
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Hello hello my dears!
Welp, back at school after break, and I must say: boo to classes!! Break was a bit of everything: some good, some bad, some fun, some not so fun, but what are ya gonna do? I got to see my miss amia and kinda go out for our 21st's, which was fun, I went gambling with my fam, which is not something i'm gonna be doing again soon let me tell you, and my cowboys won!! yay for them!! hehe! got to see my oh-so-adorible grandparents three times in one week, which I just absolutely loved! :) but now, back to classes....ahh i don't even want to think about these next couple of weeks!!!!!! esp since my body decided to let me down and get sick on me...booooo!!! but ok, i realize this entry is so extremely pointless and i apologize!!!! i promise ill try to post something somewhat entertaining next time!!! sweet dreams my dears! ~Julie

Monday, November 29, 2004

Yay to getting stalked by my roommate and my away message changed to being something funny.

Boo to class at 8.

Yay for late night blogs. Yay for sleep. Yay for not much work left in the semester. Yay for baked goods from Jules while I watch movies!

So, tonight we learned that I can always be assumed to be doing one of three things.
1. Making a "move."
2. Throwing a frisbee.
3. Watching a movie.

Considering I don't like movies all that much, and I haven't made a move in since March 02, I don't think that this is an adequate list. Maybe I need to redefine move.

I'll do that in my head.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy thanksgiving everyone!

This isn't a "what I'm thankful for" list. But, I am thankful for two things.
1. Girls.
2. Hypocrisy.

Thankful for hypocrisy? Well, yes. I was thinking last night about all the negative things we've said about girls on the blog. And it's kinda funny. I'm just going to make a list.

1. Girls are what I do instead of video games.
2. Girls can be equated to a numerical value of interest I have for them.
3. Girls are dumb.
4. Girls are indecisive.
5. Only gullible girls will date us.
6. They are 'hos'
7. "Woman, make me a sammich"
8. Girls are good for making us baked goods, and are "territory" to be conquered.
9. Girls are good for cleaning my house.
10. Girls are good for raising my children.
11. Girls are easy, and that's why guys don't commit.
12. Girls are impossible to please, and contradictory.
13. Girls can be reduced to a term in a chemical equation yielding CO2 and H2O.
14. Girls only use guys.
15. Girls are insensitive.
16. Girls act in their own self interest while guys don't.

There's way more. HOWEVER, this is where the hypocrisy part comes in. Why?
I love girls. Girls rule. Hanging out with them is almost always as fun as hanging out with guys, but in a different way. When you're sick of stupid arguments and silly discussions about whether chem is worse than physics, you can hang out with girls. They don't argue with you and are happy people to be around.

Therefore, I am a hypocrite. And I am thankful for that, because otherwise I'd actually hate girls. And I'd rather be a hypocrite than hate girls.

Happy turkey day,

I'm thankful for electricity too. With it, we can wake up our friend by simultaneously:
1. Calling him.
2. Ringing his doorbell.
3. Honking the horn from the car via remote control.
4. Banging on the window.

Ok, maybe we don't need electricity to bang on the window, but it was part of the entire experience. Too bad he didn't wake up!
Stupid heavy sleepers. Who goes to bed at 11:45 anyway?

Yay to ripping off Wal-Mart by returning stuff there that probably was bought elsewhere. $44.82 cents worth of kit kat bars, balderdash, and shirts and black socks. Pretty random assortment of goods I'd say.

And yay to balderdash! That game is amazing. We should play up at school sometime.
Eat a lot of turkey tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

I'm thankful for electricity! Adventures without power are no longer, played cards with the folks by candle-light to pass the time. Snow... still gotta love it!

And Jules, I hate to tell you this, but the Bears are going to win.

Hello hello my dears!
I hope everyone's breaks are going well!!! Just have some yays and boos to post:
boo to things going kinda bad lately, boo to fights with my mom and sis..boo to the situation at home right now (now that i have the crappy stuff out of the way! :) )
yay for chicago!!, yay for all the pretty lights downtown, yay for a beautiful dinner at the museum of science and industry (seriously, i felt like i was someone of importance with the way this thing went!!), yay for amazing friends and laughing crazy w/ them, yay for my oh so cute grandparents...yeah i think that's it!! but it was all so fun!! yay!! ooohh one more thing: boo to the scary, scary bus ride to the museum...seriously, yikes!! the things me and my sis do sometimes i swear...hehe!!!! but everyone have an amazing turkey day and GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Cowboys!!!!! Sweet dreams my dears!! ~Julie

Monday, November 22, 2004

Welcome to Manteno! Home of the drama-less(at least, once you get out of here).

It's good to be back home, but things change and it requires a little adjusting.
My Dad got a new truck, built a new shed, bought a new accessory for the tractor, a new DVD player, a cd player for the kitchen, and a new VCR. Good to see the money that isn't paying for my college education is being put to good use. *eye-roll* It's kinda crazy, but some of these were just replacing things that had broke.

Saturday, I went to my cousin's wedding up in Shaumburg. It was a nice wedding, but long and I got blessed by a deacon(?)... So, not exactly what I'm used to...

