
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Hey everybody!

Well, things are going ok for me nowadays. No big drama, just steadily grinding away at life, which includes a sermon on Sunday and Bible study tonight. That's about it for me.

I hope life is good for everyone else. If I had drama, which thank goodness I don't, I'd post it.

Wish me luck on my sermon! Hebrews 10:14-22 rocks my world, as it should yours as well.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

So here's the reasons to play the character Bish on the online WPOD based RPG.

Bish is a good guy. Most everybody likes him, for the most part. He's funny, he's socially capable and gets along well in most situations. He's goofy, and a nerd, but somehow manages to be 'cool' although he doesn't see it. He likes to go after Christian girls, but usually only non Christian girls ever like him. His family tells him he's attractive, but he doesn't think so himself.

Since it's an RPG, there will be plenty of different options. These will include date the friend, date the friend's roomate, date the friend's friend, date all of them, try to date random girls, get hit on by attractive country twins, etc. He will have the option of getting turned down only to have the girl begin dating her future husband 1 week later, when she said she had a pact to not date until 5 months from then (if you choose this path, be sure to be happy for her, because it really is a good thing!). He can have crushes on girls worthy of his time, crushes on girls that aren't worthy of his time, like random girls not knowing anything about them, and more! His special abilities include "get into a friendship with attractive godly woman," "play starcraft to gain HP," "play guitar to scare away people nearby," and finally the passive ability "bish gene" that results in A's regardless of quality of work done or quantity of time spent.

Also, when you get to be Bish you will find that about 1 out of every 20 guys will be weirdly intimidated by you and try to show off by pretending they know everything and trying to dominate the situation. This happens unnaturally frequently to Bish, and when that happens he starts acting really nice to piss the person off (man I love that story) or else he just leaves because he really can't stand it. Sometimes, unfortunately, he has to take it, which results in disgruntled Bish.

Everything you try will fail. Even when you try hard. But people like you! It's quite the interesting ride. And of course, remember, you're one of God's elect which makes it all worth it. Oh, and he can throw a frisbee really far.

Try the Bish character out... who wouldn't want to?

Somehow they always manage to cram the longest days in the shortest weeks.

I'm going to go make dinner since I haven't eaten in 15 hours since eating only half of my bowl of cocoa puffs in between practicing my speech.

Don't worry about me, I'm keeping busy. For one of my history courses, I was reading this excerpt from a play by Euripides and thought this quote was blog-worthy.

"Therefore, should anyone put down women? Won't those men stop their empty fault-finding, the ones who strongly believe that all women should be blamed if a single one is found to be bad? I will make a distinction with the following argument: nothing is worse than a bad woman, but nothing is more surprisingly superior than a worthy one."

That is one small thing that motivates us and will continue to keep the blog filled with plenty of material on our risky endeavors.

(Anybody else think that this should be turned into a video game called 'Adventures & Drama'? I figured it'd be a pretty cool party-based RPG. Michael, get to work on it. Call in recruits of all our other CS/Math & CS majors. We've already figured out the stats for all the main characters. You could play as one of the main characters named Bish, he's got really high charisma stats, but it's impossible to win with him. (Just kidding))

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Nice posting guys. Good to hear from you all. Jason is always one to have his adventures, although they are to all kinds of different places.... like........ I won't finish my thought. Haha.

I wrote my first song in the past three days. It is such a feel good song, it makes me smile. I won't write the lyrics here, you have to hear me perform it.

It is beautiful. My favorite line is "I'll play starcraft all day."

It's glorious.

I'll have a better post in the future, gonna grab some lunch now and head to work.

The end

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Well, everybody else is posting, I want in on the fun!
Hope everybody got to spend some time with their fathers this weekend or at least gave them a call.

