
Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Alright. What's up folks? Times have been good lately, although I haven't had a lot of free time, it's been good to see my cousins and family in Cincinnati. I've spent lots of time spent playing ultimate with my cousins, capture the flag (I have a load of scratches on my legs and arms), making fires for no reason and eating lots and lots of food, including my favorite food of all time, Skyline Chili.

But that's not drama, that's a weekend recap. Here's the drama:

These two twin girls in my psych class at school are really attractive, and everyone in my class knows that I'm the chem guy. So before class we have 20 minutes of free time, and a bunch of us are talking. Well, we end up talking about chem and these twins both wanna be nurses. So the one sitting on the left, two seats in front of me says, "yeah I'll have to take chem next summer. I'm not looking forward to it."

I say, "Yeah, it's a lot of work, you can't really put it off until the night before. You need to study throughout the semester"

She says, "That's not good for me! I always put off studying. I think I'll need someone to help me; can I have your phone number?"

So I'm sitting here in class, dumbstruck, that this girl just asked me for my phone number for a class she's not taking until next summer. Obviously she's interested. This boggles my mind for 3 reasons.
1. Girls never, ever, ever ask me for my phone number.
2. She knows I wanna be a missionary from 'get to know you' type games at the beginning of the semester.
3. She's an 18 year old girl who just graduated from high school! I'm a good 3 years older. Weird...

So, I'm still sitting there, pretty flattered, and she gives this huge smile at me and I dunno what to think. So I didn't answer her question. After maybe 10 seconds of silence I changed the subject and pretended to not hear her. Holy crap.

Anyway, conversation continues and she keeps talking to me, although there are a lot of people talking at the time, and this guy sitting next to me named Scott role plays with a group of home friends. He asks me if I'm friends with them and I say yes, but that I didn't really role play and stuff. Anyway, we talk about one of them, and I say he's fun but he's an idiot cuz he got out of a 2 year relationship with his girlfriend for no reason, slept with another girl, and then his girlfriend that he's still in love with wants to get back with him and he tells her what he did and she is super pissed at him. So I say to Scott, "how could you sleep with a girl the day after you break up with your girlfriend of two years?"

Then, the girl that asked for my phone number says, "Heck, I did it after 4 years! You gotta get over 'em somehow!"

And then I was glad I didn't give her my number. Moral of the story: always pretend that you didn't hear them.

However, later in the conversation after she asked me for my number I dropped a comment about my "girlfriend." That's a false statement (if you don't believe me, check the facebook, it doesn't lie), because obviously I have no girlfriend. I think maybe it helped her feel better about me not giving her my number, and that's probably a good thing.

Finally, a bit of real drama, amusing too. I had to write in on the blog.

One last observation:
I went for a year and a half without finding any Christian girls that liked me at all. Then, I go for 5 days in a class and I have girls asking me for my number. What is up with this crazy world? You would think that I'd be more attractive to Christian girls and less attractive to non-Christian girls, being as I'm a Christian. Who really understands women? I bet they don't even understand themselves.

On that note, I'm done.
Peace everybody!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Well, why thank you Bish! I have to admit, I had no idea where that post was going, and was particularly frightened by that fact. And to think that all this time I didn't have a hard enough time dealing with the trouble I get myself into.

Well, you should be happy to know that I, without glancing back through the posts' list until later to confirm, was very close with the date of that post. I remember where, when, and who was around when that all "went down." Creepy, yeah, but it kinda makes me feel better. I was seriously thinking I was losing my memory abilities with the low amount of sleep at different points in the semester. Weird, but it was an honest concern of mine.

Well, I just wanted to say a few things, to correct a previous post of mine. Nick, it was a pleasure meeting you this year, and inparticularly, you made fall semester awesome also. All the guys on the floor also contributed so greatly to that factor, I apologize if it seemed like I was taking you guys for granted. (We had an improv spades game bust out the other night and it was lots of fun. Unfortunately, Michael's 9-game winning streak ended while I was his partner; but our last game, I partnered with Matt and Michael with Feanil was ended well with a triumphant hand of over-cross trumping for the win!) Fall GetAway (shirt ninja's debut, and so much more), the making of our movie(SSP <3, order your copy now!), getting to know more people from Cru and to get to know them better, and so much more that it can't ever all be listed no matter how good I think my memory is.