During the several hour gap between the wedding and reception, we were headed toward the mall to kill time, but stopped by the Portillo's on Barrington Road. This is pretty insignificant, but my father saved some elderly lady from choking (that's the only reason I mention it). But, Portillo's is good, you should try it (just don't choke on it). The reception was in Embassy Suites, and the usual over-eating that occurs over breaks began early as we were fed a four or five course meal. Ugh... time to get out jogging again.

Well, my original plan was to come home for the weekend and then head back to Champaign and stay with my sister for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I'd be working at the library during that time, but, my dad has some work up here he wants me to do. So, I guess I'll be here. Force myself to study between the 'pack mule for hire' tasks. Another trip up to the Shaumburg area on Thursday for Thanksgiving with family. Then, Friday is crazy shopping day! 200gb harddrive for less than $50. I'll also try to get some of my christmas shopping done. I might try to get an Ultimate Frisbee game together up here, if it weren't for the fact that Jake breaks his toe every time he returns to his house.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Howdy! It's midnight and I'm at home. My friends are all out, which is cool, but I'm kinda bored and got a second wind when I planned on being tired. So here I am on the blog.

Yays and boos:
Yay to friends, yay to turkey, and yay to thanksgiving break. Boo to being bored, boo to not seeing school people, and boo to crappy weather. Yay to the blog, yay for a return to 'normalcy', and yay to quoting oldschool presidents who made up words (like W is the only prez who makes up words, yeah right). Yay to seeing home people, yay to seeing family, and yay for having 3\4 of my favorite video games still intact at home.

And finally, yay to having no girls on the horizon, and boo to having no girls on the horizon.

That's right, a yay and a boo to the same thing. I think we need a word to describe this. Julie suggests the word "mah." Mah sounds good. And, if I make up new words, I'm kinda like W and that old president who made up the word normalcy. I'm fast-tracking to political greatness!

So mah to having no girls on the horizon.

It's a weird feeling not having any particular girl on the horizon. I mean, it's not like I ALWAYS like a particular girl. However, the majority of the time there is one girl in my mind that sticks out. Sometimes, I am more interested in the girl that other times, and when the interest hits a certain level, then the wheels start turning.

I think we need a graph. We've got, on the Y-axis, a scale from 1-10. The units are interest. The X axis has multiple lines, each line representing a girl and the units are time.

1- The interest you have in a girl that's really offensive.
2 - The interest you have in a girl that's pretty tough to be around.
3 - The interest you have in a girl that you find slightly annoying.
4 - The interest you have in a girl that is somewhat neutral.
5- The interest you have in a girl that you don't know but is pretty.
6 - The interest you have in a girl that you know well and is pretty cool, but something's keeping her from being a 7.
7 - High enough to ask the girl on a date.
8 - High enough to ask the girl to be your girlfriend.
9 - High enough to propose.
10-High enough to get married without being incredibly scared.

Obviously, the scale is logarithmic. So the graph exists in integers, where fractional values are always rounded down. If there's doubt, she exists in the lower level.

I've got nobody over a 6, for the first time in a bit. It's good to not have to worry about it, but it's weird because there's nobody with whom I can use my creative abilities for pursuit. It's weird because I don't know who that next person I will be interested in will be, or how long it will be until I meet her. Will she be amazing or will she just be another girl that doesn't end up working out? Maybe both? It's exciting but unsure, not that I have any doubt it'll work out according to what is best for me. It's just an interesting place to be right now. And when there is that girl that's a 7 or higher, she takes up some time but usually doesn't detract from my normal schedule, so it's not necessarily bad or good. She just replaces video games.


Therefore, a definition of mah is (at least as it pertains to girls):
mah < 7.

See ya everyone.

Hey my dears!
All i hafta say is Bish, yay for your post. For real. Definitely good points that needed to be made. And I must say I'm glad our post is getting back to normal!!! Let the normal drama continue (even though it would be best w/o drama altogether) instead of blog drama!! Don't have to much at the moment actually..just that boys are startin' to drive me crazy!!!! ahhhh!!! hehe! But hey, im overtired (and yes i'm a firm believer that this is quite possible!!!), so maybe that has something to do with it! But anywho, this post is got nothing good and is not exciting so im done! Everyone have an awesome break and a great turkey day!! and be careful driving!!!!!! ~Julie

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Well, whenever Michael posts he seems to reference the 101 cop-out excuses to use when someone asks you out on a date book. Well, for those of you who don't have a copy of this, we've decided to graciously offer it, right here on the blog! I hope you enjoy it, and don't take it seriously! Several of these are personally received among the guys on the floor, but we don't hold anything against those girls. Heck, I know I love 'em!

