper, my mom (Nick called her Mrs. Bish!!!!!), my dad (those two at the same time - that doesn't happen much - they held conversation for a few minutes on Saturday! awesome!), high school friends that ditched out, and Andrew who never ditches out. It was a superfun time. (Right now, I would make a new paragraph, but that'd require a PPS and make this not the longest PS ever). My dad embarrassed the crap out of me with some of the stuff he said after he got a little drunk. I mean, we all know that our parents are supposed to embarass us.... but it was just a tad bit weird to deal with all of that. And Lois asked "How's the lady love?" right in front of her. I mean, what the crap do I say to that? Awkward. Fortunately, she laughed. I guess it is kinda funny. Regardless, all the weird stuff that happened didn't matter too much. We got to sing songs around the fire, hang with my sister who I am really really proud of, and I saw a lot of people and we just got to chill and have a really relaxing and yet fun night. Then, my dad gave me my birthday present - a guitar! Watchout Brent, I'm gonna dominate you before too long (haha...... yeah right). Ok I'm done now. Bye!

From Nick's post, I think it's plain to see that girls have way too much influence over us. Being able to cause anxiety and sleeplessness with just a few words is a sign of way too much power.

If girls didn't use, "we need to talk, later," they'd just pick up some other phrase and we'd have to learn to start fearing, "we should get together" or "wanna hang out sometime?" Females have an innate understanding of psychology, and classical conditioning is their way of training us.

Besides, since when have girls needed to talk? We should just be able to get together and make-out proportional to the amount we spent on them for the date, right? (end sarcasm)

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Hi folks!

Thanks Jules for your post on how girls might feel. It's good to know that girls probably feel a little territorial themselves. Beefy! I guess it's just human nature (human nature doesn't mean it's good..... usually the opposite).

So I'm talking to LeAnne yesterday, and she says to me, "What, Nicki is coming to Alton for the trip?"
"Maybe," I answer her.
"Oh. How is Jason supposed to make out with your sister if Nicki is there?"

That is hysterical. But, in the meantime, let's say I'm pumped for the trip down to see the musical. We're leaving at 2:45 Friday and getting back 2ish Saturday, and I just got word that Augie and Lois really don't care that much about how many people I bring - he says the more, the more fun it will be! Now, I don't want all of the 1000's of people that check this blog daily (ha) to go, because that would be ridiculous, but if you didn't know about this, or recently heard about this and weren't originally invited, and if you are interested in going, we don't have any car space left but if you can get a ride you're welcome to come. I didn't invite you all originally because I simply couldn't, nothing to do with what I think of you. Anyway, my sister has the lead in the musical, so it's going to be amazing. Friday night's activities will include a bonfire and chilling at Aug's. YES! Let's pray for good weather!

Andrew's in too, which means that it will basically be the best time ever. Home readers, I want you to come out Friday night!

Fun times ahead!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Post time!

What's up everybody! Ahh man, life is good lately, let me just say that. School is winding down, and everything in life now is pretty sweet.

I'll have to say that I seriously had a lot of fun at semi-formal, maybe the most fun I've ever had at a dance? Well, there was that time in 7th grade when the most attractive girl in school danced with me... that was awesome. And I have had a lot of fun at various dances, but this dance had a few firsts for me:

1. First time dancing with a girl that wanted me to non-slowdance with her. It was actually fun to dance, regardless of how HORRIBLE I was. Last time I tried dancing at a dance was about 4 years ago at Jr. prom, and afterwards the girl spread rumors about how bad of a dancer I was. What is with that? (We nicknamed her WURQ later, for What's Your Redeeming Quality ... that was mean, but she was pretty evil about the entire thing because she liked me and I didn't like her back - she had it coming). I don't think it'll happen again, but if Lisa does talk about how bad I dance I know I deserve it. Regardless of the fun I had dancing, I'm still definitely horrible at it.

2. It was the first dance where I felt like I knew 85% of the people there and they were all my friends. How cool is that!? Even on project I wouldn't call all of them my friends, but at CRU I feel like I know most everybody. So it was fun that, between the dancing, there was lots of talking, picture taking, catching up, and just an all around good time. Totally awesome.

3. It was the first time I took a girl to a dance and didn't drive. I mean, once the girl drove me but she invited ME to the dance. In this case, I invited her but she actually ended up driving me home. That is lame! I need to fix this problem in the future. It didn't contribute to the enjoyment I had that night, but it was a first and since I am running out of ideas I'll put it on here.

