Monday, January 31, 2005
Hello hello my dears!!!
Welp I am exhausted, but before I go to sleep I need to defend the girl side of the previous posts. Definitely a good subject to address, but definitely not 100% true. First of all, "baggage"? I mean, yeah i know the definition of this and all, but in my mind, I see every relationship as somehow becoming a part of a person. No matter how it may have ended, everyone definitely learns a ton through the experience, and will always have those lessons and the good memories that I am sure were there at some point or another. So yeah, the experience becomes a part of who we are at the present moment.
Previous relationship failures give a measuring stick by which to gauge a new relationship
In response to this-mind u I don't know the exact situation that this was suppose to relate to, but generally speaking...hmm how do i put this? Well if a previous relationship ended on a bad note, yeah in the back of our minds, we will be comparing the new to the old. But in reality, how could you not? I'm not saying that you should openly say, "oh we use to do this or we use to do that", but if one does want to keep from making the same mistakes again, the previous relationship will help anyone figure out what they want and what they don't want. We do this with so many things in our lives, whether it be an activity we try, a new food we eat, whatever. We think of our last experience with whatever the situation is, and it definitely will play a role in whether or not we go through with it again. But again, I am not saying that bringing this up constantly with the new significant other is the way to go. Definitely not. And the proposed solution-definitely not b/c the ending of a relationship is NOT always our fault. Trust me, I've been in some where they were completely out of my control. But those are stories for another day.
Potential Answer 2: Women carry their excess baggage from relationship to relationship to act as a cushion in case the new relationship goes bad.
Ok, so like I said earlier, if we have gotten burned, of course we are gonna be careful!!! You boys do the same thing!!!! Yeah I definitely agree if one goes into a relationship thinking that it will never work, it will never work! But of course anyone would be careful if they just had their heart broken or their trust torn apart. And the solution? Would you want all the girls who have ever had a broken heart to become lesbians and shave our heads? Think about it: who would you ask out b/c that would include almost ever girl!!!
Potential Answer 3: Women carry around their excess baggage because they feel some desperate need to be in a relationship, even if they subconsciously know the relationship is doomed.
Ok, first of all, girls don't need guys!!!!! they don't!! Ok, maybe this is my own opinion, but for real-we are all capable of being independent and being by ourselves. We do not feel desperate to be in a relationship!!!!! Yep, we do love them-I'm not denying that-but desperate?? You guys are giving yourselves way too much credit (ok that was harsh & I apologize-we do love you guys! But desperate???) And again: you want us to be deported? Hmmm...don't know about that.... you boys would be pretty lonely all by yourselves (no one to cook for you....or clean your house...or raise your children..ahem...ahem.)
So in conclusion: everyone is shaped and changed by the situations they are placed in-whether it be related to their childhood, family situations, or relationships!!!! Guys are affected just as much by their past loves/crushes/relationships as girls are. And again, I'm stressing that I do not believe that it should be the subject of every convo..b/c that IS ridiculous. But our pasts do have a way of affecting who we are. Guys and girls included. And I am an excellent driver, thank u!!!! Sweet dreams my dears!
Welp I am exhausted, but before I go to sleep I need to defend the girl side of the previous posts. Definitely a good subject to address, but definitely not 100% true. First of all, "baggage"? I mean, yeah i know the definition of this and all, but in my mind, I see every relationship as somehow becoming a part of a person. No matter how it may have ended, everyone definitely learns a ton through the experience, and will always have those lessons and the good memories that I am sure were there at some point or another. So yeah, the experience becomes a part of who we are at the present moment.
Previous relationship failures give a measuring stick by which to gauge a new relationship
In response to this-mind u I don't know the exact situation that this was suppose to relate to, but generally speaking...hmm how do i put this? Well if a previous relationship ended on a bad note, yeah in the back of our minds, we will be comparing the new to the old. But in reality, how could you not? I'm not saying that you should openly say, "oh we use to do this or we use to do that", but if one does want to keep from making the same mistakes again, the previous relationship will help anyone figure out what they want and what they don't want. We do this with so many things in our lives, whether it be an activity we try, a new food we eat, whatever. We think of our last experience with whatever the situation is, and it definitely will play a role in whether or not we go through with it again. But again, I am not saying that bringing this up constantly with the new significant other is the way to go. Definitely not. And the proposed solution-definitely not b/c the ending of a relationship is NOT always our fault. Trust me, I've been in some where they were completely out of my control. But those are stories for another day.
Potential Answer 2: Women carry their excess baggage from relationship to relationship to act as a cushion in case the new relationship goes bad.
Ok, so like I said earlier, if we have gotten burned, of course we are gonna be careful!!! You boys do the same thing!!!! Yeah I definitely agree if one goes into a relationship thinking that it will never work, it will never work! But of course anyone would be careful if they just had their heart broken or their trust torn apart. And the solution? Would you want all the girls who have ever had a broken heart to become lesbians and shave our heads? Think about it: who would you ask out b/c that would include almost ever girl!!!
Potential Answer 3: Women carry around their excess baggage because they feel some desperate need to be in a relationship, even if they subconsciously know the relationship is doomed.
Ok, first of all, girls don't need guys!!!!! they don't!! Ok, maybe this is my own opinion, but for real-we are all capable of being independent and being by ourselves. We do not feel desperate to be in a relationship!!!!! Yep, we do love them-I'm not denying that-but desperate?? You guys are giving yourselves way too much credit (ok that was harsh & I apologize-we do love you guys! But desperate???) And again: you want us to be deported? Hmmm...don't know about that.... you boys would be pretty lonely all by yourselves (no one to cook for you....or clean your house...or raise your children..ahem...ahem.)
So in conclusion: everyone is shaped and changed by the situations they are placed in-whether it be related to their childhood, family situations, or relationships!!!! Guys are affected just as much by their past loves/crushes/relationships as girls are. And again, I'm stressing that I do not believe that it should be the subject of every convo..b/c that IS ridiculous. But our pasts do have a way of affecting who we are. Guys and girls included. And I am an excellent driver, thank u!!!! Sweet dreams my dears!
My friend Andrew ranted, but not for his own sake. In the spirit of the fact I do that sometimes, and the fact that my friend Andrew is awesome and amazing, and usually right, I post his rant for you all. He did not intend it for the WPOD, but here it is because I like it. It's slightly edited so we can have fun for the whole family.
- Bish
Title - Subscriptions
Why is it that when girls move into a new relationship they have to carry all their excess baggage from all their previous relationships with them? In the spirit of a WPOD post, I'm going to examine three potential answers to this question in a thought-provoking blog session I would like to call ISSUES.
Potential Answer 1: Previous relationship failures give a measuring stick by which to gauge a new relationship.
Obviously, this is poppycock. A guy wants in no way to be ever compared or likened to a previous relationship, unless it is involving how awesome he is, and the current guy wins (the current guy will always win because the girl will and should lie to you). Other than that, it's all "I used to get flowers" or "We used to eat out 7 times a week." or "He knew my last name". Women hold onto the few good things about their relationship failures, which in turn creates new and more likely failures by raising standards and expectations.
Proposed Solution: Women should lower their standards each time a relationship fails, because it's their fault.
Potential Answer 2: Women carry their excess baggage from relationship to relationship to act as a cushion in case the new relationship goes bad.
If when a new relationship sparks, and the woman has already considered the "what ifs" for the end of the relationship, then there is no way it would work. Relationships just happen, you can't schedule one in your palm pilot for your lunch break. The philosophy of planning for the end before the beginning creates a vicious loop from which there is no escape.
Proposed Solution: Women with a pre-meditated scapegoat for relationships should all become lesbians and shave their heads.
Potential Answer 3: Women carry around their excess baggage because they feel some desperate need to be in a relationship, even if they subconsciously know the relationship is doomed.
This is also known as the CWS or "Clingy Woman Syndrome". If a woman's previous relationships have left such a void in her life that she enters into relationships knowing they won't last, then that's the first sign that she needs to get some help. People don't fill holes in other people, no matter how much you want them to.
Proposed Solution: Women with CWS should be deported.
So as a wrap up, women need to leave their baggage behind before every new relationship. Men generally don't have relationship baggage, and if they did, they wouldn't drag it behind them and blame ex-girlfriends for screwing them up. So get over it.
Women can't drive, either.
PS: This may or may not actually be for the whole family, viewer discretion highly advised. = P
- Bish
Title - Subscriptions
Why is it that when girls move into a new relationship they have to carry all their excess baggage from all their previous relationships with them? In the spirit of a WPOD post, I'm going to examine three potential answers to this question in a thought-provoking blog session I would like to call ISSUES.
Potential Answer 1: Previous relationship failures give a measuring stick by which to gauge a new relationship.
Obviously, this is poppycock. A guy wants in no way to be ever compared or likened to a previous relationship, unless it is involving how awesome he is, and the current guy wins (the current guy will always win because the girl will and should lie to you). Other than that, it's all "I used to get flowers" or "We used to eat out 7 times a week." or "He knew my last name". Women hold onto the few good things about their relationship failures, which in turn creates new and more likely failures by raising standards and expectations.
Proposed Solution: Women should lower their standards each time a relationship fails, because it's their fault.