101 cop-out excuses to use when someone asks you out on a date

1. I have homework due tomorrow.
2. I have to take a shower.
3. I’m going to the book store.
4. I’m really tired.
5. I have a boyfriend/girlfriend. (as a lie)
6. I’m growing in my faith right now.
7. That’s going to require too much effort.
8. *Ignore the question*
9. I think my sorority/fraternity is doing something that weekend.
10. Say ‘yes’ while they are there, then tell them ‘no’ later over the phone/e- mail/AIM/other obscure non-confrontational way.
11. I don’t know you well enough (to go on a date so I can get to know you better).
12. Dating’s against my religion.
13. Call me later. (When you’ve never given them your number before.)
14. I’ll call you later. (When you don’t have their number.)
15. I have to visit my ex in the hospital.
16. I have to study.
17. You’re not my type.
18. My parents are taking me out to dinner.
19. I have to think about it. (Cop out later)
20. *Have a friend tell them ‘no’ for you later.*
21. I’m hungry. (When date involves non-food related activity)
22. I have other plans.
23. I’m gonna be sick that day.
24. Religious observance.
25. I don’t want to be alone with you.
26. I have to double-date with my parents.
27. I made a pact to not date until (current age +1).
28. I gave dating up for Lent.
29. Are you exhibiting a similar attraction that a negative-charged electron would show toward the positively-charged nucleus, in which your body is excreting pheromones to hopefully triumph in grand larceny of what modern poets would deem the cardio-driven mass of my entity?
30. I’ll be watching TV then.
31. I need to clean the house/wash the car.
32. I have nothing to wear.
33. I’m dying. / I have (insert transmittable, terminal illness).
34. I promised to spend quality time with (friend/roommate/family member/family pet).
35. God doesn’t think we should be together.
36. My grandma doesn’t like you. (Despite surviving status of grandmother)
37. I’m getting my braces off. *smile, revealing no braces*
38. I have to go visit my mom in jail.
39. I’m having major surgery that day.
40. Crap! My (random appliance) is on fire!
41. I’ve got bible study then.
42. I’m donating (random body part/bodily fluid) that day.
43. I have to take my (insert exotic pet) to the vet.
44. I’m gay.
45. I have to get a haircut.
46. I’m going skiing.
47. *Change the subject*
48. I don’t like Ultimate Frisbee.
49. I can’t get close to anyone. They go after anybody I get close to.
50. I have to go shopping for (specific item).
51. I’m on a strict diet. (when asked out to dinner)
52. I have a conference call that day.
53. The compatability of our quantum states is minimized by the quantization of the effects of Pauli-Exclusion Principle as is inversely proportional to the integrated hyperbolic function of the Chandrasekhar Limit when observed through the radiological effects of the space-time continuum when approaching the event horizon of a super-massive gravitational disturbance, I’m so sorry.
54. That’s the night my spaceship leaves.
55. *Avoid the person*
56. My horoscope says I should avoid social events that day.
57. I have to get my bolts tightened that day.
58. Hang on, I have to pick my nose. *spend excessive amount of time picking nose*
59. I have to go to lab/studio that day.
60. That’s my pet’s birthday.
61. My grandmother died when she went out on a first date.
62. I’ve got class.
63. I’ve never had good luck with guys/girls named (name of person asking).
64. I’m saving myself for (insert anything…..absolutely anything will work).
65. No(quietly), do you think (person asking friend/roommate/sibling of same sex) likes me?
66. You frighten me.
67. I just don’t think I’m ready for that yet.
68. That’s during my quiet time.
69. That’s my (insert event, i.e. Bingo) night.
70. Let me see what my friends think.
71. I can’t afford to be seen in public with you.
72. I have to get up early the next day.
73. I’m going to go meet one of the Chicago Bears. “Which one?” Any of them.
74. I’m sorry *psshh..* you’re *pssh* breaking up. *pssh* I’ll talk *pssh* to you *pssh* later. (*pssh* = self-made static noise over phone)
75. I am your father/mother. (Darth Vader voice)
76. I have friends coming into town.
77. No, but you’re going to make some guy really happy some day. (works for both genders, but best when said by female)
78. I have to go see (insert off-season sporting event) that day.
79. You’re my friend’s ex.
80. My dog doesn’t like you.
81. I have to work.
82. I can’t afford to go on a date with you.
83. Your roommate stinks/freaks me out/looks at me weird/watches us/makes out with his girlfriend too much/etc.
84. The thought of you rends my soul.
85. You’re too good for me.
86. I know you’re just trying to get me on the make-out futon.
87. If I wanted to get to know you better, I would have asked you.
88. I have to stay home and nurse my groin injury.
89. Yes, but not with you.
90. Do I know you?
91. We’re too good of friends.
92. Not until after we’re married.
93. Only if you ask me out in a more creative fashion.
94. I’m a vegetarian.
95. Look a three-headed monkey! *backs up slowly, runs away quickly*
96. I think we should hang-out casually in large groups first.
97. Are you saying you’re too good for me? *feign anger*
98. My contacts are in…
99. 1001110 1101111
100. Well, I would go on a date with you but lately I’ve been reading this website, the “Webpage o’ Drama,” you know? And it just completely turns me off to dating! All these people do all day long is talk about dating, and how it’s just the worst thing ever. After all this crap I read on the WPOD, I just can’t possibly see myself dating anyone right now. I mean, you’re completely attractive, have a great personality and you’re everything I could ever want in a mate, it’s just that this website has completely turned me off to dating. I’m so sorry.
101. No

Ahhh...... Monday nights. So fun and relaxing and enjoyable.