Now, on to the present...
I'm back home for the weekend, and it's been pretty eventful. I was busy last night, after getting in too late to really do anything, cleaning up the home computer. It's such a pretty and powerful machine, but she got bogged down with SpyWare and this little hunky-dorry chunk of spyware called the ShopAtHomeSelect Agent. Grr... Stupid thing. It has an LSP that if you don't remove it, you have a Trojan/backdoor and still have the virus/spyware, but if you do remove it, voila! no more internet! Ain't she dandy! Well, I highly recommend this and that for those cases. After that or actually, during different scans, I finally got to watch the Smallville Season Finale with my Dad. Pretty good wrap-up, left hanging, and looking forward to next season, exactly what a season finale should do.

So, this morning, I woke up early, rode my bike into town to cash a check and return a dvd, and rode home. I then got the oil in my car changed and went out for breakfast with my parents. Got home, grabbed an axe and chopped up two trees that had fallen down during the past week, dragged the wood to the back side of the land. Then, I began mowing trim for the next couple of hours, during which I caught 8 field mice and 1 baby bunny. We released the baby bunny off in a woods west of our house, during which I randomly had Sarah, Jake's sister (815-693-XXXX, 1 dollar for each of the last four digits to her cell number), follow me for a bit. I waved to her and she waved back, hopefully upon recognition, otherwise she just waves back at random people. I now have blisters in my palms from the mowing. After that, we had a bonfire with all the wood gathered today. I got to sit and talk with my Dad for a while, so that was good. He enjoyed the story about the cops and our Stress-Free S'mores, but didn't understand the shirt ninja, although he was still amused upon its demonstration. Finally, kicked back and watched Collateral with my Dad. It's a pretty good movie, I officially recommend it.

So, that's about it. Pretty plain, although action-packed day (kinda like how this post has been packed with run-on sentences. I already know Nick, you won't have to tell me.). So now, I'm going to bed, so I'll hopefully be able to wake up early enough for a jog and a shower before church.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Jason is a pretty amazing guy.

1. He can run forever without getting tired.
2. He's not afraid to be himself.
3. He laughs a lot.
4. He doesn't freak out around girls, and is so normal that they think he's creepy. Guess what, we're all weird, and if we acted normal around you at first you would be creeped out. Jason just doesn't hide it like we all do, and for that he is awesome.
5. He's loyal.
6. He puts up with a lot of crap he doesn't deserve to have to deal with, like people being up in his face all year long while he tries to study.

Now that I have done him some lip service (ha!), I'm going to post this "draft" of a post that I never got around to publishing last... oh let's leave the date unmarked. This is pretty funny, if you ask me. I think I didn't post it because it was so obviously directed at people other than me. If anyone can get the date right within a week, excluding Jason Julie and Nick, cuz they can see it on the blog editing page, I'll give you a giant hug or maybe $.25. Either way, you're coming out ahead. Here it is.

Old post - republished

Hey everybody!

So last night I'm like Jason, let's go and play some Euchre. Find someone to be your partner. He goes and asks somebody to be his partner, and that person busted out cop out excuses #1 & #16. So, obviously, the question that must be asked is "what does this mean?"

Well, as I busted into my instinctive overanalysis (based on my huge lack of information) I realized that there are 3 things that must be considered.

1. What was said.
2. Body language.
3. What we want the result to be.

What was said: cop out excuses
Body language: neutral
What we want the result to be: game of euchre and hanging out, followed by baked goods, sammiches and foot rubs (in the future, of course, that's moving pretty fast if you ask me) =)

So obviously, based on the overanalysis, the person wanted to play but couldn't. The person would if given another opportunity where there wasn't as much work to be done. So rock on Jason!

How much of this is based in reality? Virtually none. But that's the fun part of overanalyzation, leading yourself on.



End old post

I miss being able to post about drama on here. It's like a small part of me is gone. Maybe it's just the summer, or maybe it's the personal nature of the drama, or maybe everybody and their brother has already been mad at me at one point for this blog so I'm too scared to write anything except about the other people that write the blog with me. Oh well. I do what I can.