Potential Answer 2: Women carry their excess baggage from relationship to relationship to act as a cushion in case the new relationship goes bad.
If when a new relationship sparks, and the woman has already considered the "what ifs" for the end of the relationship, then there is no way it would work. Relationships just happen, you can't schedule one in your palm pilot for your lunch break. The philosophy of planning for the end before the beginning creates a vicious loop from which there is no escape.
Proposed Solution: Women with a pre-meditated scapegoat for relationships should all become lesbians and shave their heads.
Potential Answer 3: Women carry around their excess baggage because they feel some desperate need to be in a relationship, even if they subconsciously know the relationship is doomed.
This is also known as the CWS or "Clingy Woman Syndrome". If a woman's previous relationships have left such a void in her life that she enters into relationships knowing they won't last, then that's the first sign that she needs to get some help. People don't fill holes in other people, no matter how much you want them to.
Proposed Solution: Women with CWS should be deported.
So as a wrap up, women need to leave their baggage behind before every new relationship. Men generally don't have relationship baggage, and if they did, they wouldn't drag it behind them and blame ex-girlfriends for screwing them up. So get over it.
Women can't drive, either.
PS: This may or may not actually be for the whole family, viewer discretion highly advised. = P
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Stalkernet 2.0
Stalkernet 1.0 was the uiuc find people thingamajig. You could (if you were Jason) get a person's email address from knowing their first name and the street they live on. You could get phone numbers, HOME PHONE NUMBERS (great for stalking mwahahahahah... or calling Jules' mom), and any other wide variety of information. Now the info mining is much easier.
So, obviously, Stalkernet 2.0 is facebook. Facebook is awesome, right? Look at what it lets you do:
1. Find pictures of everyone you know, and, more importantly, the people you don't know. More in this later.
2. Find AIM screen names. That way you can make a new screen name and go and talk to them. Example
Fakebishsn1234: Hey baby, I'm a 20/m/il with a huge chin and well defined calves.
Stalkedgirl745: Good calves? Awesome - I actually love good calves. They turn me on SOOOOOOOO MUCH
Fakebishsn1234 has signed off
Then I go to the gym for 4 weeks, beef up my calves, and ask her on a date. It's real simple.
3. Favorite movies. This is even better, because you don't have to be direct about it. The person knows nothing about your intentions, your shadiness, and your plans. Such and such person likes 80's teen movies, eh? Well let's go and tell them 16 Candles is the best EVER. Then I can ask her to watch some other 80's teen movie (breakfast club is actually stomachable).
4. Favorite music. For me, I love it when a person likes the same music as I do. I like a wide variety of music, but driving down the road in my car singing as loud as possible to my favorite song is awesome, much more so than just singing to any old song. And if there's a girl that can stand being in that car, because she likes my music, that's always a plus. Lisa, shhhhh..... don't tell anyone how bad I am singing in the car =). And I guess my sister is also in that category, but obviously there's no reason to stalk her.
So Facebook lets you totally find girls with similar music tastes, or if you're already fascinated with her, you can pretend to like her music. Sure, that's totally weak, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. And if you're stalking her, you can't get much lower than this.
5. Interests. Well, this is obvious. If the girl likes to go jogging, then I better start jogging more so I can go with her. Maybe I'll randomly run into her on the street and be able to strike up a conversation. Ha! See, I love to run but usually only in games, and I actually think that it'd be pretty embarassing for a girl to have more endurance than me (which SO many girls do). So if she likes to jog, I better get in shape beforehand.
Now, being totally prepared with the right movies, music, and interests, you can pretend to be somebody you completely aren't! Win the girl's heart, get married, and then let her know who you really are a few weeks into your marriage.
Ok, no, but in all seriousness I think that facebook is way too potent for the ability to stalk somebody. If a person was really lame, they could see a girl they liked on the quad, then search for her randomly for hours till they finally saw her picture. After finding out where she lived and what she did for fun, they could do any number of things to go after her. How lame is that? But the fact that anything on the internet links a person's face to where they live and what they do for fun is kinda disturbing. Oh well.
So much for stalkers (ahem, Jason) actually having to do work to find their prey.
Yay for Facebook!
Stalkernet 1.0 was the uiuc find people thingamajig. You could (if you were Jason) get a person's email address from knowing their first name and the street they live on. You could get phone numbers, HOME PHONE NUMBERS (great for stalking mwahahahahah... or calling Jules' mom), and any other wide variety of information. Now the info mining is much easier.
So, obviously, Stalkernet 2.0 is facebook. Facebook is awesome, right? Look at what it lets you do:
1. Find pictures of everyone you know, and, more importantly, the people you don't know. More in this later.
2. Find AIM screen names. That way you can make a new screen name and go and talk to them. Example
Fakebishsn1234: Hey baby, I'm a 20/m/il with a huge chin and well defined calves.
Stalkedgirl745: Good calves? Awesome - I actually love good calves. They turn me on SOOOOOOOO MUCH
Fakebishsn1234 has signed off
Then I go to the gym for 4 weeks, beef up my calves, and ask her on a date. It's real simple.
3. Favorite movies. This is even better, because you don't have to be direct about it. The person knows nothing about your intentions, your shadiness, and your plans. Such and such person likes 80's teen movies, eh? Well let's go and tell them 16 Candles is the best EVER. Then I can ask her to watch some other 80's teen movie (breakfast club is actually stomachable).
4. Favorite music. For me, I love it when a person likes the same music as I do. I like a wide variety of music, but driving down the road in my car singing as loud as possible to my favorite song is awesome, much more so than just singing to any old song. And if there's a girl that can stand being in that car, because she likes my music, that's always a plus. Lisa, shhhhh..... don't tell anyone how bad I am singing in the car =). And I guess my sister is also in that category, but obviously there's no reason to stalk her.
So Facebook lets you totally find girls with similar music tastes, or if you're already fascinated with her, you can pretend to like her music. Sure, that's totally weak, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. And if you're stalking her, you can't get much lower than this.
5. Interests. Well, this is obvious. If the girl likes to go jogging, then I better start jogging more so I can go with her. Maybe I'll randomly run into her on the street and be able to strike up a conversation. Ha! See, I love to run but usually only in games, and I actually think that it'd be pretty embarassing for a girl to have more endurance than me (which SO many girls do). So if she likes to jog, I better get in shape beforehand.
Now, being totally prepared with the right movies, music, and interests, you can pretend to be somebody you completely aren't! Win the girl's heart, get married, and then let her know who you really are a few weeks into your marriage.
Ok, no, but in all seriousness I think that facebook is way too potent for the ability to stalk somebody. If a person was really lame, they could see a girl they liked on the quad, then search for her randomly for hours till they finally saw her picture. After finding out where she lived and what she did for fun, they could do any number of things to go after her. How lame is that? But the fact that anything on the internet links a person's face to where they live and what they do for fun is kinda disturbing. Oh well.
So much for stalkers (ahem, Jason) actually having to do work to find their prey.
Yay for Facebook!
Hey my dears!!
Firstly, I just want to apologize for my slacking on the blog!!! Yeah, yeah, I know-I'm a bum. ( and I have the award to prove it! :) ) Anywho, hmmm...well I survived the first week of classes. And I have definitely learned that sleep is a WONDERFUL thing, and will be trying this semester to get more of it than I had in previous semesters. for drama? Welp, I am an idiot, and decided to push myself too far too fast running, and now I pay the price. yeah, definitely no running for me for anywhere from 2 to 9 weeks. :( Definitely not happy about that. AT ALL. However, I can still do some things, like biking, swimming, and elipticals, which is a definite plus, considering I thought I would be out of everything for a long time. So as heartbroken as I am over here with that news, it definitely could have been worse. (trying to make myself better here, hehe!) And I know it sounds completely ridiculous complaining about something that sounds...hmmm maybe somewhat insignificant? But taking running away from like....hmmmm what can i relate this too? An illini loss to the biggest fan there is? yeah, i think that seems like an equal analogy. And yay for the Illini as long as we are on the subject- 20 and 0!! yaaaaaaaaay!!!
Other than that, there really isn't any drama going on with me-which is definitely a good thing, although nothing really fun to post. But I assure you, there will be some to come, b/c come on, when isn't there any???? lol! sweet dreams my dears! ~Julie
Firstly, I just want to apologize for my slacking on the blog!!! Yeah, yeah, I know-I'm a bum. ( and I have the award to prove it! :) ) Anywho, hmmm...well I survived the first week of classes. And I have definitely learned that sleep is a WONDERFUL thing, and will be trying this semester to get more of it than I had in previous semesters. for drama? Welp, I am an idiot, and decided to push myself too far too fast running, and now I pay the price. yeah, definitely no running for me for anywhere from 2 to 9 weeks. :( Definitely not happy about that. AT ALL. However, I can still do some things, like biking, swimming, and elipticals, which is a definite plus, considering I thought I would be out of everything for a long time. So as heartbroken as I am over here with that news, it definitely could have been worse. (trying to make myself better here, hehe!) And I know it sounds completely ridiculous complaining about something that sounds...hmmm maybe somewhat insignificant? But taking running away from like....hmmmm what can i relate this too? An illini loss to the biggest fan there is? yeah, i think that seems like an equal analogy. And yay for the Illini as long as we are on the subject- 20 and 0!! yaaaaaaaaay!!!