I had a realization about 5 seconds ago. Yes, I know it's 1:30 in the morning and I'm feelin' good and stupid on the blog, but hey, that's when I make my best posts.

Here's the deal. I just realized that if I post, it doesn't have to be on topic. I made the blog! I can post whatever I want. Such freedom.

On that note, I'm sick of the blog being crazy! The blog, itself, is too much drama lately. Drama isn't even being posted on the blog, but the blog is drama and I'm writing a blog about the blog. Something's messed up here. Thankfully, the blog itself is not responsible and things will change. There will not be drama that the blog creates anymore. The drama posted here will be a natural result of life. That's the way it has been in the past, and that's the way it shall be. The change is probably a result of me trying something a bit new, such as asking a question to the world, but I don't like the way that went. Sorry if you liked it, but it's too much work for me.

To anonymous posters (or posters that aren't me, Jason or Jules): from now on, just because you want to post, don't expect anything. Your posts aren't always welcome. The first anonymous post was the infamous MacGyver post, last April. It was a beautiful masterpiece of humorously stated drama. Lately, people just want to give their opinions on the blog. That's all good and well, but that's not what the blog is meant to do. If you want to post here, give us something original and creative, slightly humorous and witty. Not everything Jason, Jules and I post are like this, but hey, we do what we can. Otherwise, the blog will become quantity over quality, which is not good for people reading this. I know that the posters of the past are all thinking, "Man, why did he say we get to post if he's not happy with it?" Well, the fact is that these posts, in the past, had always been well created and well thought out. They were usually random and funny. That's not what it is lately, more of a rant. And it's also been a rant against things that I've written on the blog. I'm not going to moderate a blog where people rant against me. That's retarded. This is where I rant. Jason and Jules can rant here too. You can't rant here. You can send me high quality anonymous posts if you want. That's it. And I reserve the right to be very critical and judge any posts you send me, and reject them.

I think that may have been a rant! YES! Abusing my power never felt so good.

No offense to the posters of the past couple weeks, it's just been on my mind that the quality of the blog is dropping due to a massive influx of people wanting to post. Seriously, today I received 3 emails from people wanting to post here. I just can't do it. Even Julia's post, the last one, was maybe 1/8 of what she sent me. Nobody wants to read that much stuff. And even then, I disagree with a lot of what she wrote in the email to me and I cut out a lot of it which is hardly even fair, because what I posted of hers doesn't fully represent what she meant. At the same time, I don't want to spam the blog with the longest post it has ever seen. It's so hard for me to decide how to keep the blog high quality and still represent others' ideas. I'm not going to deal with it anymore.

On a different note, things have been good for me lately. Blowing off studying to watch Boondock Saints was one of the single-most irresponsible things I've done in college yet. It felt great. The company of good friends is always relaxing. I like being able to sit down next to people I know will always be there for me and just laugh at Irish people killing Russian mobsters. Get the DVD and watch the deleted scene with the Irish mom. Really funny.

Have a good week everybody!

Monday, November 15, 2004

Julia, a girl, has some stuff to say. I only posted the parts that are key to the discussion.

For one, I don’t think that girls need ‘protecting’—maybe I’m different from this anonymous respected girl, but I’m no ‘damsel in distress’ and can take care of myself, thank you very much. The idea that some guys think that girls need to be protected from their own emotions insults me, honestly. Granted, I know that anyone, girl or guy, can be hurt in a relationship. I’d be stupid to say otherwise. However, in the early dating stages, if a guy was acting very affectionate in a way that indicates that he likes me, but I’m not sure if he does or is just an affectionate kind of person,I’d ask. How hard is it to say something like ‘hey, you’rehugging me a lot and stuff, which is great, but I’m confusedabout where we stand. Do you actually like me, or do you justlike hugging?’

This is identical to the way guys have suffered from the Nice Girl circumstance, with the girl acting nice andinterested in them as a person and then they think that shelikes them as more than a friend. Confusion ensues becauseassumptions are made. I know this as a very solid fact, because it happens to me ALL the friggin time. From that point, it’s easy for me—“hey, I’m sorry I led you to think that I was interested in dating, but I have a boyfriend” is what I say, because, well, I’ve always had aboyfriend when this kind of misunderstanding came up. And if I happened to be single, I would never lie and say I had aboyfriend, again I’d be honest and say I’m just not interested in that person that way. To me, dishonesty is the worst thing you can do ever, considering that it’s nearly impossible toget away with, and once the lie is discovered, the person lied to feels horrible. Plus, it’s a way of saying “hey, I don’t have enough respect for your intellect and think you won’t find out, and I don’t respect you enough to be honest.” A good amount of people I know can attest to the way I react to dishonesty. It’s not pretty. I hate being lied to, and thus would never mislead another person.

Yes, I agree with Jules.
For future reference (in order to keep things not scary), let's ask questions if we're not sure what is meant by a post. That keeps it from being less of "you're an idiot Bish," and more of "Bish you're an idiot because you can't write, what the heck are you trying to say." I prefer the latter.

And to Nick's point, yes, honesty is huge. The ideal relationship would be total honesty from BOTH sides. I think it's important for girls to be honest too. As far as looking out for the girl, however, I think a guy's honesty is the single best thing. Way to go Nick.