(Only for the fact that this is the webpage o' DRAMA do I bring this up) To the date, this concludes my 7th year of being single. So, do the math, yeah, it was in 8th grade, I really wouldn't count it anyways. So, as I begin my 8th year of being single, I am realizing more and more of how I want things to work out for my future drama, but I'm also more and more becoming submissive to what the future brings. I don't care how it happens, it'll happen if it's supposed to. This is fine by me because I'm realizing that there's also a very painful side to drama. Often we just focus on the benefits, the best case scenario, and leave it at that. I think I'm afraid to admit that it might not hold all the answers, it won't right all the wrongs, but there is healing love in a committed relationship. All I keep hearing about lately is the stupid guy or girl that cheated on his significant other or how a person's only in the relationship for physical gratification, and it irks me. There are consequences and repercussions to our actions, and doubly so if we involve another person in our life.

I have had more adventures than drama lately, take today for example. I forget my everyday shoes at home because I left right after church and visiting the grandparents and was still wearing my dress shoes. So, I go to buy another pair of shoes, figure I'll just make my forgotten shoes my full jogging/Ultimate shoes, and get a new pair. While I'm out, I stop by Meijer's to pick up some things. On my way out, there's a wallet on the ground in the parking lot; Nobody's around, so I pick it up and see if I can't find a phone number. There's a driver's license on the front, so I have a name but nothing else. Flip it open and there's an I-Card. Well, that makes it easy. I'll just go use the 'Find People...' find her phone number, and call to see if she's missing something. Well, I go to the 'Find People' and CITES has really trimmed down the available info on StalkerNet, but she's trimmed it down even more. There is nothing there besides the e-mail address. Well Jason, time for your stalker skills to shine. I e-mailed her but didn't hear back within the next half hour. I did a google search and just came back that she was a nuclear engineering TA but only an office phone number and the same e-mail address. Well, what else do I have... There's a AAA card, maybe they have a phone number registered with the account, wait, it's Sunday they're closed. There's a library card, maybe contact information available online. Okay, go to the Champaign Library, type in the library card number, now a PIN number. Hmm... What's that? Ah, the last 4 digits of your phone number. D'oh! If I knew that I wouldn't need into the Library page. I went to her netFiles and may have found my biggest lead. I saw her thesis and also a contract for renting and repairs on a building. Mapquest the address for that building and find out where the house is. Alright, I could stop by there tomorrow. It's a pretty far out there assumption for that address to mean something. I even signed up for theFaceBook and searched for her, found nothing, and deactivated my account. Well, I got nothing. But... let rise for 4 hours and *bam* new e-mail. She's very gratefully replied to the e-mail I sent. It's been arranged to get the wallet back to her, and the case of Jason and the Lost Wallet can be closed, all because I forgot my shoes.

See what I mean about more adventures than drama. I am by far not complaining for the reasons I previously stated. Maybe I need to grow up a bit? Hmm... A question to be tackled another day, I'm going to read some e-reserves for one of my courses then watch Teen Titans and Justice League Unlimited before bed (I'll grow up in all aspects except for watching cartoons).

Nick, enjoy London.
Bish, sorry to hear about your uncle.
Julie, there are crickets chirping in your silence, give us some more updates please.
Everybody else(including the previously-stated 3), have a great week!

Hey everyone. I wrote a post for the WPOD a few days ago about how this is the worst summer ever, but I just put it on the secret blog for the sake of everyone who might ever read it. It wasn't pretty.

I won 8 bucks in poker tonight. Sweet. And I have a poster of the guitar chords. I can do almost all of them. That makes me a pro. Now to learn rhythm and .... songs.... and..... the stuff that makes someone a good guitar player.

School is too far away, but I'm scared of it. I look forward to PAR and E team a lot.

For the drama? Haha, yeah right. You wish don't you.

Good night,

PS: RIP uncle Barry, we'll miss you.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Hey everyone. I know nobody actually got the "cuz he's in left mid ... roflcopter" thing, and if you did get it, you need to send me an email because we should play sometime. I had to put it in there, because it was probably the highlight of my week and you guys were all awesome at making me feel good that night. I appreciate that a lot.

Plus, I love reading through the archives every now and then and coming across old random stuff that is just so hilarious. For me, and probably not for all of you, that conversation will be one of them.