Other than that, there really isn't any drama going on with me-which is definitely a good thing, although nothing really fun to post. But I assure you, there will be some to come, b/c come on, when isn't there any???? lol! sweet dreams my dears! ~Julie
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Hey everybody!
Today was a good day, and one week of school is down. My work ethic needs to kick up a couple notches. I wrote a poem yesterday, it's kinda interesting and appropriate for the blog, so I'll put it out there. There's another one too... I don't know what possessed me to write some poetry, but I decided it felt right so I went for it. There's 2 poems, the first is up to your interpretation, the second is kinda obvious. I'm not a great poet by any means, but I gotta fill this webpage somehow, right? Here goes
Title - The Road
We all walk along our road
On the road that we did choose
The way we go we do control
But could the path we lose?
We do not know what lies ahead
We cannot see over the hill
The mystery of love is this
We will follow this old road still
The road ahead beckons us further
To the ending point we draw nigh
We know as we go down the road
We will laugh and surely cry
Could we have done it better?
This answer I do not know
We all travel on our own road
I know I choose the way I go
I chose wrong but still found the way
Can I claim credit for my gain?
If so my pride is obvious
All I do is bring my own pain
Thus everything good that happens to me
Is not the result of my own plans
On this road I travel something is greater
The control is completely in His hands
Title - I’m done
Every guy likes her, there is no doubt
I see from far her graceful poise
How could I consider pursuit?
I’m just another stupid boy
Why would I do this to myself?
A girl like her I do not deserve
I’m certain to chase is to waste my time
My feelings must be held in reserve
She’s special - I’m normal
She’s stylish - I’m plain
She’s too cool – I’m hopeful
She’s gorgeous – I’m done
I look in her eyes - from across the room
Does she know I even exist?
Her eyes meet mine (quickly look away)
Why should I do this, I cannot do this
She’s special - I’m normal
She’s stylish - I’m plain
She’s too cool – I’m hopeful
She’s gorgeous – I’m done
I guess I’ll talk to her, for why should I not?
Her perfume dashes across the air
One whiff I smell, I can no longer think
I look at her ever so pretty hair
And then I say something mindless
Anything to get her attention
Upon exchanging smiles and meaningless words
I know I did not learn my lesson
For to her that was nothing
And why should it be?
Encounters like that must
Not mean much from me
She’s special - I’m normal
She’s stylish - I’m plain
She’s too cool – I’m hopeful
She’s gorgeous – I’m done
I’m done
There you go. I hope that it's not too depressing. On another down note, Julie's legs have been hurting her lately and I wanna ask for some prayers. I normally try to leave God out of the WPOD, but she's in pain and God's the healer, so if you believe shoot out a prayer.
On the bright side, I played ultimate tonight in the armory with Jason and we did some good stuff. I missed a pass to him by a little bit, but other than that I think both of our play was pretty good. Fun times! I can't wait till good weather, then we'll really be rockin'.
Goodnight everyone!
Today was a good day, and one week of school is down. My work ethic needs to kick up a couple notches. I wrote a poem yesterday, it's kinda interesting and appropriate for the blog, so I'll put it out there. There's another one too... I don't know what possessed me to write some poetry, but I decided it felt right so I went for it. There's 2 poems, the first is up to your interpretation, the second is kinda obvious. I'm not a great poet by any means, but I gotta fill this webpage somehow, right? Here goes
Title - The Road
We all walk along our road
On the road that we did choose
The way we go we do control
But could the path we lose?
We do not know what lies ahead
We cannot see over the hill
The mystery of love is this
We will follow this old road still
The road ahead beckons us further
To the ending point we draw nigh
We know as we go down the road
We will laugh and surely cry
Could we have done it better?
This answer I do not know
We all travel on our own road
I know I choose the way I go
I chose wrong but still found the way
Can I claim credit for my gain?
If so my pride is obvious
All I do is bring my own pain
Thus everything good that happens to me
Is not the result of my own plans
On this road I travel something is greater
The control is completely in His hands
Title - I’m done
Every guy likes her, there is no doubt
I see from far her graceful poise
How could I consider pursuit?
I’m just another stupid boy
Why would I do this to myself?
A girl like her I do not deserve
I’m certain to chase is to waste my time
My feelings must be held in reserve
She’s special - I’m normal
She’s stylish - I’m plain
She’s too cool – I’m hopeful
She’s gorgeous – I’m done
I look in her eyes - from across the room
Does she know I even exist?
Her eyes meet mine (quickly look away)
Why should I do this, I cannot do this
She’s special - I’m normal
She’s stylish - I’m plain
She’s too cool – I’m hopeful
She’s gorgeous – I’m done
I guess I’ll talk to her, for why should I not?
Her perfume dashes across the air
One whiff I smell, I can no longer think
I look at her ever so pretty hair
And then I say something mindless
Anything to get her attention
Upon exchanging smiles and meaningless words
I know I did not learn my lesson
For to her that was nothing
And why should it be?
Encounters like that must
Not mean much from me
She’s special - I’m normal
She’s stylish - I’m plain
She’s too cool – I’m hopeful
She’s gorgeous – I’m done
I’m done
There you go. I hope that it's not too depressing. On another down note, Julie's legs have been hurting her lately and I wanna ask for some prayers. I normally try to leave God out of the WPOD, but she's in pain and God's the healer, so if you believe shoot out a prayer.
On the bright side, I played ultimate tonight in the armory with Jason and we did some good stuff. I missed a pass to him by a little bit, but other than that I think both of our play was pretty good. Fun times! I can't wait till good weather, then we'll really be rockin'.
Goodnight everyone!
Saturday, January 22, 2005
When I consider the time and effort put into trying to have a good relationship over the course of my life, and then consider the amount of actual benefit that I've received so far, it becomes quite obvious that I am not a rational person. I think that's the same for most guys, actually.
The things we do as we try to have a quality relationship with a girl are probably way more than the average girl thinks. We think about them, a lot, beforehand. Then, after thinking about it until we just can't take it anymore, we drive ourselves crazy until we finally ask the girl on a date. This is a huge step, although it shouldn't mean too much. It's like saying, "Here's my heart, I'm risking it because I think you are an incredibly awesome and special girl. I want to get to know you better, and I hope you feel the same for me. If you don't, and you don't want to hang out with me, I'll probably be bummed for a week or two, but the thought of not trying is too much."
After asking the girl on a date, assuming you get an affirmative answer, you invest time with the girl. The girl has no idea about this time invested. You labor, with all your might, to figure out what to do with the girl. Maybe you have a preconceived idea like, for instance, a semi-formal. But if there's no special occassion, you do everything you can to try and figure out how to have fun with the girl. The first date has to be awesome - it should be a mixture of fun, talking, hopefully food, and good times. Figuring out what this is going to be is a very difficult task.
Imagine, for a second, that you have come this far. You are deeply invested in the girl at this point. Then, you go on a date. You try your best to be funny, to keep conversation rolling. You pay for everything. You're probably nervous (if you're me), and you're totally at her mercy. She owns you at this point. You've done all the work, she's said yes, once, and gotten dressed up or something. So you go through the date, praying with all fervor that God will give you the wisdom to make it through the evening successfully. This is like trial number one.
After surviving the first date, you have to think about your follow up. How do you act with her in public? Do you stand by her and talk to her a lot, or give her the freedom to talk to her friends? How do you balance it so that she doesn't think you're ignoring her, but at the same time you give her your space? And considering the OBVIOUS (not so obvious previously, but now totally obvious) fact that girls are all different, it's just a blind guess in the dark. Thinking about this, acting it out in public, and trying so hard is just a huge stress. All this for the girl.
Then imagine, if you will, that you make it through those first few awkward stages. You learn how to act around her in public. She likes you, or at least acts like it. So you ask her out, officially. You think there's been enough reciprocated feelings that you're going to make it official. You commit to putting her first, even above your friends a lot of the time. You hang out with her a lot. You sacrifice your time, energy, and even existing relationships (to a certain extent) with the hope that this one is the one.
Then, something goes wrong. This can be after a year or after a month. You find out that she's not for you, or she finds out you're not for her. You didn't do anything wrong. All the effort put into the relationship, and at the end what do you have? You have some experience and a bunch of good memories with a girl that you really don't want to see anymore. You know she's special, still, and a part of you forever. But when it all adds up, you really don't got much. You gotta go through it again.
And now, I, among others, sit here single. We've done our time. We've done our best, we've thought about how to treat the girl we like. We've put our hearts on the line, gotten them chopped into pieces. We've put our hearts on the line and ended up with bad first dates that plummet the relationship into obscurity. We've even had full fledged girlfriends where, after a long time, we realize the relationship is gonna be over. In all honesty, I have spent a lot of time in the past 4 years trying to figure out how to build a successful relationship. There's a lot more work involved than the stuff above, but that's a good start. At the end, I sit here at my computer. It's 1:22 a.m., and for all my effort and trying I've got nothing. Repeat the cycle? I have to! If I don't, I won't get anywhere. On the other hand, if I look at the past, it's completely illogical to go for a girl, ever again. I've put in a huge amount of effort and, at the end of it, I don't have much.