Sorry for the initial confusion as a result of my hastily typed post. I'll do better in the future. I'm glad we're on topic now.


PS: In response to Michael, yes, you did misunderstand me and that's ok. I wasn't trying to make a point in the previous posts. I was trying to make sure everyone understood what my question was.

I all i hafta say is yay for u! hopefully all this misunderstanding is over now!! Thank u! ~Julie

Alright, it's time for me to finally jump into the mix
here. First of all, it's hard to look at the whole idea of
your post when we can't figure out what it is. It's not a
bad thing, it's just that we couldn't understand what you
were trying to say. Now that you've cleared a few things
up, I feel like I can respond. I've learned a few things,
having been in the dating scene for five years now. The
only thing you can do to "protect girls' hearts," to use the
phrase of the times, is to be completely honest at the
moment you feel it. As soon as you start feeling things
other than the girl you're dating has been led to believe,
then you start leading her on and she'll get even more
hurt. However, there is absolutely no way to completely
protect a girl's heart. Nor is there any way to completely
protect a guy's heart. It can't happen. Love is a gamble.
You see something you like, you go for it. There's no way
to get the big return that we all want in the long run
unless we put our heart out there in the open.
Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do as guys to take the
pain out of a failed relationship when the girl has put lots
of stock in it. If they get their hopes up, no matter how
nicely we end it, they will be hurt. So, that means the
only thing we can do is find out how to lessen the blow.
This can only be done by being completely honest and open
about it. The best time to do this would be as soon as you
start feeling these things. Don't wait while you try to
figure things out yourself, get them out in the open and
convey to the girl that this is what you may be feeling at
the moment, or that this is something you're struggling with
in the relationship. Then, you can talk about it together
and decide whether or not you can salvage the relationship
or if you can try to work things out. I think that the
kissing/holding/cuddling would fall into the broad topic of
being honest, because if you're doing those things when
you're not feeling those emotions, then you're not being
honest with either the girl or yourself. In short, honesty
is, in my opinion, not only the most important priority, but
quite possibly the only one. How this can apply to the
confusion of whether or not a first date is a big deal is
quite obvious. If the guy asks the girl out without the
intention of it being a big deal, he should be up front
about it. Then the girl wouldn't get all excited about it
and get more hurt if it turns out that the first date is the
only date. And, after the date, if it seems that the girl
is expecting another date, and you don't want to give her
one, just TELL HER. It'll be painful yes, but as we know,
pain is directly proportional to time and it increases at a
steady rate as a function of time, which means that the
longer you let her have these feelings that aren't being
returned, the more hurt she's going to be when she finally
finds out. Also, the longer you wait, if you're talking to
other people about it, then the chance that whe'll find out
from someone else increases, which is just something that no
guy wants to get involved with. It's just bad news. Also,
I don't really think that the guys are the only ones taking
the fall, or the hurt. We are the ones that should be
taking the initial action yes, but I'm sure it's just as
painful to the girls as it is to us, maybe even more so,
considering we don't feel things for them. It's more of a
mutual pain situation, with both sides feeling it. So, in
summarization of my opinion, just be open and honest about
absolutely everything. It's the only way to minimize the
pain, although there is, unfortunately, no way to completely
erase it.

BISH HERE: Thanks for a good post Nick. It was what I hoped for all along. A girl's opinion, hopefully, would maybe shed some light on things.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Hmmm it appears I may have gone too far.

I'm sorry for what appears to be direct criticism towards you Bish. I'm used to going point-counterpoint in argumentation, but you prefer the argumentation of ideas on the whole.

I'm sorry for going after parts of the whole, but personally I couldn't get what message you were trying to make. It seems like what you were writing about was directly referring to hypothetical situations that we had discussed previously, though you claimed otherwise, so I responded to what I knew. I'm sorry I may have misinterpreted your point as a whole.

The whole point I'm trying to make is that not all people think the same as the generalizations made several posts previous. There's more than one way for things to work out, and not some standard rules book way to go about relationships, save honesty. When a relationship is not going to work, end it as soon as possible with honesty. That's it. It's the same for both guys and girls. No shady aim messages. No shady lead ons. No dates if you don't like the other person.

And Jules, congrats on breaking sterotypes about the guys having to ask out the girls. If more people would act in similar fashions, the dating marketplace (I have no idea where I just pulled that term from) would be a much better place.



Hey my dears!
Ok, i just have three thoughts and i'm done. First and most importantly: YIKES!! the blog is scary at the moment!!!!! I'm def. staying out of this one, b/c personally i think it's guys trying to say where they stand on issues, and HI im a girl-def. not getting involved!! Just don't kill each other ok???
Second, Michael I have asked someone out and started a relationship..so now u do know someone!!! (hehe! just had to put in my two cents on that! :)
And lastly, what is going on with boys in general lately????? Ok, im not gonna expand on this thought, but geez...these last three days have been insane!!!!!! And im done. ~Julie

I guess I did a bad job at explaining my thoughts, although I really don't think everything I said was as confusing as you all made it out to be.