Just wanting you all to know I didn't expect you to get that joke, or even think there was much of a chance you did. I'd even be surprised if Michael got it. My good ole friend Ryan Boyer did, though, and it even took him awhile even though he's played about 6000 games of starcraft. The joke was so insanely random that there was basically no chance for you all to get it, even if you had mild starcraft experience.

Without a life,

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

jimiVoodoo323: yeah man
jimiVoodoo323: my friend
jimiVoodoo323: got text message dumped
jimiVoodoo323: thats like getting nydused
jimiVoodoo323: if it were starcraft
jimiVoodoo323: but its not
jimiVoodoo323: its real :-(

everything my cousin says is perfect

but then it got strange

Bishman77: keep going with this analogy
Bishman77: use units
jimiVoodoo323: hahah
jimiVoodoo323: well
jimiVoodoo323: i dont really know where to go there
jimiVoodoo323: but
jimiVoodoo323: hmmm
jimiVoodoo323: well, assuming your terran
jimiVoodoo323: civilized, good looking, chiseled
jimiVoodoo323: your sittin there
jimiVoodoo323: frantically trying to repair everything with your scv's
jimiVoodoo323: but they just keep dying
jimiVoodoo323: because your trying to fix it
jimiVoodoo323: but they just wont have that
jimiVoodoo323: they'd rather not fix anything, and just take the easy way out
jimiVoodoo323: no ally at end
jimiVoodoo323: just run their ass over
Bishman77: hahaha
Bishman77: what the heck are you saying lol?
jimiVoodoo323: haha
jimiVoodoo323: the person that gets nydused
jimiVoodoo323: is terran
jimiVoodoo323: the guy
jimiVoodoo323: you, me, us
jimiVoodoo323: men
jimiVoodoo323: and we are trying to fix everything
jimiVoodoo323: repair, scv's.... etc
jimiVoodoo323: and they just wont have that...
Bishman77: yeah
Bishman77: ok
Bishman77: i think i get you
Bishman77: except how does terran get nydused????????
jimiVoodoo323: hahahahahahhaha
jimiVoodoo323: im sitting here.... cracking up
Bishman77: YES!
jimiVoodoo323: this rules
jimiVoodoo323: haahahahahha
Bishman77: YES!!!
jimiVoodoo323: hahahahha
Bishman77: LOL
Bishman77: i love it
jimiVoodoo323: im spaztically laughing
Bishman77: lol
jimiVoodoo323: wow
jimiVoodoo323: left mid reference
jimiVoodoo323: so clutch
jimiVoodoo323: im proud
jimiVoodoo323: i have to go to sleep
jimiVoodoo323: goodnight sir, goodluck with life
Bishman77: goodnight bro
jimiVoodoo323: ill talk to you in depth tommorow
Bishman77: for shizzle
jimiVoodoo323: and if we are lucky
Bishman77: call if you want
jimiVoodoo323: starcraft

I just read the journal post and wanted to reply. The answer is girls want what they can't have. I'm not sure why. Maybe they think you're not worth dating until they find out some other girl thinks you are. At least they aren't all like that, or nobody would ever have a date.

Comment on Tom's idea:
True, some girls do want stuff that they can't ever have - but this hypothetical isn't inspired by a girl, but by a guy. Interesting? I think so. And negative Bish points for calling the WPOD a journal.

You rock anyway Tom. You don't need Bish points to be cool.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Drama post for the sake of drama:

Here's a hypothetical for you, if you dare. Imagine you like a girl for say, two years. You like her so much she gets to you, you can't stop thinking about her, etc. You even give her nicknames such as ... well, nicknames ... let's leave it at that.

Then, say, after you've found a different girl, that other one that you liked so much suddenly gives you a lot of attention and wants to hang out and do stuff. What the heck is that? Why couldn't they have done it beforehand, back when you were interested? Oh well, they missed their chance, eh? I guess if you snooze, you lose.

Gotta love the hypotheticals.

And this one sure as heck ain't about me. I swear.