But we have to go on. In spite of all the logic, bad times, and crap that we've put up with, we have no choice. Girls fascinate us. A single smile from the right one can make us melt inside. The possibility of meeting that special girl, winning her over, and having an awesome life-long relationship ultimately outweighs all of the crap we've put up with so far. So if I invested 1000 dollars so far, and got maybe 10 back, the possibility of investing another 1000 and making 1000000000000000 back is worth it. I'm a glutton for punishment, with the hope of a helpless romantic, wishing for the girl of my dreams to eventually end up with me.
So here's to the time spent thinking about how to make girls happy, to what we've put up with, to the money we've spent, to the nervousness we go through, to the date planning, and to the driving ourselves crazy trying to figure a girl out. Here's to hoping to finally end up with the right one. Life may suck at times, but I guess it's like running the gauntlet and getting knocked off 20 times before you finally make it through to the prize at the other side.
All I know is that when we find that right one, we're gonna appreciate her so much because of all the stuff we went through before her.
Night everybody.
The things we do as we try to have a quality relationship with a girl are probably way more than the average girl thinks. We think about them, a lot, beforehand. Then, after thinking about it until we just can't take it anymore, we drive ourselves crazy until we finally ask the girl on a date. This is a huge step, although it shouldn't mean too much. It's like saying, "Here's my heart, I'm risking it because I think you are an incredibly awesome and special girl. I want to get to know you better, and I hope you feel the same for me. If you don't, and you don't want to hang out with me, I'll probably be bummed for a week or two, but the thought of not trying is too much."
After asking the girl on a date, assuming you get an affirmative answer, you invest time with the girl. The girl has no idea about this time invested. You labor, with all your might, to figure out what to do with the girl. Maybe you have a preconceived idea like, for instance, a semi-formal. But if there's no special occassion, you do everything you can to try and figure out how to have fun with the girl. The first date has to be awesome - it should be a mixture of fun, talking, hopefully food, and good times. Figuring out what this is going to be is a very difficult task.
Imagine, for a second, that you have come this far. You are deeply invested in the girl at this point. Then, you go on a date. You try your best to be funny, to keep conversation rolling. You pay for everything. You're probably nervous (if you're me), and you're totally at her mercy. She owns you at this point. You've done all the work, she's said yes, once, and gotten dressed up or something. So you go through the date, praying with all fervor that God will give you the wisdom to make it through the evening successfully. This is like trial number one.
After surviving the first date, you have to think about your follow up. How do you act with her in public? Do you stand by her and talk to her a lot, or give her the freedom to talk to her friends? How do you balance it so that she doesn't think you're ignoring her, but at the same time you give her your space? And considering the OBVIOUS (not so obvious previously, but now totally obvious) fact that girls are all different, it's just a blind guess in the dark. Thinking about this, acting it out in public, and trying so hard is just a huge stress. All this for the girl.
Then imagine, if you will, that you make it through those first few awkward stages. You learn how to act around her in public. She likes you, or at least acts like it. So you ask her out, officially. You think there's been enough reciprocated feelings that you're going to make it official. You commit to putting her first, even above your friends a lot of the time. You hang out with her a lot. You sacrifice your time, energy, and even existing relationships (to a certain extent) with the hope that this one is the one.
Then, something goes wrong. This can be after a year or after a month. You find out that she's not for you, or she finds out you're not for her. You didn't do anything wrong. All the effort put into the relationship, and at the end what do you have? You have some experience and a bunch of good memories with a girl that you really don't want to see anymore. You know she's special, still, and a part of you forever. But when it all adds up, you really don't got much. You gotta go through it again.
And now, I, among others, sit here single. We've done our time. We've done our best, we've thought about how to treat the girl we like. We've put our hearts on the line, gotten them chopped into pieces. We've put our hearts on the line and ended up with bad first dates that plummet the relationship into obscurity. We've even had full fledged girlfriends where, after a long time, we realize the relationship is gonna be over. In all honesty, I have spent a lot of time in the past 4 years trying to figure out how to build a successful relationship. There's a lot more work involved than the stuff above, but that's a good start. At the end, I sit here at my computer. It's 1:22 a.m., and for all my effort and trying I've got nothing. Repeat the cycle? I have to! If I don't, I won't get anywhere. On the other hand, if I look at the past, it's completely illogical to go for a girl, ever again. I've put in a huge amount of effort and, at the end of it, I don't have much.
But we have to go on. In spite of all the logic, bad times, and crap that we've put up with, we have no choice. Girls fascinate us. A single smile from the right one can make us melt inside. The possibility of meeting that special girl, winning her over, and having an awesome life-long relationship ultimately outweighs all of the crap we've put up with so far. So if I invested 1000 dollars so far, and got maybe 10 back, the possibility of investing another 1000 and making 1000000000000000 back is worth it. I'm a glutton for punishment, with the hope of a helpless romantic, wishing for the girl of my dreams to eventually end up with me.
So here's to the time spent thinking about how to make girls happy, to what we've put up with, to the money we've spent, to the nervousness we go through, to the date planning, and to the driving ourselves crazy trying to figure a girl out. Here's to hoping to finally end up with the right one. Life may suck at times, but I guess it's like running the gauntlet and getting knocked off 20 times before you finally make it through to the prize at the other side.
All I know is that when we find that right one, we're gonna appreciate her so much because of all the stuff we went through before her.
Night everybody.
Friday, January 21, 2005
A now enlightened point of view from our good friend, Julia.
DwindlingFlame: I often see myself fitting the 'nice girl that smiles a lot' position, i guess im not helping some guys out anyway.
Bishman77: whatever
Bishman77: girls should smile
Bishman77: it's just me being dumb
DwindlingFlame: well, it is understandable, but from my side i was always confused when guys i totally didnt like suddenly persued me. so reading these types of things set off the little lightbulb. it was really nice to know why it kept happening, lol
Bishman77: haha
Bishman77: there you go
DwindlingFlame: but most girls still dont know, and its kind of hard to spread the word about that sort of thing, unless they all read the blog, haha
Bishman77: which they all should, we can all agree
Bishman77: :-)
There you have it. The blog continues to enlighten readers everywhere to the inner workings of my mind, which, strangely, aren't that much different than a lot of other people's. Go figure, I'm not that unique after all.
Except for that one physical deformity on my back.
PS: I don't actually have a physical deformity on my back.
DwindlingFlame: I often see myself fitting the 'nice girl that smiles a lot' position, i guess im not helping some guys out anyway.
Bishman77: whatever
Bishman77: girls should smile
Bishman77: it's just me being dumb
DwindlingFlame: well, it is understandable, but from my side i was always confused when guys i totally didnt like suddenly persued me. so reading these types of things set off the little lightbulb. it was really nice to know why it kept happening, lol
Bishman77: haha
Bishman77: there you go
DwindlingFlame: but most girls still dont know, and its kind of hard to spread the word about that sort of thing, unless they all read the blog, haha
Bishman77: which they all should, we can all agree
Bishman77: :-)
There you have it. The blog continues to enlighten readers everywhere to the inner workings of my mind, which, strangely, aren't that much different than a lot of other people's. Go figure, I'm not that unique after all.
Except for that one physical deformity on my back.
PS: I don't actually have a physical deformity on my back.
Tonight I went on a "Busey Date" with Jules.
I want to clarify something that's not totally clear. I am not dating Jules. Between Jules and me, there are no romantic interests. She is a good friend, we call the monthly outtings to Busey "dates" out of hilarity, and there's not much else to it.
Dating is a little bit different than hanging out. Usually (by my definition), dating has to do with people that don't know how they feel about each other. They may be interested but not sure. That's quite different than old friends catching up.
So, all you ladies out there, yes, I am TOTALLY SINGLE. I am in pure bachelorhood right now and you don't gotta think that I'm taken. I'm not.
Yay for my friend "Henry," because my initial blog predictions of him finding a new girl seem relatively true. Do I have the gift of prophecy? Probably not, just old patterns repeating themselves.
On that note, I hope that I don't go out with an old friend directly after asking out a new girl I'm interested in. If there exists a girl I'm interested in... I mean, nevermind. I'm so transparent.
Jules thinks me overanalyzing everything is so cute. I personally think it's kinda pathetic. She asks me, "So, do you think she likes you? You know, you can usually tell." But I can't tell!
I'm right maybe 1/3 of the times that I think a girl likes me. That's 2 out of 6. And based on that I have no idea, cuz I don't know the girl (if she exists) very well. After all, we have so many factors trying to dissuade us. They include:
1. Nice girl syndrome - the girl is just completely nice and you don't know if her being nice to you is just because that's the way she is or maybe because she likes you.
2. Overanalyzation - everytime she smiles at you, you notice. Does that mean anything? Probably not, I smile at a ton of girls that I have no interest in everyday. However, if a girl that I like smiles at me, inside it's all like "Man she smiled at me, she's so pretty, and she's so nice, and man I hope she likes me. Maybe she does..." I tell you right now that it dosen't make sense, I know, but that's the downside of being so optimistic like I am.