Here's a summary of what I've said, or at least of what I meant to say. There's an assumption I make, based on what most guys have said, that a first date with a girl isn't a huge deal. Girls (not all girls, but for the sake of my line of thought) think differently, that maybe a first date is a big deal. How then, can guys who don't put too much emphasis on a first date manage to protect girls emotions (hearts) when they ask them out? In the event that, after the first date, the guy ends up not liking the girl but the girl likes the guy, how should guys conduct themselves (both before, during, and after that date) such that the girls emotions are hurt the least?

The EDITED part was reference to me not trying to sound arrogant, such as "all the girls I ask out I end up not liking and they all like me." That's not true, OBVIOUSLY. And that's what I meant. However, sometimes they do like me and I end up not liking them, that is true too. And the latter is the situation I'm referring to. However, this post is not in reference to one specific situation, but is a myriad of situations from different guys who are all my friends and with whom I interact a lot. This is not only about me.

To the question, it seems that honesty is the best way to deal with the situation. I think there are other things guys can do in order to protect girls' emotions. Specifically, if guys end up kissing\holding hands\cuddling with girls, etc, the girl is going to get really attached really fast. If the guy isn't sure that he's in it for the long haul, he shouldn't do these things even if he likes doing them. Also, simply talking about certain things, I imagine, can make a girl get really close to you emotionally and it's probably better to refrain from these if you're not sure you're interested in her. That is what I mean by "protecting a girl's heart." It's synonymous with treating them in a way that honors them, but still keeping a safe distance so that they don't get too attached too quick.

In response to Michael, I think I agree with Jason. Men are supposed to take the fall. We're men. Let's live up to the challenge of manhood, which includes chivalry. You can call chivalry foolish tradtion, but I think that cowardice is more foolish. As men, I believe we have a responsibility to lead and to set the standard. If it's foolishness to you, I guess we disagree.

Also, taking my individual statements and examples out of context and then refuting them, such as
["Honestly, it's an exciting thing to go on a date and meet a new person" -Bish
They're rarely new, and you're rarely getting to know them for the first time, from the dating schemas I've seen around here. -Michael]
while I'm trying to explain myself is not beneficial. What does it matter whether or not the person is new? That wasn't even the point of that paragraph, I would hope you would read for the idea and not so that you could pick apart everything I write. That's not the point of the blog.

If I still make absolutely no sense, I guess that I'm a horrible conveyer of my ideas via writing. Hopefully, what I meant is now clarified. I'd prefer, in the future, an actual understanding of what is going on before we start slamming each others' ideas.

See ya.
PS: I am still wondering how we (men) should conduct ourselves in order to keep girls' emotions as unhurt as possible.


Sorry, my one line add-in to Jason's post just wasn't enough to convey my thoughts.

First we start with you Bish. What-in-the-hell-are-you-talking-about? Seriously-you-made-little-or-even-less-sense-especially-after-the-edit-that-only-served-to-confuse-and-bewilder.

Firstly, I cannot FATHOM a situation in which a guy would ask a girl on a date that he doesn't like and has no desire in pursuing. It doesn't make sense! NONE.

"But what I didn't expect is that maybe the girl likes me, and then gets really excited and stuff. Or maybe girl doesn't like me, but ends up liking me after the first time we hang out and I realize it won't work out. It could happen vice versa too, with the me realizing I really like the girl and she doesn't end up liking me. Whatever the case, if it doesn't end up happening one side's feelings are going to be hurt a bit. I guess emotions can get a little higher than what I originally thought."

Ok......let's try to decipher this block. Yeah a girl you ask out might like you....actually I'd think you'd HOPE she likes you, or after a time WILL like you.
If she doesn't like you now or never will........what's the point of dating again?
And...yeah emotions are almost always hurt when it "doesn't work out".....(oh yes,
I'd like to mention I HATE the euphemism "doesn't work out," it's such a cop-out for "It's because of me")....unless neither person likes the other to begin with, and I've already stated that's impossible.

"It's impossible to date a girl you don't know and still know how she, in her own particular feminine way (all girls are different), will end up liking you or not and whether or not she has the same expectations and hopes going into that situation. So I guess you just gotta take the chance. If it works out, yay, if it doesn't, they'll get over it in a few days."

Wha? I'd say it's impossible to comprehend that first sentence. If you're referring to the fact that you don't know what the other person is thinking.....well....YEAH. And if things "don't work out" (again, UGH) many people will NOT get over it in a few days. I'd refer to several "hypothetical" situations.

Then we get to the edit.

"I kinda make it sound like the only possibility (or most probable possibility) is that she likes me and I don't like her or end up liking her (liking meaning wanting to continue dating, etc). That's OBVIOUSLY not the case, and I wouldn't imagine or expect that most girls look forward to being asked out by me and then get all giddy and excited."

OBVIOUSLY, as indeed it does sound like the most probable possibility is that she likes you yet you somehow do not.

"Honestly, it's an exciting thing to go on a date and meet a new person"

They're rarely new, and you're rarely getting to know them for the first time, from the dating schemas I've seen around here.