Among other things, I also learned that black shoes don't go with khaki pants. Who knew? Also, a brown belt with khakis is also standard. And I need to learn to tie a tie. I guess I'm not that fashion guru I thought I was.


Off to learn to tie a tie,

*** EDIT ***
I have since learned to tie a tie. It took me all of 25 minutes. YES! 6:24

Hello hello my dears!!
Again, I am the slacker on the blog!!! The end of this semester is going to be so so crazy!! ahhhh!! hehe! oh well! Hmmm, what's new? I went to Chicago for a night this weekend, and I must say it was awesome!!! I had sooooooooo much fun, and I gots to say is that I have the bestest boyfriend and sister ever!! :)
But Bish and Jason, back to your guys' posts. Hmmm...I can see why u brought up this issue, but I'm not exactly sure how to address it. I guess girls kinda go through the same thing. I mean, if one of our friends likes a guy, we usually turn off that switch b/c we would never want to bring a boy in between friendship. So, in a way, I guess that is us "calling" a guy. And yeah, we definitely get....hmmmm maybe mentally possessive when we see a girl we don't know going after a guy we like, especially if we have never told that guy how we feel. We (maybe I should be saying "I" hear, but you guys know what I mean), in a way, feel threatend in the same way you guys both said u did. Kind of like, comparing ourselves to the other girl, trying to find out where we stand in our crush's eyes, completely overanalyzing to see if we have a chance and if our intentions/feelings have been understood. Definitely a difficult situation to be in. But to somewhat say something about the position you guys (and i mean every guy, not just u two!!),Bish, you are definitely right when you said controlling a girl will not get you in with her b/c it definitely won't. And again, you are right when you say girls are rollar coasters and sometimes are unsure of what we want. I know this is completely true of myself. Unfortunately, all i think I can give you guys is that you do just have to trust that girl, that she will figure things out, and that she will be open and honest with you during the unknown and then again when she has figured things out. I guess the most important thing is to be patient with us, and then we will be honest with you when we ourselves have figure it out. Hope that helped! :) ~Julie

Friday, April 22, 2005

Sorry, blogger was down earlier when I went to post, so it kinda got pushed back until now.

Well, I would say our territoriality stems from two points, our selfishness and our protectiveness. We instinctively look out for ourselves first of all, and if that means "our" girl might be on the edge of no longer being "our" girl, we're going to act to stop that. Our competitive nature steps in, and suddenly the girls are a prize to be won, an honor to be defended, and first and foremost, somebody you hold near and dear you'd like to keep close.
Or say we're just pursuing a girl, you've made your intentions known and maybe with more "getting to know each other" or just more time hanging out something more might become of it. So, that's the position we're in (I use this because, it's the role I'm most experienced with...) and we're pretty good at reading other guys (because what males do seems obvious to us, but oblivious to girls) and we just play the old favorite game, "Which one of these doesn't belong?" Along with the fact that we're paying special attention to this girl, we can tell when a guy is there with the sole intentions to pursue. It isn't really the guys fault, nor do we have any claim to this girl, but the position you're in really sucks. You feel jealous, what if this guy has something you don't, or what if she didn't understand when you asked if she'd like to go out sometime. It's an act of self-preservation, physically we control ourselves and don't run up to the guy with a dash-punch to the face, and yell, "GG , G flippin' G!" But emotionally, we know we have to control ourselves as well and we start doing small things to try to keep "our" girl closer, we'll call more frequently, try to spend more time with her, it might set us back to the "I have to impress her" stage or anything that is destructive to our relationship. We were able to realize how awesome she was before he did, we should be able to reap the benefits of our earlier investment.

Unfortunately, that's our thinking and how we act on it. It usually does more harm than good, as you said Bish, "Controlling a girl is not going to get you more in with her, but is probably just going to alienate her more." It's unfortunate and we must just trust the girl, if we've made our intentions known, that she might spare a second-thought to think about us. This probably sounds pretty pansy-ish, but it can really hurt when some other guy tries to cut in on this little dance you've got going. So, we should at least be able to understand/sympathize when the situation is going the other way, but sometimes it's not so easy to see clearly.