That's all folks.

PS: Seriously though, why does that happen?

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Hey Jules, thanks for your blessing, it is appreciated.

I had a great couple days up in Princeville with Lisa. Her friends are cool, and I really enjoyed getting to know her friends Angie and Craig. Angie called me cute - that was pretty sweet. It's always a good thing to be complimented, especially on my looks, because I never get that (probably count them on one hand save if they're coming from my mom or sister). I had a lot of fun, too. Her family is super nice, even her dad that is supposed to be scary. I didn't think he was scary, he always had a huge smile on his face. And he's "good" at chess, too, and supposedly super intelligent with a dry sense of humor. Sounds like my kind of guy, but he didn't really go out of his way to get to know me well. I didn't expect that though, so it was all good.

The time actually spent with Lisa was really good, too. She reads this. That means I'm done writing about it here, because for now I will choose to not be an idiot. Hahahaha.

I guess I've come a long way.

Um, yeah. My old pet peeve was the word "definately." Look it up, it doesn't exist. My new pet peeve has been going on for a month and a week or two, probably, but I didn't really recognize exactly how grumpy it made me until today. It's when people dominate the conversation. I like it when a group of people can talk. That's all I'm going to say.

I've got church at 9 a.m., because my church is old and likes to wake up early. Yes!

Goodnight everyone. = )

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Hey Bish!
You have my blessing-that is all i hafta say. And i must add, well said! And yeah, people interpret that as you will, 'cuz hey, this is the webpage o' drama-what else would i give ya?? sweet dreams! ~Julie

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Thesis: Girls involved in drama almost always hate the WPOD.

It's so obvious, it hardly even needs to be proven. We'll keep on chugging away as best we can though. The point of this post is that there are three ways for you to respond to us crossing the line on the WPOD.

1. Tell us.
2. Send us hatemail, preferably via email, anonymously, but actually with your first name and last initial in the from heading without knowing it. I love that.
3. Continue hating the WPOD, and probably us too as a result, but don't tell us about it. Then you can flip out in the future sometime.

See, one and two have happened, but three hasn't yet. I can feel it coming though. No woman has ever failed to bring up stupid things you've done in the past to get back at you later. It's the way they operate - men, we are doomed.

Regardless, the WPOD will live on. Bros before hos, and I guess as an extension of that policy it'd be W.P.O.D. before the ... lady(ies)? Or the internet before the hairnet? I got nothing. Just lookin' for another catchy phrase. And I'm not even sure if I meant anything I wrote in the second half of this post.

It's not even 2 a.m. and I'm already nonsensical. Ha!


Monday, June 06, 2005

"I need to go back in time to when it wasn't the
communication era. I'd make a pretty good lumberjack or
pioneer or something. Things were simpler then."

I agree, lets go back to Medieval times. You could be a
missionary converting pagans and I could be a knight. Now,
all we need is a time machine.

In the past, summer was a good thing. Now it blows.

I need to go back in time to when it wasn't the communication era. I'd make a pretty good lumberjack or pioneer or something. Things were simpler then.

The end.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Hey kids!!!
Ok, ok, i know: I suck at life, and I have not been posting at all this summer so far. I'm sooooooo sorry!!!! I have been working at least once every day, sometimes twice, and it's absolutely crazy. But i'm having a blast in Champaign-seriously, one of the best decisions I have made by staying here. I have just been working, working out (seriously, if im not home, im at crce or impe-come visit me!!!!), hanging with my awesome peoples, and with my boy! Yay!!! Hopefully i'll get a weekend off soon so i can visit some peoples. Because honestly, i love that im staying in champaign, but i've been craving the city lately. (Craving? what is that???) hehe! anywho, it's been a LONG day (work from 7:20 am til 9) and I am exhausted hence my nonsense short post. But i really hope everyone's summers are going really well. And I promise I will post in response to the other posts soon. I miss you guys!!!! ~Julie
P.S. Hey Nick-def. grew myself a gummy bear the other week! soooooooooo fun!! :)

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