"That's not what the following is meant to be or show, just that feelings may exist in the girl and if they do there's nothing that can be done about it, at least for the guy."

There's plenty you can do. Plenty. Most things depend on the situation and I won't go into depth here.....

Now let’s check out Bish’s most recent post.

Firstly, if you’re quoting a “respected girl” and she is to be respected, she needs a name, otherwise her statement cannot be challenged. My name is Michael.
“But this question is from a guy's perspective. Since it's not a big deal to us…”
NO BISH. NO NO NO. Some guys think it IS a big deal too, just like some girls think it isn’t a big deal. NO GENERALIZING FOR YOU ANYMORE.

“But if he's not sure, and ends up not wanting to go after the girl and the girl gets all excited, and then the guy just blows her off she's going to be hurt .”

Solution: NO BLOWING OFF. Be honest about it. Don’t rush things.

Well that's all for you Bish. On to some comments about Jason's lengthy repose.

There's only one thing you can do if you're truly "looking out for a girl's heart." It's called honesty.

I'm in the "dating is a big deal camp" in case you're wondering, so Bish's generalization about guys I'd say does NOT apply.

And here Jason refers to a series of dates. When talking about the FIRST or SECOND date, there's not much you can do in the vein of "consciously" trying to "protect a girl's feelings." You hardly have known anything about the girl/guy. Assuming massive over-analyzation/misdirection/fraudulent-dating-practices don't occur, there should be nothing standing in your way of at least 3 dates, assuming you still like the person, which I doubt one or 2 dates can change. (THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS, hypothetical ones too.)

"Protecting a girl's heart"...(I also hate this term......what does it mean exactly!?)...should not be an active conscious thought. As I said earlier, if you really want to protect their feelings, honesty is the best course of action. If you are going to end the relationship, do it, say why, and that's that. There isn't any other way in my opinion that will result in less net "feeling loss." Several actions people attempt are delaying it, stringing them along, etc...

Jason's giving the nice guys here a little too much of the "get kicked in the balls factor." Regardless of your "nice rating," you do NOT deserve many of the shenanigans pulled by women. It's NOT YOUR FAULT, IT'S THEIRS (assuming it actually is their fault and not yours, in which case it IS your fault, I suppose).

"Then, why are we obligated to try to protect the girl first? Well, as the guy, we most likely initiated this whole mess, so it's our duty to take the fall"

This statement sickens me, mostly because GUYS ONLY ARE LIKELY TO "initiate the whole mess" BECAUSE WOMEN EXPECT GUYS TO DO ALL THE ASKING. It's a moronic double standard that enrages me every time I think about it. I'm all for equal asking by both sexes to the opposite one. Yet I have NEVER heard of any relationship in which the girl initially asked the guy out first. This enrages me mostly because I'm a social coward at heart. Guys should not feel obligated to protect the girl first, ESPECIALLY if the girl is pulling bull$%@^. I for one don't see why guys ever put up with this, because I wouldn't. If someone tried one of the "101 cop-out excuses to use when someone asks you out on a date" (#76 - I have friends coming in from out of town) I'd ask them why they're copping out. Directness (also referred to as honesty) is something I believe wholeheartedly in. Yet most people attempt to be as indirect as possible, especially in regards to relationships, as directness is “insensitive”. This just doesn't fly with me.

Oh yes, I believe Jason misused the term "traditional." This seems to indicate that it's a positive term and means higher standards or something. I'm thinking it means something more along the lines of "stupid," "foolish," or "dumb." (Example: "it'll probably be a more traditional relationship in which the guy pays for everything" Traditional relationships in which guys pay for everything are stupid, foolish, and dumb, regardless of "tradition." EXCEPTION: The Chief. Keep the Chief)

*Sigh* That's all the venting I got for now. I held nothing back on this post. I get the feeling that other people have wanted to let it all out but cannot thanks to complaints from readers of the blog. It’s a blog. It’s for expressing yourself. If you don’t like it……don’t read it? See what happened when morons complained about i hate pam? Sorry guys, but I don’t censor myself.
Direct<---------------------------------------------> Indirect


Questions/Comments/Flames will be well received at melnikof@uiuc.edu


The question, however, wasn't about whether or not it should be a high priority. Obviously it should, that's why I quoted the respected girl. If the girls can't do it themselves, we need to. In light of this, how do we do it?

That was my question.

I don't know how! That's why I asked it.

The question of "can we date girls we don't know we are going to pursue?" is asked because, if we know we are going to pursue them no matter what, if they like us then there will be a relationship and they will be protected and not turned down, etc. In retrospect, maybe this doesn't make as big of sense in writing as it does in my mind, but that's because I'm thinking of a certain situation.

And I know that "if dating (going on a first date) isn't a big deal" wasn't proven. But this question is from a guy's perspective. Since it's not a big deal to us and may be to them, it's important that we realize girls go into the entire thing with a different mindset than guys. That's why their hopes, expectations, etc for what result of the entire thing could result in them getting hurt. That's why that phrase was in the question.