As for being protective of ex-girlfriends, I don't have anything to say, because I don't have any ex-girlfriends. But, I am protective of what seems to be random girls. Along with friends, sometimes, you'll just meet a really cool and sweet girl that deserves the very best, and you just want to do what you can to help her out. Sometimes you'll slow down your pace, just to keep a random girl in earshot as you walk ahead at night.
I've never been a fan of the "let them make their own mistakes, they'll learn that way" mentality. Some mistakes are really difficult to recover from, and if I can prevent her (same goes for all friends) from taking any pain, I would gladly do so.

As we can deal with toning down our competitiveness and keeping ourselves from outright hating a guy because he likes the same girl you do, heck, we should be best friends, we have similar tastes. So girls should be able to deal with our wanting to protect them. That means letting us walk with you at night and don't feel guilty, we feel better this way.

So our attitudes in this situation are just another one of those puzzle piece edges where we'll eventually find the piece that matches. I don't think we should have to prove ourselves/constanatly impress in order to stave off the fear that the girl we dig might start liking somebody else. Hopefully, girls can understand this and might have some way to help us out. Jules, anything?

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Hey, could I get some feedback on my last post. This is where you come in, Julie.

And Jason, I feel like you might have some relevant comments. Maybe I'm wrong though, I have no clue.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Why are we territorial?

Well, you are completely right, first of all. Girls aren't possessions, and we have no right to claim them or want to control them. However, we do want to. In some sick and twisted way, suddenly we start basing our own personal happiness on how much they are interested in us and want to spend time with us. I mean, partially that is understandable. We feel really happy when things are going well, and it's only responsible of us to be concerned when things seem like they aren't going well. Girls want us to be concerned with them. The hard thing is watching them do stuff that seems to break that feeling of trust that is achieved when mutual feelings are "reciprocated." Then we get controlling, and then we start getting selfish. Regardless of how much it sucks, we have to let our standing with them stay the same as they try to figure out what they're going through. Girls, unfortunate as it may be, have the perogative and tendency to not be sure, be afraid, and not to be totally on top of how they feel all the time. They are like rollercoasters. As they go through those things, we just need to realize that girls will be girls and that they will figure it out on their own time. Controlling a girl is not going to get you more in with her, but is probably just going to alienate her more. Through all of our territorial nature, we need to recognize that we need to stand resolute in where we're at, whether that is in a situation with currently "reciprocated feelings" or feelings that are gone and in the past. Then we can let the girl decide how she feels for herself. They deserve that.

In the case of past girlfriends or people of the past you care for, I've never really felt territorial in that instance. For that one, Nick, you are on your own.

Good topic - funny you brought it up. Drama overlaps so many times.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Well, where to start. I don't know exactly what I should say, what I can say, and what is smart to say, so I'm not going to say much I guess. It's for my own safety. As far as drama goes, there's been way too much. And I'm serious.

- Trips -

Yesterday was a trip! It was a car trip to nowhere (giant circles), a trip to the arboretum, a mind trip (I couldn't have seen that one coming!!), the opposite of an ego trip, an unintentional guilt trip, a trip to dinner (or ice cream), a trip to the movies, a trip to PAR, actually tripping over Jason, and a trip to the end zone (ultimate). It was definitely a trip although I think it had a happy ending.

In other news, my most embarassing moment was when I was studying with Andrea Cosman, Melissa Goelitz (I think that's her last name, something like that), and a room of other people I didn't know for MCB 250. I had to fart really bad, but you know how you fight it off after a bit of time. Well, I fought it off. But then, maybe 20 minutes later (the fart could not have been further from my mind), suddenly I had to sneeze. So focusing on the sneeze, I simultaneously ripped this HUGE fart that was so loud. I mean, if you fart when you have to fart, it's big enough, but imagine like 20 minutes of waiting. It was terrible. I think I laughed more than everybody else, mostly out of having nothing else to do. I mean, what do you do in situations like that?

1. Pretend it didn't happen.
2. Laugh hysterically.
3. Run and never talk to them again.

I chose number 2 - it's the most honest. And plus, laughing is fun.

So I guess that adds one last trip - a trip down memory lane.
Cheesy endings,

Friday, April 15, 2005

Welcome aboard, Nick! May your days as author be fun and dramatic.

Sorry that I haven't posted too much lately, I don't have a whole lot of drama. I can't figure out if that's a good thing or not. There are some points in your life where you want drama and would like to have somebody as a result of concluding drama. Right now, this semester, there's just a lack of drama coming from my corner of the world. So, that's my excuse for not posting much, unlike Jules and Bish, I don't have a whole lot to tell.