Pastor definitely wants me to give a sermon this summer. What am I gonna give it on?

I want votes:
1. God's sovereignty and purpose in election. (Hahahaha... yeah right there's no way I'd touch this. I don't think even half the people in my congregation know what Calvinism is. This choice is a joke, and even if they did, I'm not sure I'd want to do it anyway.)
2. The necessity of faith in Christ for salvation and God's heart for the world and foreign missions. (I like this).
3. The meaning of what Christ said while on the cross (this is also an amazing sermon that is Gospel packed).
4. Something about the importance of God's word in our daily lives.
5. Miscellaneous.

Me giving a sermon is the craziest stuff I've ever thought of. It's not a talk, it's not a testimony, it's a freaking sermon. One thing I will do though, is definitely pick a passage and exegete it like crazy. Derek Joseph will be so proud of me when I block diagram it.

Mail your votes to bish@uiuc.edu

Peace everybody!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Nick, your situation is beefy, and not hypothetical, but whatever, that's the way the WPOD rolls. You know what to do studman.

Now that Nick's nickname is officially "studman," we can move on to the actual post.

Things are good for me lately. I got the job as an intern at my church although I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing. They're paying me $250 a week. That's almost 3000 bucks over the course of the summer, which is way more than I'd normally make. That is just totally amazing. Other news, Andrew came into town last night and we went to the laundromat (the most exciting place ever, btw), where we played Spades, Bohnanza (weird game based on beans and capitalism...), and I played Go Fish with a little kid who totally cheated me and ended up winning. Gosh!

That little kid was crafty I tell you.

Also, I started class today, bright and early at 8:30. I have a 10 page "research" paper due at the end of June. I think it's going to be a load of crap, basically, and I'm going to go search through my U of I work to see if I have anything that qualifies. Mwahahahahahahaahaha. Reusing old stuff isn't cheating, unless it's somebody else's. And my psych class is going to be a joke. I hope I can stay awake because the professor said that she would throw chalk at us. That might hurt, and she'd be a little peeved (I imagine) if I didn't wake up from it. So my bedtime will continue to be around 11:30 to 12:00. I'm an old man, I guess.

Anyway, that's the update for me. Hope everything is good and I appreciate all of your emails that I've been getting.


Friday, May 20, 2005

Hey! Read Jason's post! I hate covering his up (or anyone's) so quickly, but I do like to keep the updates flowing. Anyway...

Life is good around here. Jason called me out on the WPOD, which means, basically, everybody in CRU and PAR will know within about 15 minutes that I want to "ride on the relationship train." Ha! Hysterical, I think. Plus, I deserve it from what I did to him way back when, when I most OBVIOUSLY and even directly did the exact same thing back to him.
= )
I'm glad we're not enemies or this could end badly.

So, I was reading about your loneliness. It's a crappy thing, you know? I remember wanting a gf so badly all through high school and even a bit in middle school. I finally got one, and boy was it a learning experience, to say the least. I never, ever would have considered it a good thing to not have had one. But on project I met a guy that had never had a girlfriend or kissed a girl or anything, and he was a totally awesome guy (at age 21!), nothing wrong with him socially or physically or anything, just that he hadn't yet. And he said he felt blessed for it too. I think that's amazing. Think about how much more special you will be to your wife when she knows that there's no comparison at all, if that's what ends up happening, and I have absolutely no idea whether it will or not.

Plus, you are totally right, God is working it out for your good. I wanna say you're a great guy Jason and you don't have anything to worry about. You won't be in the bottom 15% that doesn't get married by 25. And if you are... well, Kendra's there too, and she's awesome, so that bottom 15% ain't all that bad after all.

Hi Kendra. = )

Yep! I'm doing alright. Tonight I was actually talking on the phone with Lisa, and I I kept on forgetting what I wanted to say. And it drove me nuts! Now I remember it. I have a plan for something to happen mid to late June, involving a lot of driving and hopefully a lot of fun as well. That's all. Maybe she'll read this and remind me to tell her about it. I'm not sure about the details, because it's about a month away, but I hope the times work out so I can take a trip to see all of the non project people and then take another one later (early august?) to see all of them, additionally, before school starts.

That's it! Goodnight folks.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Hmm... been a while.