3. Past experiences - I've had girls that I think like me do everything from invite me to their place to hang out and watch movies (alone) to kick my feet as I walk by their desk in high school. I've had them go to bars with me when they hate bars, go out of their way to hang out with me, and even give me wet willies. Well, unfortunately, all of these things don't mean jack squat. So at this point I've got no way to tell if any flirtatious thing that happens is actually flirting, or maybe it's just them being dumb and giving me wrong ideas.
Those 3 reasons were edited in. I didn't have a lot of time last night so I finished this Friday morning before class.
I want to clarify something that's not totally clear. I am not dating Jules. Between Jules and me, there are no romantic interests. She is a good friend, we call the monthly outtings to Busey "dates" out of hilarity, and there's not much else to it.
Dating is a little bit different than hanging out. Usually (by my definition), dating has to do with people that don't know how they feel about each other. They may be interested but not sure. That's quite different than old friends catching up.
So, all you ladies out there, yes, I am TOTALLY SINGLE. I am in pure bachelorhood right now and you don't gotta think that I'm taken. I'm not.
Yay for my friend "Henry," because my initial blog predictions of him finding a new girl seem relatively true. Do I have the gift of prophecy? Probably not, just old patterns repeating themselves.
On that note, I hope that I don't go out with an old friend directly after asking out a new girl I'm interested in. If there exists a girl I'm interested in... I mean, nevermind. I'm so transparent.
Jules thinks me overanalyzing everything is so cute. I personally think it's kinda pathetic. She asks me, "So, do you think she likes you? You know, you can usually tell." But I can't tell!
I'm right maybe 1/3 of the times that I think a girl likes me. That's 2 out of 6. And based on that I have no idea, cuz I don't know the girl (if she exists) very well. After all, we have so many factors trying to dissuade us. They include:
1. Nice girl syndrome - the girl is just completely nice and you don't know if her being nice to you is just because that's the way she is or maybe because she likes you.
2. Overanalyzation - everytime she smiles at you, you notice. Does that mean anything? Probably not, I smile at a ton of girls that I have no interest in everyday. However, if a girl that I like smiles at me, inside it's all like "Man she smiled at me, she's so pretty, and she's so nice, and man I hope she likes me. Maybe she does..." I tell you right now that it dosen't make sense, I know, but that's the downside of being so optimistic like I am.
3. Past experiences - I've had girls that I think like me do everything from invite me to their place to hang out and watch movies (alone) to kick my feet as I walk by their desk in high school. I've had them go to bars with me when they hate bars, go out of their way to hang out with me, and even give me wet willies. Well, unfortunately, all of these things don't mean jack squat. So at this point I've got no way to tell if any flirtatious thing that happens is actually flirting, or maybe it's just them being dumb and giving me wrong ideas.
Those 3 reasons were edited in. I didn't have a lot of time last night so I finished this Friday morning before class.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
I'm posting now, but I want to refer you immediately to the previous post by Jason if you have not read it. It was a good defense to the blog, had a great Super Nintendo RPG plug to it, and was very true.
As for the get a wife before graduating - well that's pretty dead on. Everyone wants to find their husband or wife or whatever (life partner if you go to my church at home . . .) while still in college. After all, college is preparation for life, and a big part of that is finding someone to go with you through life. And if you want to have sex someday and are committed to waiting 'till marriage, you gotta get a wife. Seriously though, a wife is more than that and is everything Jason said and way more. Finding that in college is a great idea... and that's what dating's for.
And as long as I'm dating, I'm gonna post its ups and downs on the WPOD. They've already tried to stop me. Then Julie ate them.
Amen to, on the bright side, all of my failed adventures leading to some random person's entertainment. Sometimes that person is me. Ha!
Yay to the Lenny Kravitz line.
And, if anyone still doesn't understand this blog doesn't represent our entire lives, I strongly suggest you not read our blog anymore, cuz you probably won't be smart enough to understand Jason's posts. Nuff said.
See ya at school on Monday!!
Semester of Drama 3 begins Tuesday... mwahahahahaha. Surprises in store, for sure. Woot! See you all soon!
As for the get a wife before graduating - well that's pretty dead on. Everyone wants to find their husband or wife or whatever (life partner if you go to my church at home . . .) while still in college. After all, college is preparation for life, and a big part of that is finding someone to go with you through life. And if you want to have sex someday and are committed to waiting 'till marriage, you gotta get a wife. Seriously though, a wife is more than that and is everything Jason said and way more. Finding that in college is a great idea... and that's what dating's for.
And as long as I'm dating, I'm gonna post its ups and downs on the WPOD. They've already tried to stop me. Then Julie ate them.
Amen to, on the bright side, all of my failed adventures leading to some random person's entertainment. Sometimes that person is me. Ha!
Yay to the Lenny Kravitz line.
And, if anyone still doesn't understand this blog doesn't represent our entire lives, I strongly suggest you not read our blog anymore, cuz you probably won't be smart enough to understand Jason's posts. Nuff said.
See ya at school on Monday!!
Semester of Drama 3 begins Tuesday... mwahahahahaha. Surprises in store, for sure. Woot! See you all soon!
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Hey guys!
Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. It's been a little crazy/in a rut in my life, so there wasn't anything to really post about. I've been in Champaign since the 27th, and I worked 3 days before Christmas. But that's mostly what I've been up to, 9 to 5 grind of tech support for librarians. I've also been doing some webmastery stuff, which is cool, the more jobs the merrier!
I was talking with my cousin during Christmas at my Grandma's. He's a year younger than me and had just finished his first semester of college, so I asked him how it went. We got into a discussion about the usual stuff, what he was going after and all that and he says in his half-joking, half-sincere bluffing style that it doesn't matter "as long as I get a wife before graduating, *slight pause*, and maybe a degree if I pick it up on the way." The conversation then continued in its usual hyperbole-style.
But, it got me thinking. I guess people could take us to sincerely have that stance after reading the WPoD. But, I'd like to issue the disclaimer that you're reading the webpage o' DRAMA, of course it's going to seem like we're only involved in meeting our significant others. First of all, you're reading a highly-concentrated volume of our adventures trying to understand the opposite gender, a bold task. Second of all, posting on the blog a few days a week, 20 minutes a day, it's a pretty minimal task and part of our lives, it's not the only thing that consumes us.
But, still, what is the big deal with dating?
Well, besides just the natural attraction, there is a good deal to be learned through these adventures some call dates. We learn to understand each other, what are good ideas, what are bad ideas, what we're looking for, and most of all, we get to know somebody better. Another big part of dating lies in potentials. Now, this is a tricky subject, both on the explainin' and understandin' side. (That was eccentric, old, crazy, key to your quest, but you have to listen to his 15 minutes of dialog and you can't skip through it no matter how hard you press the 'A' button, guy accent.) So, where was I? Oh right, potentials. Each date is a potential, now I'm not gonna go full-blown and say that each date is a potential for marriage, that's skipping quite a few essential steps, but each date has the potential to lead to the next step, which after climbing enough flights of stairs will lead to marriage.
"But, Jason, that's a long ways off, especially for you, why bother?" Well, first of all, thank you for your commentary on my life, second of all, why bother indeed? Well, in my mind, marriage is reaching perfection, it's just about the closest physical relationship you can have on earth. And for me, the wife is the perfect accountability partner, the best friend, the person I love the most, and the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. If you're going to strive for something, it might as well be the best that you're reaching for. So with so much to gain, and so little to lose (already being "dignity less"), I think it's worth it to be willing to take the chance in meeting this girl that could be everything you're looking for or a new friend and new knowledge about what you are looking for.
So yeah, don't take the blog to be a tale of our complete lives, I assume I speak for all authors here in that. There's a much larger scope to this life and the next, and this is just part of the humor of our lives we get to enjoy while we're here. Besides, the blog wouldn't be nearly as entertaining if the three of us were successful.
Can't wait to see everybody soon,
Soundtrack of the Post:
Lady by Lenny Kravitz
Dedicated to Bish, if only for the line:
"I'm crazy for that lady
She's chic but she's not shady"
Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. It's been a little crazy/in a rut in my life, so there wasn't anything to really post about. I've been in Champaign since the 27th, and I worked 3 days before Christmas. But that's mostly what I've been up to, 9 to 5 grind of tech support for librarians. I've also been doing some webmastery stuff, which is cool, the more jobs the merrier!
I was talking with my cousin during Christmas at my Grandma's. He's a year younger than me and had just finished his first semester of college, so I asked him how it went. We got into a discussion about the usual stuff, what he was going after and all that and he says in his half-joking, half-sincere bluffing style that it doesn't matter "as long as I get a wife before graduating, *slight pause*, and maybe a degree if I pick it up on the way." The conversation then continued in its usual hyperbole-style.
But, it got me thinking. I guess people could take us to sincerely have that stance after reading the WPoD. But, I'd like to issue the disclaimer that you're reading the webpage o' DRAMA, of course it's going to seem like we're only involved in meeting our significant others. First of all, you're reading a highly-concentrated volume of our adventures trying to understand the opposite gender, a bold task. Second of all, posting on the blog a few days a week, 20 minutes a day, it's a pretty minimal task and part of our lives, it's not the only thing that consumes us.