But, it's beautiful weather out, I get to watch the trees' leaves bud more and more each day. There's Ultimate Frisbee later on this afternoon and girls have that bonus of having baked goods whenever they're around, so life is good.

That's all for me,

P.S. The guys now vastly outnumber the girls, I think we should start discussing issues and just use our numerical superiority to disprove all false male stereotypes. Anybody?

Thursday, April 14, 2005

What is up everybody!

Nick, welcome to the "Webpage o' Drama." I'd like everyone to be able to see Julie, Jason and my invite to him. It goes:

"After rigorous debate and searching through various candidates, the search for the newest member of Julie and Bish's "Webpage o' Drama" has been narrowed down to you and the Microsoft paper clip, however...

The paper clip declined. Therefore, we are happy to invite you as our newest member. You are not a guest speaker - you will be a permanent addition to our team of drama blogging's elite, if you should so choose to accept this mission."

To all the people that would love to be a member but weren't invited - sorry. There weren't many freshmen candidates, and having an older person would be bunk. So yeah, if there are any hurt feelings just know that you can still email us your prospective posts - we're just super picky about them.

Nick, you need to humiliate yourself a few times to get our readers to love you.
That's what I did!
= )

Hello hello my dears!!!!
Oh my goodness where to start??? First of all, I must say yay for life being absolutely great right now!! I just got back from kmass, so i'm just as happy as can be. And yes, classes are kicking my butt, but everything else is going just peachy. Yay for having amazing people in my life-i love all of you guys!!!! Bish, your post on Andrew's birthday (btw-happy belated birthday dear!) made me think about the gazzilion awesome memories I have with all the people in my life, making me smile non-stop!!! So thanks for that!!
Also Bish, I completely agree with you on the whole casino thing! I went after I turned 21 with my entire family, and honestly, it made me sick. I don't know if anyone who is reading this is big into the whole gambling scene, but I just couldn't take it. I played with $20 on the slots b/c the price to get into the card games is ridiculous, and I just had to stop. I was sitting there on what was an extremely crowded day on the boat, just watching people throw their money away. I was like, hmmm wanna help pay for my college education?? I could not believe how easily people were just throwing their money away. I seriously cut my family off. I was like, ok you are DONE!!! Not that they gamble a lot, b/c they don't. I just couldn't take it anymore!!! So yeah, no more gambling for me anytime soon unless it involves cards at someone's apartment one night!
Hmmmm..I'm trying to think what else b/c I did have lots to say before I started this! Oooh yeah, finally told my dad about me staying down here for the summer after puting it off for as long as possible. And he didn't yell at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And for those of you who don't know my dad, this is shocking!!! He was just sad-I could hear it in his voice (yes, i'm a baby and told him over the phone), and I almost felt bad!! But let me tell you, that is a HUGE weight lifted off my chest!! Other than that, just been having lots of fun-yay for an awesome past weekend. But on that note, I'm off to make my night even better by actually getting 6 hours of sleep!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! hehe! sweet dreams my dears!! ~Julie
P.S. WELCOME NICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Monday, April 11, 2005

So, drama happened, and so it must be recorded.

Now I know you all are freaking out (I can't believe he's going to write about drama right now, EVERYONE reads this!!!), but I can assure you that there is no reason to be afraid.

Tonight, Chris dropped me off, but beforehand he actually dropped off a lady with undisclosed name, because to say her name would make me an idiot (as if somehow I'm not one already). As I sit in the back of his incredibly sexy '68 GTO, he pulls to the side of the road. She says, "Thanks for the ride"

He says, "Sure, no problem."

Then he gets out of the car and walks her to the door. I think to myself, "What the...?" and then I realize! HE IS GOING FOR IT!!! So I watch him get close to the door, stop, turn to her, they both stop, and then they talk for about 45 seconds. Then he starts coming back.

Immediately as she goes in, I start clapping as loud as possible. As he enters, I said, "Did you do it?"

And he's like, "Yep."

And I say, "You asked her to semi-formal?"

And he says "Yep, to semi formal."

It was smooth and brilliant. Thanks a billion for making my night C.S.SWANSO, what did you did was impeccably awesome.

And he points out that with his situation and mine combined, that the apocalpyse is nigh. He says, "What, you're telling me that a girl actually..." and I'm like "Yeah, I can't figure it out either."

Ha. Some things just don't make sense, but that's a good thing.
Yay for good drama! Night everybody!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Hey everybody!
So my weekend at home has been pretty fun. Tonight, I went to the casino and it was quite an experience, let me tell you.