Well, this being the webpage o' drama, I don't think it's fair to be so vague about the drama. So, as Bish opened the floodgates at the end of last semester, I figured it'd only be fair to do the same as the Spring semester has ended. So, to summarize what has happened this semester in this small realm of drama(authors) very, very concisely:
Nick, is in his own happy situation, I'll let him decide who knows/needs to know. (which I should be updated on soon, Nick)
Julie's taken (*swooned* for "flowers for no reason")...
Bish wouldn't mind taking a ride on the 'relationship with Lisa' train (Sorry bro... all's fair in love and war. Besides, if you can call her cell to get ahold of you, I think it's pretty obvious.)
and I... we'll delve into that a bit deeper later on.

Speaking of ends of semesters, while unpacking I found the one shady star I've ever received, and it sits on my desk now. I "earned" this one through shady dealings with regards to a certain female. If you don't know, read the archives, it's Bish's call-out I harken back to at the beginning of the post. So, I just met that awesome girl a little more than a year ago now, got my shady star 2 days after my birthday, and Fall semester was what is was because of her.

Have you ever noticed that there are three types of people, those always in a relationship (a serious, practically married couple), those never in a relationship, and those always bouncing between the previous two categories. Now, I don't want to be the person that always complains about being single, so I won't go there. But, that's pretty much how I'll describe my drama, since I said I'd get to it later. A few weekends after Valentine's Day, my mother asked what I got for/from my valentine, and I answered that I didn't have one. She simply shrugged or nodded, and said "You haven't had many, have you?" Well, how about none? It's a bummer, but it's a fact of life. Just recently, though, it's seemed worse. Why? What's changed? I don't know. Feelings of loneliness are unwarranted and unneccesary, but it's kind of how I feel. Particularly, with my personality, I'd like to have somebody close, somebody I can just really invest in and draw close to.

During the past year, the WPoD came under some fire as people thought we were too concerned with girls. That was refuted by the statement that we're not trying to fill a hole in our lives with girls. It's not like we're playing these girls and just using them to satisfy our own selfish desires. Trust me, if I ever meet the guy that makes most of these girls start off with issues and baggage, I don't know what I'll do.

There is no physical hole in my life for a female companion. Somebody to hug and hold would be nice, to kiss, not required. It's just not a dependency. I've made it 20 years without, I can keep going. Then, why, if you've made it 20 years without a significant other, do you feel like you need one now? Well, I'd say the magnitude of having somebody close is much smaller than that of the magnitude of needing somebody to physically satisfy you, whether it's through just being next to you as an icon, a trophy, or as a physical stimuli. To clarify, I would think it to be "worse" if a person sought a companion sheerly for comforting versus just wanting somebody to be there and to be there for somebody. (I want you to want me, I need you to need me... song Ah! Jason singing, even worse!) But, irregardless of the significance of such a request, sometimes it just makes you wonder, "what's wrong with me?" or "what do I keep doing wrong?"

It's not really a problem, I can be single all my life, as it is God's plan, it shall be done. Maybe it's the strength of independence/sole dependence on Him that he wants me to learn. It's never been an issue with looking at the big plan, the future is in the future and I can wait for it to come. It's only the mental issues that bother me with "what do I need to do?"

Which I guess these feelings explain my behavior for near the end of the semester, or at least I hope they do. It's not a quest to fill a hole in life. But, to be liked or for reciprocated feelings, would be a nice change of pace.

Oh well, God's plan, God's timing, I can rest assured in that and I shouldn't try to rush things. It's perfect in the blueprints.

Another 'eureka' before the end of the post...

So, I'm off for a jog, usually start feeling better after mile 4. Hope everybody's having a good summer.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Hey everyone!

Well, we're at home, I guess WoD:SEII has begun (Webpage o' Drama: Summer Edition II). This summer will be more dramatic than less summer, simply because, well, there's way more drama and I have a computer (very different than last summer with a comp every month or so).