But, still, what is the big deal with dating?
Well, besides just the natural attraction, there is a good deal to be learned through these adventures some call dates. We learn to understand each other, what are good ideas, what are bad ideas, what we're looking for, and most of all, we get to know somebody better. Another big part of dating lies in potentials. Now, this is a tricky subject, both on the explainin' and understandin' side. (That was eccentric, old, crazy, key to your quest, but you have to listen to his 15 minutes of dialog and you can't skip through it no matter how hard you press the 'A' button, guy accent.) So, where was I? Oh right, potentials. Each date is a potential, now I'm not gonna go full-blown and say that each date is a potential for marriage, that's skipping quite a few essential steps, but each date has the potential to lead to the next step, which after climbing enough flights of stairs will lead to marriage.
"But, Jason, that's a long ways off, especially for you, why bother?" Well, first of all, thank you for your commentary on my life, second of all, why bother indeed? Well, in my mind, marriage is reaching perfection, it's just about the closest physical relationship you can have on earth. And for me, the wife is the perfect accountability partner, the best friend, the person I love the most, and the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. If you're going to strive for something, it might as well be the best that you're reaching for. So with so much to gain, and so little to lose (already being "dignity less"), I think it's worth it to be willing to take the chance in meeting this girl that could be everything you're looking for or a new friend and new knowledge about what you are looking for.
So yeah, don't take the blog to be a tale of our complete lives, I assume I speak for all authors here in that. There's a much larger scope to this life and the next, and this is just part of the humor of our lives we get to enjoy while we're here. Besides, the blog wouldn't be nearly as entertaining if the three of us were successful.
Can't wait to see everybody soon,
Soundtrack of the Post:
Lady by Lenny Kravitz
Dedicated to Bish, if only for the line:
"I'm crazy for that lady
She's chic but she's not shady"
Thursday, January 13, 2005
I'm so angry.
PS: Ha.
PS: Ha.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
P-Dizzle wins the award for shadiness. Though hurting and paining his fingers, he continues to labor on his two person "lovesac" (a two personed bean bag chair), with the hopes that he is shady.
Bishman77: you're making a love sac?
Bishman77: shady... :-D
NTJesusFreak: haha, i hope so
So there you go. His prize will be determined at a later date (as though being mentioned on the blog isn't enough).
= )
PS: He's also bored and big bean bag chairs are inherently good. The shadiness is a side factor, and probably not the actual reason he's making the chair. But that's a technicality.
Bishman77: you're making a love sac?
Bishman77: shady... :-D
NTJesusFreak: haha, i hope so
So there you go. His prize will be determined at a later date (as though being mentioned on the blog isn't enough).
= )
PS: He's also bored and big bean bag chairs are inherently good. The shadiness is a side factor, and probably not the actual reason he's making the chair. But that's a technicality.
Monday, January 10, 2005
Hey everybody!
Jules, it's good to hear from you again. Your post was too true. Very nice! However, you don't look like a 17 or 18 year old girl, and yes it is always amazing to get to hang out with friends from back home, especially those closest ones that always understand you. But who used the MacGuyver (sp?) style mistletoe? Was it you, you shady girl? Scandal!
Anyway, update on the "Henry" situation: she called him, but he didn't get the call. I sent him the link to the site and he said it was hilarious, and dead on. He asked me to change all the names and locations, so if you are a WPOD freak you may have checked it in those 5.84 minutes during which the real names were all out there. If that happened, I'd like you to know that it has nothing to do with anybody that lives in Illinois. Even though he shares a name with a friend you all know, it wasn't him.
I think he's a tad wiser than me. After all, I'd just leave the names in there (my own included) and see what the heck happened. But I guess I did kinda insult her looks. I never did that before on the web. And she was cute, but for my friends I have the highest hopes and standards. So don't call me fickle or anything (for judging her based on her looks), it's just the only two things I know about her are from a pic he sent me and that she won't go for coffee with him. I know he can do better than that.
Peace everybody!
PS: LYL means love ya lots. I hate that phrase.
Jules, it's good to hear from you again. Your post was too true. Very nice! However, you don't look like a 17 or 18 year old girl, and yes it is always amazing to get to hang out with friends from back home, especially those closest ones that always understand you. But who used the MacGuyver (sp?) style mistletoe? Was it you, you shady girl? Scandal!
Anyway, update on the "Henry" situation: she called him, but he didn't get the call. I sent him the link to the site and he said it was hilarious, and dead on. He asked me to change all the names and locations, so if you are a WPOD freak you may have checked it in those 5.84 minutes during which the real names were all out there. If that happened, I'd like you to know that it has nothing to do with anybody that lives in Illinois. Even though he shares a name with a friend you all know, it wasn't him.
I think he's a tad wiser than me. After all, I'd just leave the names in there (my own included) and see what the heck happened. But I guess I did kinda insult her looks. I never did that before on the web. And she was cute, but for my friends I have the highest hopes and standards. So don't call me fickle or anything (for judging her based on her looks), it's just the only two things I know about her are from a pic he sent me and that she won't go for coffee with him. I know he can do better than that.
Peace everybody!
PS: LYL means love ya lots. I hate that phrase.
Hello hello my dears!!!
Ok, for real, random, but why haven't we ever posted in color before??!!! i'm ending that now!!! :)
But anywho...ok I am back in chambana-YAY!!!!!!! and again, i apologize for being a slacker on the blog. But yeah, break has been lotsa fun so far. Highlights...hmmm...welp definitely my work Christmas party, because it was so good to see these people. and the band was AMAZING!!!!!!But my co-workers are absolutely hysterical, and I love them. And workin' a bit was really really nice, cuz again, the people I work with are absolutely amazing, and you cannot be there for five minutes without one of them making you laugh. And plus, it didn't really feel like work because I hadn't been there in months, so it was fun! yay for that!! And i got to see tons of my peoples from home which was soooooooooooo much fun! Got to hang out with my girlies for hours, see some who I haven't seen in forever, stay with my sis, be on the el!!!! :) (funny how u miss these things when they aren't an option), catch up with princess matt (lol), hang out at my high school, see my grandparents like tons of times (major smiles there!! :) ), go shopping, sleep, (can u believe it???), go dancin' with my girlies 'cuz we can now on the southside!!!, and catch up big time with my miss amia!!!! Seriously, all of you need to meet my amy b/c she is soooooooooo amazing and I love her to pieces. We got to talk about sooo much stuff and just give each other advice, and just an ear to complain to. I miss this girl all of the time, but it's funny how spending time with someone can remind you of how much you really really really miss seeing them everyday. And i got to watch tons and tons of football!!! yay!!! and yeah....just relaxin' and catchin' up with peoples was just awesome. There's probably a ton I'm forgetting, but yeah break was really good at home. And now that I'm's just work a little, running, and just doing whatever i want!!! yay for that!!!!!
and just for laughs:
Things learned this break:
1.) Never underestimate how cold the freakin' wind can make you in Chicago.
2.) A broken branch of a Christmas tree and some garland CAN be used as mistletoe.
3.) "It's hopeless. They're a black abyss."~My Miss Amia
4.) I look like I'm 17 or 18, or just in high school...gee whiz...thanks!
5.) If you open your eyes a bit, you will see how wonderful life really is.
6.) Friends are the best present you can have in life!! (Not that I didn't know that before, but...yeah, definitely got reminded big time!)
7.) You can be "dignity less"-lol Bish!!
8.) People you think you won't ever see again...U DO!!!!! and in the most random places!!
9.) Making peace with someone important in your life is the best!
10.) the correct spelling difference between napolean and neopolitan....yeah don't ask!!! (leopolean, whaaaaaaaaaa??? hehe!!!)