So, the night started out and I brought a whopping $22.00 to the pastel colored Alton Belle Casino (it looks horrid, I promise). So Andrew and I walk in, and we go and look the place over. We notice there are three floors, and only one of them has games with actual card dealers and the like - the other floors just have slot machines. Finding that there was a 5.00 minimum on blackjack, we decided that we would go and play penny slots.

My night hit its peak after I won my very first try at the slot machines, pocketing a clean nickel. That put me at 22.05. Yes! However, they got me down to only 3 bucks left, and I went and spent that on a deli sandwich and a sprite at Schnucks. So I blew 19 bucks at the casino, funneling it to the government as fast as possible. It's pretty dumb, and I don't think I'll ever go again.

Penny slots are completely hilarious. First of all, they have the most RANDOM names and themes. I played one that was called "Salmon Run." I'm not kidding. The goal was to randomly get combos of stuff so that you could get money, like every slot machine. But the little things, instead of reading "Bar" or "7" or having the little cherries or whatever normal slot machines have, instead they have pictures of bears, salmon, hunters with rifles, and all kinds of other stuff like that. Andrew played one called "Africa" where there were pictures of tribal people in weird garments and with weird jewelry, pictures of pyramids, a picture of the continent of africa (so creative), and to top it all off this "golden lion" thingy that for some reason gave extra spins for free.

I want to ask this question: who came up with this crap? And why the heck did I play it??? Whoever decided to make "salmon run" and "africa" certainly had a target audience in mind, and if it was a 21 year old college guy then I'll be pretty surprised. I should not have ever been drawn to play that machine, and I promise I never will again. I should be playing one with textbooks or something. I'm surprised there wasn't a Christian one that had Bibles, crosses, and pictures of famous missionaries and what not. These people will do anything to get you to sit down at their slot machine. I felt like a complete tool of the system. It was so sad to see the people there in mass pouring their money down the drain. I watched a girl put 20 bucks in a machine and have it all lost in about 3 minutes. = ( Then I remembered I basically did the same thing - but at least I can plead ignorance and vow to never do it again.

I am convinced that choosing to go to the casino is not a logical decision for any rational person.

On top of everything else, I got a headache from the smoke.

Casinos suck, deli sandwiches are good, and yay for upholding the plans that Andrew and I made about 6 years ago. Now after drinking alcohol and going to the casino, I really feel 21. All I know is that if this and alcohol are what I get for being 21, I'll go back to being 18 again, thank you very much. I think marriage is supposedly the next big step after being 21, and then you hit 40 and your life is over. So basically, I've had a good run.

Don't ever go to the casinos and make me tell you I told you so,

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Andrew's birthday is today!!!

Speaking on the subject of friends last time, I'd like to say that I'm not sure there's anyone in the world that knows me as well as Andrew, save maybe my mom (but it's really close). Having been best friends since Kindergarten or 1st grade, I can't really remember a period of time when I didn't consider him as the closest friend I know.

So, to Andrew -
You are the best friend that a person could want. Between countless thousands (and I am not overestimating) hours of games we've played, whether video games or sports, or board games or cards, between countless thousands of hours (I am still not overestimating) of conversations concerning girls, life, the future, friends, God, money, and random crap that doesn't matter, and between countless nights spent awake in one of our basements (usually yours) just talking while waiting to fall asleep, I'd like to say that there's no one on this Earth that I hold more dear to my heart. In all seriousness, thank you for your awesomeness, your hilarity, your seriousness, your passion, your competitive nature that challenges me so much, your wisdom and your bluntness, your willingness to stand up and say what it is on your mind, and ultimately your friendship. If I relived my life this far without you, it would be far more boring, there would far less laughter, far less enjoyment, far less singing, far more hours spent in solitude and far less time spent having fun for the sake of having fun. I would be far less cool and slightly less corrupted (Andy had a bigger part in that).