Well, my life has gotten interesting. I was (as some of you know) a bit bummed about coming home. My best friend moved to Eastern for the summer, my friends at school are gone, and I'm at home with no job. However, things have been looking up a lot lately. My church pastor has offered me an internship where I'll get to "see what goes on in the church on the inside" (whatever that means) and I might get to give a sermon or two. I'll get paid for it! Holy crap! And also, I am arranging a bible study for the high schoolers and college aged kids that will meet on Tuesdays at 7:30, if everything goes according to plan. That's going to be awesome. So, since it seems like I'll have a natural (and even paid for!) ministry going on, the only thing I'm concerned with is that I might not be fed spiritually as much as when I'm at school, surrounded by fellow believers and the like. I had an interesting thought today. People in leadership in Christianity always are in a spot where they aren't given as much spiritual guidance as those they teach. For example, Scott BERKEY (not Burke) goes to church on Sundays and gets a sermon, and maybe even Sunday school. But he pours his life into the staff that are underneath him at school, and also into the students he leads. Nobody in turn is doing the same for him. He has to be solid enough to be self sufficient in his walk (by self sufficient I mean led by God without the help of other people, different than being independent or not needing help, which of course he does, just that he won't get it from other people as much). On project, Justin Early was radically changed so that he could lead our project, seeming almost a completely different person. Josh Baker has reported a similar phenomenon, that he had no idea where he was getting the ideas he had while he was on project. God totally sustains those leaders that are pouring themselves into the people they lead and teach.

Even Moses in the Bible is an example of this. He had to put up with the completely IDIOTIC Israelite people on their Exodus out of Egypt. He poured his life into the people and was totally sustained by God. Paul too, even standing up against his fellow peers in order to be faithful to what God had taught him. He had no help at all.

Now I'm not saying I'm like Paul and Moses and am going to be this great leader all by myself, but what I am saying is that I hope God will sustain me and my walk with Him while I have much less fellowship this summer and that I'll be like the project directors I know from the past, who were sustained by God and led the people despite a lack of people teaching and guiding them. So that's one thing I'm really hoping for this summer, is that I'll be sustained by God and continue to grow despite my lack of fellowship and instruction.

Anyway, aside from those things, life's alright. I'm kinda bummed about leaving school still, even though things are looking up this summer. I am planning on some roadtrips to see people, including my best friend who moved to Eastern, a stop in Peoria (at least once), and hopefully I'll make the full trip up to Chi-Town so I can see EVERYBODY ELSE. It's just so far, it won't happen much.

Oooh! Also, I'm going on Mission Trip this year to some poor location in the US, where I'll hopefully do roofwork again and I'll actually get to lead my worksite. I'm so pumped for that! That's where I made my commitment to God and it's really exciting to see what happens there. It's just that, in the past, going on Mission Trip has always been a time where I learn and am served in so many ways, but I don't think I'll learn that much. I hope I'm wrong! I really hope that I can serve the kids though. Maybe I'll learn stuff, just of a different nature than in the past.

And the actual drama will remain unnamed. Oh holy cow, I'm kinda like Jules making these vague references. Let me just make a few bullet points.

1. The apartment at 508 E. Clark will be quite the drama filled place next year. No doubt.
2. The summer is not the end of the drama, but the beginning! Holy cow!
3. Jealousy between guys and 'territorialness' as noted by Nick in a previous post may in fact end up an issue. Weird. I hope we can all be friends.
4. Patience for all of us in waiting out this summer is going to be necessary.
5. I have the guitar intro to 'Motorcycle Drive By' down.

Ok, the 5th point is irrelevant, but I'm getting kinda decent at guitar (my picking isn't loud enough, but I don't miss the strings that much). I just need some songs that I can play all the way through other than Last Kiss by Pearl Jam, which is a sweet song but really depressing all the same.

Another piece from a sweet song that's a bit depressing is:
"We'll take our stuff home and we'll be real sad
But summer's short and it won't be that bad"

That line from that song is my rally cry nowadays. Jason, now I know how you feel about hoping semesters go by quick. Hopefully the summer will too. In the meantime, I guess we should all try to enjoy it. It's not even June yet, I can't get whiny now.

Ok, I'll spare you any more ranting, this post is long enough as it is. Welcome to summer, everybody! Let the drama begin.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Hey everyone.