But now that that is done, Bish-about your post. Yeah, I have no idea why that girl turned "Henry" down. I mean, I agree with you: if someone doesn't know another that well, how could you really make that decision. I mean, you said how she couldn't know that it wouldn't work. That is a reason that many don't understand, myself included, even though I have said it before, and believed it...and I probably willl end up saying it again somewhere down the line....but I really believed i knew enough that it wouldn't work, you know. And you are right, when you say he will end up with someone even more amazing, because that is the honest truth. And she probably will kick herself for it later. Even if she doesn't, I'm sure she will eventually learn a lesson from the experience because it tends to happen that way. The only thing is, i think that people learn these things at different points of their lives. Does that make sense? I mean, I know just by looking at myself now, and in the past, the way i judge and deal with related situations is completely different. but yeah....the mystery of the opposite sex....something we will never understand!!!!!! but im done for now!!! talk to you guys soon!!! ~Julie
Ok, for real, random, but why haven't we ever posted in color before??!!! i'm ending that now!!! :)
But anywho...ok I am back in chambana-YAY!!!!!!! and again, i apologize for being a slacker on the blog. But yeah, break has been lotsa fun so far. Highlights...hmmm...welp definitely my work Christmas party, because it was so good to see these people. and the band was AMAZING!!!!!!But my co-workers are absolutely hysterical, and I love them. And workin' a bit was really really nice, cuz again, the people I work with are absolutely amazing, and you cannot be there for five minutes without one of them making you laugh. And plus, it didn't really feel like work because I hadn't been there in months, so it was fun! yay for that!! And i got to see tons of my peoples from home which was soooooooooooo much fun! Got to hang out with my girlies for hours, see some who I haven't seen in forever, stay with my sis, be on the el!!!! :) (funny how u miss these things when they aren't an option), catch up with princess matt (lol), hang out at my high school, see my grandparents like tons of times (major smiles there!! :) ), go shopping, sleep, (can u believe it???), go dancin' with my girlies 'cuz we can now on the southside!!!, and catch up big time with my miss amia!!!! Seriously, all of you need to meet my amy b/c she is soooooooooo amazing and I love her to pieces. We got to talk about sooo much stuff and just give each other advice, and just an ear to complain to. I miss this girl all of the time, but it's funny how spending time with someone can remind you of how much you really really really miss seeing them everyday. And i got to watch tons and tons of football!!! yay!!! and yeah....just relaxin' and catchin' up with peoples was just awesome. There's probably a ton I'm forgetting, but yeah break was really good at home. And now that I'm's just work a little, running, and just doing whatever i want!!! yay for that!!!!!
and just for laughs:
Things learned this break:
1.) Never underestimate how cold the freakin' wind can make you in Chicago.
2.) A broken branch of a Christmas tree and some garland CAN be used as mistletoe.
3.) "It's hopeless. They're a black abyss."~My Miss Amia
4.) I look like I'm 17 or 18, or just in high school...gee whiz...thanks!
5.) If you open your eyes a bit, you will see how wonderful life really is.
6.) Friends are the best present you can have in life!! (Not that I didn't know that before, but...yeah, definitely got reminded big time!)
7.) You can be "dignity less"-lol Bish!!
8.) People you think you won't ever see again...U DO!!!!! and in the most random places!!
9.) Making peace with someone important in your life is the best!
10.) the correct spelling difference between napolean and neopolitan....yeah don't ask!!! (leopolean, whaaaaaaaaaa??? hehe!!!)
But now that that is done, Bish-about your post. Yeah, I have no idea why that girl turned "Henry" down. I mean, I agree with you: if someone doesn't know another that well, how could you really make that decision. I mean, you said how she couldn't know that it wouldn't work. That is a reason that many don't understand, myself included, even though I have said it before, and believed it...and I probably willl end up saying it again somewhere down the line....but I really believed i knew enough that it wouldn't work, you know. And you are right, when you say he will end up with someone even more amazing, because that is the honest truth. And she probably will kick herself for it later. Even if she doesn't, I'm sure she will eventually learn a lesson from the experience because it tends to happen that way. The only thing is, i think that people learn these things at different points of their lives. Does that make sense? I mean, I know just by looking at myself now, and in the past, the way i judge and deal with related situations is completely different. but yeah....the mystery of the opposite sex....something we will never understand!!!!!! but im done for now!!! talk to you guys soon!!! ~Julie
Alright, so here's the latest in drama, and it's not mine.
A friend from project this summer, who will for the sake of anonymity be called "Henry", got a chance to know this girl, but not well. He worked with her on a leadership team once. He doesn't know her too well, but well enough to know that she might be that kind of girl he'd like to date.
Well, he asked her to coffee. She said a prompt, "maybe." Then he asked if she'd call her back, and she said she would.
He called me up and told me about it. I said, "never put the ball in her court..." (etc etc but you know all about that haha). Anyway, she told his sister, which is her friend, that she was going to say no.
Now, here's the problem. My friend, "Henry", doesn't even know that he wants to pursue the girl that far. He doesn't hardly know her! He says to me (paraphrase), "So, I figure we go for coffee, hang out an hour or something, and if things seem cool maybe ask her another time."
But she's going to say no!? That's horsecrap, unless she thinks that she couldn't possibly stand to go out with him - and let me tell you, that makes no sense. This guy is amazing in every way, totally fun and totally COMPLETELY overly nice and everything a girl could want in a husband. And plus, she's not even that attractive! I mean, she's not ugly, but she's way less cute than this girl that had a crush on him in San Diego. Or maybe the girl he asked is cuter in person, even still - the girl is dumb. She won't even give it a chance, not even the chance to get to know him.
Why not? There is no good answer to that question, unless she has malicious intent towards the sanity of my friend and all men out there who are trying to figure out how to spend time with girls FOR THE SAKE OF GETTING TO KNOW THEM BETTER! THAT WAY WE CAN MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION BEFORE WE START TO GET EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED THEM.
When a girl isn't even willing to let us get to know them better - it's rough. Girls, if a guy asks you out you have only 2 options (assuming you're single).
1. Yes - if you don't know him well or if you know him well and are interested.
2. No - if you know him well and know that it could never happen.
This girl doesn't know him well - she should say yes. Otherwise she's taking things way too seriously. After all, does she expect to be deeply in love with the guy when he asks her to coffee? If that's what girls expect, then they are in for a major disappointment.
Sorry ladies, life's not a chick flick.
In conclusion, my friend "Henry" is getting the shaft from a girl who has her head so far up in the clouds that she won't even give him a chance to get to know her better. She must have some kinda unfair expectations because "Henry" is a great guy. Forget you, random girl "Henry" asked out, because 20 years from now "Henry" won't even remember you. He'll be married to a girl much more awesome than you. And he'll be making babies... or already made them... or somethin'.
Here's to "Henry".
A friend from project this summer, who will for the sake of anonymity be called "Henry", got a chance to know this girl, but not well. He worked with her on a leadership team once. He doesn't know her too well, but well enough to know that she might be that kind of girl he'd like to date.
Well, he asked her to coffee. She said a prompt, "maybe." Then he asked if she'd call her back, and she said she would.
He called me up and told me about it. I said, "never put the ball in her court..." (etc etc but you know all about that haha). Anyway, she told his sister, which is her friend, that she was going to say no.
Now, here's the problem. My friend, "Henry", doesn't even know that he wants to pursue the girl that far. He doesn't hardly know her! He says to me (paraphrase), "So, I figure we go for coffee, hang out an hour or something, and if things seem cool maybe ask her another time."
But she's going to say no!? That's horsecrap, unless she thinks that she couldn't possibly stand to go out with him - and let me tell you, that makes no sense. This guy is amazing in every way, totally fun and totally COMPLETELY overly nice and everything a girl could want in a husband. And plus, she's not even that attractive! I mean, she's not ugly, but she's way less cute than this girl that had a crush on him in San Diego. Or maybe the girl he asked is cuter in person, even still - the girl is dumb. She won't even give it a chance, not even the chance to get to know him.
Why not? There is no good answer to that question, unless she has malicious intent towards the sanity of my friend and all men out there who are trying to figure out how to spend time with girls FOR THE SAKE OF GETTING TO KNOW THEM BETTER! THAT WAY WE CAN MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION BEFORE WE START TO GET EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED THEM.
When a girl isn't even willing to let us get to know them better - it's rough. Girls, if a guy asks you out you have only 2 options (assuming you're single).
1. Yes - if you don't know him well or if you know him well and are interested.
2. No - if you know him well and know that it could never happen.
This girl doesn't know him well - she should say yes. Otherwise she's taking things way too seriously. After all, does she expect to be deeply in love with the guy when he asks her to coffee? If that's what girls expect, then they are in for a major disappointment.
Sorry ladies, life's not a chick flick.
In conclusion, my friend "Henry" is getting the shaft from a girl who has her head so far up in the clouds that she won't even give him a chance to get to know her better. She must have some kinda unfair expectations because "Henry" is a great guy. Forget you, random girl "Henry" asked out, because 20 years from now "Henry" won't even remember you. He'll be married to a girl much more awesome than you. And he'll be making babies... or already made them... or somethin'.
Here's to "Henry".
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Ok, here's some food for thought, and it's not too drama loaded.
Think about the word adult. Or the word mature. What do you think of when you think of a mature adult? For me, it's usually a man or woman, with a job who's on their own or married, making their way through life. They're doing ok, and know how to handle themselves in various situations. They're the type of person who can competently get through life in society.
Now, think about the other things that are labeled adult. Porn shops are "adult superstores." TV-MA is late night Cinemax or some kinda shady show. Mature video games show white guys running through San Andreas beating up old ladies and stealing cars. Now I know that the reason is because only "mature and adult" people are supposed to handle such things.
But why can't we label them appropriately!? They aren't adult or mature. The things seen and depicted in adult and mature video games or movies are the last things that any civilized adult or mature person would ever do! So let's change the labels. Instead of TV-MA, we can have TV-BS, for TV-Bad Stuff. Or instead of "adult" videos, we could label them "videos containing material for those wishing to indulge in perverse fantasies." Let's shorten this to "perverse" videos, or you can have your "perverse" superstore. I mean heck, people will then say porn isn't perverse. But you gotta gimme a break, everybody knows that any guy sitting in a room with 5 "adult" videos and a big bucket of KFC is a pretty perverted sonofagun. Everybody knows that you couldn't watch those things in front of children. Why? Because you want to teach kids how to behave! You don't want to give them bad examples! But once you get old, it's suddenly ok to do those things? ... That's not true.