Remember the time we went and broke the rules to help out at that food giveaway so you could see Marina? Remember the time when you yelled "Do the DEW!!!" and totally poured Mountain Dew all over your face? Remember the time when we karaoked "All the Small Things?" at our Senior Prom? Remember Junior Prom when we all ended up basically ditching our dates and just hanging out together? Remember when we coined the terms "Crusty McFiatch, Bleem Takoosh TBD, and TBS?" Remember all the times in Junior High when we spewed milk all over the place, especially the time that one of us (I can't remember which, but I think it was you) said, "This is the sound of a dying goose?" Whoever did that was seriously being hilarious. Remember the times spent on the way to school with the WLCA's "LIGHT UP THREE LIGHTS ON THE PHONE! YES, THAT'S RIGHT!" over and over again! LOL! Remember massive swoosh gestures concerning Big Eyes, and when Ryan Boyer tried to put the scrabble piece down her pants? Remember when April Rhodes stood on her desk and flicked off Mrs. Wiggers with both fingers? Remember when we all partied when you asked out Heather Jones and she said yes, and how we all mourned with you when she said no the following Monday? Remember how we used to be exactly the same in everything, and still are in a lot of ways, like randomly ending up with identical cars, identical shoes, generic hairstyles 1 and 2, ramping our bikes the same distances at Dan's house that one day, and having the same sense of humor? Remember actually paying for burnt CD's freshman year from Nick Hausman? Remember lego wars? Remember when you SLAMMED MITCHELL ONTO THE PAVEMENT REALLY REALLY HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!! (That's like the highlight of my life). Remember plotting to take over the entire world? You got Europe if I remember correctly (Boyer got Africa in the most politically incorrect way ever). Remember when we dominated at everything, including Scholar Bowl and Chess? Remember me playing Scholar Bowl and you playing chess even though neither of us liked it that much just so the other would have a team? Remember the post Columbine bomb threat? Remember ditching Lorenzo and playing our "Tri-annual 99 minute Smash Brothers game?" Remember when you came up for Spring Break with me to my dad's 8th grade and we played Twisted Metal 2 for about a week straight? Remember all the times we played Street Hockey, Basketball, one on one hockey, hide go seek or kick the can, or basically any other game that exists that we knew about? Remember Mrs. Amschler and how you brought in the spare scrabble piece holder in the biggest suck up way ever?? HILARIOUS. And she looked like a squirrel too. And Mrs. Pierce told you that she'd put you in, but she wanted to win, and then you became the best person on the team by far in about 3 days. Forget her. And finally, remember how for each birthday and Christmas we each gave the other 10 bucks so we didn't have to do any work?? = )

So Andrew, thanks a lot for everything in my life you've been a part of, which is basically everything. It's hard to express in words everything that these past 16 years of friendship have meant to me, and it is a little sad writing this because I know that I hang out with you less and less as each year goes by. Regardless, I know you'll always be there for me, and me for you too. So peace bro, and happy birthday!

For your birthday, I wanted to get you a band of singing midgets, because that's basically the best thing that I could possibly do. I couldn't find any though. So maybe next year. In the meantime, you got this post.

; )


Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Bish, Amen to that! ~Julie

Monday, April 04, 2005

Hey everyone!

Well, these past two weeks have, quite possibly, been the most drama packed weeks of my entire college career. I don't even know how to start summarizing the piles and piles of crap that have gone down. I'm not even sure if I should!

So here's what I want to say. To all my friends, everywhere, I love you all even when you piss me off and make me mad. When you argue between each other, I don't like to take sides and I try to empathize as much as possible. Sorry if I gossiped or talked about people behind their backs.

My friendships are friendships that last forever. I don't care if you piss me off, or if I piss you off, or if we disagree on religion, politics, or even lifestyle choices. I don't care if I break up with you or you with me, if I move away, if you move away, or if I ask you on a date and you say yes or no (or even yes and then no). I don't care if you get 3000 piercings all over your body and do all kinds of crazy stuff that I completely disagree with. I don't care if you have a kid with your ex girlfriend. I don't care if you propose to girls that could care less about you and get denied, and I don't care if you ditch me from time to time. I don't care if you get drunk, and I don't care if you want to join the secret service or if you go off to the military. I don't even care if you annoy the crap out of me by talking non stop about some model in Canada or something. = )

As much as I may hate the choices we make, or the things that come between us, we're always friends. Even if I've only seen you once since high school, I want you all to know that I hold you dear in my heart. The concept of losing friends, to me, is foreign. The only times that happens is when someone willingly rejects me as a friend, to the point of not caring about me anymore. And that's only happened once.

So despite any of the drama, or anything that happens between us, you all are my friends and my friends you will be as long as I live. And hopefully after too (but I don't control that).



Hey my dears!!
All I have to say is:
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ILLINI!!!!!!!! Enjoy the game you guys!! ~Julie

Friday, April 01, 2005

I want to make the best post ever but I can't for whatever reason.


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