One topic we never get into is what actually happens within relationships. It's always just about starting them up. Maybe this is due to the circumstances of the past, and the fact that we just have horrible luck starting relationships in general. All the same I think it is at least quite telling. It shows that, either we don't know jack about actual relationships, or that we'd never be stupid enough to write about that stuff on the blog.

Ha! I'm definitely stupid enough to do that. Not feeling it now though. Jason, I should give you admin privileges so you can save me from myself (if I write incriminating posts).

Now that my necessary drama related portion is in, I'd just like to expand on something I noted earlier this semester. It is the prospect of me finding girls. Previously, my standards were that I would want a Christian girl, preferably one that is strong in her faith and has views that line up with mine (things such as attractiveness and good personality are important too). Then, I wanted to be a missionary and suddenly I really wanted a girl that would be a missionary with me (also being attractive, having a good personality, etc). At that point, I noted that it would probably be difficult to find a girl that had the same desires as me, due to the lack of girls who actually wanted to do that.

Well, I think that was stupid of me to think, even neglecting the way recent times have gone (they have gone favorably). I don't think that's something I need to worry about, because we know that God is in control and the one that he has for me will be the one that I find. Who knows, for sure, who she is? It could be either a girl I know or a girl I've never seen. It could very well be that there's not one for me at all, as sad as I may now think that would be (in fact, if God doesn't have a girl for me, I look forward to what he's going to do through me with that). Regardless, to think about the narrow percentage of strong, walking Christian women in the world, and then to think again about the narrower percentage of those Christian women that want to be missionaries, well, to think about those things is basically concerning myself with things that don't really matter too much. He knows what I need and he knows what he wants to do with my life and that's good enough for me. If God has a role for me that has only one single possible girl in the world that could be my partner as I fill that role, he'll lead me to her. It's not about percentages or about the likelihood of me actually meeting a girl that shares the same convictions. Instead, it's about the certainty of God's control over my life and the certainty that his will will be carried out, that it is for my good, and that this even includes whatever woman I end up with. This certainty is based on faith, but if I'm ready to be a missionary I think that hopefully I have enough faith to trust God with this too.

I guess I eureka'd a bit.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

For clarity's sake, my last post was inspired by a conversation with Michael and Tom in which I claimed that me acting in a certain way would be me acting like I'm whipped. And I will not do that. Sorry.

= )


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Whipped, or just enjoying the relationship?

There's always a fine line that exists in new relationships between people. The two people usually really start to enjoy each other's company and want to spend a lot of time with each other, as can be seen in many of the new relationships that have happened since Spring Break. But the friends of those people usually give the person in the new relationship a lot of crap, whether they call that person "whipped" or are just sick of not hanging out with their friend as much as they used to. But, for the most part, us guys are usually happy to see our bros in a happy relationship. There comes a certain time, however, where the person crosses the line and becomes whipped.

Being whipped is characterized by the girl controlling how the guy spends his time. Say, for instance, the guy wants to go to late night with his friends but the girl wants him to go to late night with hher instead. The guy should go to late night with his friends if he already said he would. Even worse, the guy is definitely whipped if he would rather go to late night with his friends, but instead goes to late night with the girl. That is a problem. I've seen this and worse lately. If you don't think you're whipped, you're probably not. And it's actually been refreshing to see how people aren't as dependent on each other as I originally thought. Just so you know, I'm definitely not trying to point any fingers.

What is the line in determining if you are whipped? What if you have told yourself you are going to get some much needed sleep, but suddenly want to change your plans to go and hang out with a girl? What if you are supposed to go and hang out with the guys but the girl wants your company because she's in a bad (good?) mood? Part of being in a relationship is being there for the person, but part is also maintaining your own self and individuality so that you can function apart from the other person. Good luck finding it, because it's a fine line between enjoying the relationship and being whipped.

I think the answer is that you are whipped if you start acting out of fear for what she will think of you if you don't actually do what she wants you to. If she wants you to do something and you are afraid to say no, even when you have valid reason, then you are whipped. There is no fear in love, because perfect love casts out all fear. Maybe that is quoted out of context, and I'm not sure where in the Bible that is although I'd guess 1 John, but it's a sweet and applicable verse.

That's a post that is only in a very small part inspired by any real situation that is happening now. But I haven't had a pure drama post in a while. Times are too good to warrant me ranting.

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