So either you have to admit that it's bad, and let me change the labels to TV-BS and "perverse." Or, on the other hand, you can say that it's not bad - and then make up excuses for why you wouldn't show it to your kids. Of course you could say that the labels are fine, that TV-MA and "adult" products and shows are perfectly ok, and still (for some bogus reason) refuse to show it to your kids. But at that point you're a hypocrite. Practice what you preach.
Thus, you must be a hypocrite, show 'perverse' and TV-BS shows to your children, or agree with me.
Just a thought.
Think about the word adult. Or the word mature. What do you think of when you think of a mature adult? For me, it's usually a man or woman, with a job who's on their own or married, making their way through life. They're doing ok, and know how to handle themselves in various situations. They're the type of person who can competently get through life in society.
Now, think about the other things that are labeled adult. Porn shops are "adult superstores." TV-MA is late night Cinemax or some kinda shady show. Mature video games show white guys running through San Andreas beating up old ladies and stealing cars. Now I know that the reason is because only "mature and adult" people are supposed to handle such things.
But why can't we label them appropriately!? They aren't adult or mature. The things seen and depicted in adult and mature video games or movies are the last things that any civilized adult or mature person would ever do! So let's change the labels. Instead of TV-MA, we can have TV-BS, for TV-Bad Stuff. Or instead of "adult" videos, we could label them "videos containing material for those wishing to indulge in perverse fantasies." Let's shorten this to "perverse" videos, or you can have your "perverse" superstore. I mean heck, people will then say porn isn't perverse. But you gotta gimme a break, everybody knows that any guy sitting in a room with 5 "adult" videos and a big bucket of KFC is a pretty perverted sonofagun. Everybody knows that you couldn't watch those things in front of children. Why? Because you want to teach kids how to behave! You don't want to give them bad examples! But once you get old, it's suddenly ok to do those things? ... That's not true.
So either you have to admit that it's bad, and let me change the labels to TV-BS and "perverse." Or, on the other hand, you can say that it's not bad - and then make up excuses for why you wouldn't show it to your kids. Of course you could say that the labels are fine, that TV-MA and "adult" products and shows are perfectly ok, and still (for some bogus reason) refuse to show it to your kids. But at that point you're a hypocrite. Practice what you preach.
Thus, you must be a hypocrite, show 'perverse' and TV-BS shows to your children, or agree with me.
Just a thought.
Friday, January 07, 2005
Hello hello my dears!
First of all i am soooo sorry for being a slacker and not posting, and that this one will not be a long post either. But i just had to say, bish that was absolutely hysterical!!! yay for funny convos!!! hehehe!!! Ill talk to you guys soon! :) ~Julie
First of all i am soooo sorry for being a slacker and not posting, and that this one will not be a long post either. But i just had to say, bish that was absolutely hysterical!!! yay for funny convos!!! hehehe!!! Ill talk to you guys soon! :) ~Julie
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Me and Jules had a good conversation tonight. A summary is as follows:
Bish: I like said girl, but she's too awesome for me.
Jules: Bish, I will beat you if you say that.
Bish: Maybe it's just that I don't want to get turned down anymore and I'm sick of it not working out. I'm not sure I want to take another failed attempt.
Jules: Yeah, but there's that saying that without risk you'll never gain.
Bish: And without risk I'll never lose. Well, my dignity is already gone anyway I guess.
Jules: Oh trust me, mine is too.
Bish: lol
Bish: it is!
Bish: hahaha
Jules: It's another story for another time, you have no idea.
Bish: I do have an idea!
Bish: We're "dignity less" <--- quotes added
Jules: lol
Jules: That's awesome! *at this point, we're both actually laughing out loud*
If that makes any sense to you, then good. If it doesn't, whatever, this is our blog anyway.
Bish: I like said girl, but she's too awesome for me.
Jules: Bish, I will beat you if you say that.
Bish: Maybe it's just that I don't want to get turned down anymore and I'm sick of it not working out. I'm not sure I want to take another failed attempt.
Jules: Yeah, but there's that saying that without risk you'll never gain.
Bish: And without risk I'll never lose. Well, my dignity is already gone anyway I guess.
Jules: Oh trust me, mine is too.
Bish: lol
Bish: it is!
Bish: hahaha
Jules: It's another story for another time, you have no idea.
Bish: I do have an idea!
Bish: We're "dignity less" <--- quotes added
Jules: lol
Jules: That's awesome! *at this point, we're both actually laughing out loud*
If that makes any sense to you, then good. If it doesn't, whatever, this is our blog anyway.
Monday, January 03, 2005
Girls are confusing.
Yes, and this can be said without a doubt. I don't think I'm going to offend anyone with this one, because everyone knows girls are confusing. But here is a totally new level of confusion.
If a girl came and blatantly stepped on your foot, looked at you, smiled, and laughed, what would you think it was?
1. Flirting - she likes you.
2. Flirting - she's playing with your mind, ignore.
3. She's mean and gets a kick out of stepping on your toe.
4. She's just a playful girl, didn't mean anything.
5. She just started dating a close friend.
Girls are confusing. In this case it was actually number 5... so I ignored and said to the girl, "You're strange."
She laughed. Well... I'd say that it really is strange. I guess I was funny, but first, it was true. That's why I said it.
So don't blame us for not reading your "signs."
I love it.
Yes, and this can be said without a doubt. I don't think I'm going to offend anyone with this one, because everyone knows girls are confusing. But here is a totally new level of confusion.
If a girl came and blatantly stepped on your foot, looked at you, smiled, and laughed, what would you think it was?
1. Flirting - she likes you.
2. Flirting - she's playing with your mind, ignore.
3. She's mean and gets a kick out of stepping on your toe.
4. She's just a playful girl, didn't mean anything.
5. She just started dating a close friend.
Girls are confusing. In this case it was actually number 5... so I ignored and said to the girl, "You're strange."
She laughed. Well... I'd say that it really is strange. I guess I was funny, but first, it was true. That's why I said it.
So don't blame us for not reading your "signs."
I love it.
Sunday, January 02, 2005
Hey everybody!
Christmas conference was great, and, to all my friends who were there, it was great getting to hang out with you for the week. Outreach day was totally awesome.
The week was loaded with shadiness from P-Dizzle (he who has ears to hear, let him hear =-P), bedtime raunchiness from J Rice (and me too I guess) and hanging with God.
To the drama: I didn't hang out with girls this week at all. There were some girls I wanted to get to know better, maybe for the purpose of asking them out at sometime. But I'm glad I didn't this week. I'm glad because it gave me an opportunity to turn down shady motives (Jason hears me) and be there for the reason I was there.
I don't know why I didn't do anything, in retrospect. I think it's half cowardice and half being tired of girls in general. However, I'm not gonna get down too much and when the time comes I'm going to do what I gotta do. If something comes along and it looks like a good opportunity, I'll go for it. I probably need an authentic manhood course to tell me to go and put my balls on the line or something. Ha.
One thing I've been wondering - is my desire to like this girl based on what I want for myself or on what God wants for me? How could I know? I guess this is where trust comes into play. At this point I'm gonna wait it out till I know for sure, I guess. And if I never know for sure, I guess me and Jules will be getting married at 30.
We have one of those "if we're both not married" deals set up. If you don't get it then don't worry about it - it's mostly a joke. But man would it make it easier if marriages were arranged like that.
Have a great break everybody!
PS: Notice how it goes from "some girls" to "this girl" as the post progresses? I think that there's a girl that may have hit a 7 on the interest scale - but multiple girls who are worth getting to know better. I'm so confused.
Christmas conference was great, and, to all my friends who were there, it was great getting to hang out with you for the week. Outreach day was totally awesome.
The week was loaded with shadiness from P-Dizzle (he who has ears to hear, let him hear =-P), bedtime raunchiness from J Rice (and me too I guess) and hanging with God.
To the drama: I didn't hang out with girls this week at all. There were some girls I wanted to get to know better, maybe for the purpose of asking them out at sometime. But I'm glad I didn't this week. I'm glad because it gave me an opportunity to turn down shady motives (Jason hears me) and be there for the reason I was there.
I don't know why I didn't do anything, in retrospect. I think it's half cowardice and half being tired of girls in general. However, I'm not gonna get down too much and when the time comes I'm going to do what I gotta do. If something comes along and it looks like a good opportunity, I'll go for it. I probably need an authentic manhood course to tell me to go and put my balls on the line or something. Ha.
One thing I've been wondering - is my desire to like this girl based on what I want for myself or on what God wants for me? How could I know? I guess this is where trust comes into play. At this point I'm gonna wait it out till I know for sure, I guess. And if I never know for sure, I guess me and Jules will be getting married at 30.
We have one of those "if we're both not married" deals set up. If you don't get it then don't worry about it - it's mostly a joke. But man would it make it easier if marriages were arranged like that.
Have a great break everybody!
PS: Notice how it goes from "some girls" to "this girl" as the post progresses? I think that there's a girl that may have hit a 7 on the interest scale - but multiple girls who are worth getting to know better. I'm so confused.