Finally, the question was meant to mean if he's not sure he wants to pursue her long term. Obviously, it's better if he knows he wants to. But if he's not sure, and ends up not wanting to go after the girl and the girl gets all excited, and then the guy just blows her off she's going to be hurt . But that's what can quite possibly happen if we ask them on *unimportant* first dates and then blow them off.
Does that clarify?

I got nothing from that last post, except the question of where you buy your hyphens in bulk. 26 would cost a bunch, but I guess if you buy them wholesale...
Michael adds: Oh yes, and the post makes no sense.

Back to Jason:
Your original premise that led to all of this is kinda confusing. (Reproduced here for convenience)
"If dating isn't a big deal, how can we (guys) protect girls' hearts while trying to get to know them better? Is it wrong to date a girl without knowing you want to pursue them?"

First of all, the first conditional this implication was built on "if dating isn't a big deal" was never proven. In the summary post, it appears guys come to the general conclusion that the first date doesn't have to be a big deal. While girls come to the conclusion that the first date is kind of a big deal. Nothing debunked the seriousness of dating, as far as I remember. I know that earlier you stated: "Going on one date is not dating." (April 28, 2004) So, above you are refering to going on a series of dates when you need to protect girls' hearts.

So, hopefully with all semantics cleared up...
Whether or not dating is a big deal, protecting a girl's heart should be the guy's highest priority, even more so than winning the interest of the girl, getting a second date, or even getting the first date. If it requires injuring a girl's heart in order to get to know her better, it's kind of a self-defeating act.

Is it wrong to date a girl without knowing you want to pursue them?
I find it hard to imagine the hypothetical situation where a guy would ask a girl out on a date without his wanting to pursue her. If the guy doesn't know whether or not he wants to fully pursue this girl, then it's not wrong for him to ask for a chance to get to know the girl. If the guy does know he wants to pursue the girl, then there is obviously nothing wrong with this pursuit. If the guy knows he doesn't want to pursue the girl and still asks the girl out, yes, there is a problem with this. He is leading the girl on, and as for what his motivation is, I can't even fathom it. Especially, since it has been established that this would be a series of dates, and any person capable of over-analyzing should be wondering about possible implications made by the series of dates (the most obvious one: "Is this guy interested in me?").

What do we need to learn about this now that it is in active conscious thought? Well, for one thing, make protecting the girl's heart priority number one. Be concerned and attentive that this is our most important duty. Gentlemen (nice guys seems to be the equivalent term) are self-sacrificing and this is no exception to that call-to-duty. Whether the sacrifice is made by non-begrudgingly accepting a girl's decision, trying to avoid awkwardness between yourself and the girl after being turned down, or being spiteful when you find out later that she's dating somebody else. Is this an easy task? NO, of course it's not easy. We want to recover, make our pain known (pity), and retreat so that we may lick our wounds. But, don't we have every right to protect ourselves? Yes. Then, why do we are we obligated to try to protect the girl first? Well, as the guy, we most likely initiated this whole mess, so it's our duty to take the fall. As the random, but respected girl (I don't know who, or even if she is respected) said, "As much as we try to and are told to protect our hearts, we're really bad at it." It never hurts to have more than one person trying to reduce the amount of pain inflicted, and if we like the girl, we are going to want   to reduce the pain inflicted, even if she turned us down.

(*Tangent* Guy asks a girl out on a date, he should pay because he invited her. Girl asks guy out on a date, she should pay since she invited. That's how I'd balance out the argument that any "feminist" (self-declared) may have had with my previous "guys pay for everything" statement. If it's a more traditional girl that allows the guy to do the asking out, then it'll probably be a more traditional relationship in which the guy pays for everything. It's a little subtle thing we can try to pick up on. Therefore, the solution if girls don't like being paid for is to ask guys out more instead.)

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Well, I guess Jason and Jules didn't like my new topic. So here's my two cents.

The following paragraph assumes that I've asked the girl out and she said yes. I kinda make it sound like the only possibility (or most probable possibility) is that she likes me and I don't like her or end up liking her (liking meaning wanting to continue dating, etc). That's OBVIOUSLY not the case, and I wouldn't imagine or expect that most girls look forward to being asked out by me and then get all giddy and excited. Honestly, it's an exciting thing to go on a date and meet a new person. I get giddy too, and am not some heartless punk who is just like she's-not-good-enough-so-now-let's-hurt-her-feelings-and-i-am-so-sure-she-likes-me-because-i-know-i'm-the-stuff. That's not what the following is meant to be or show, just that feelings may exist in the girl and if they do there's nothing that can be don about it, at least for the guy.

I used to think it was just really easy for guys and girls to hang out and just get to know each other. If stuff didn't work out I assumed that it'd be cool. I've been thinking that maybe it isn't so easy. I mean, people do get attached. . . and I guess if I ask a girl on a date, and she says yes (regardless of whether or not she saw it coming), a girl is going to have some expectations, or maybe hopes, of me actually liking her. And it's true I wouldn't ask a girl on a date without liking her at least some. But what I didn't expect is that maybe the girl likes me, and then gets really excited and stuff. Or maybe girl doesn't like me, but ends up liking me after the first time we hang out and I realize it won't work out. It could happen vice versa too, with the me realizing I really like the girl and she doesn't end up liking me. Whatever the case, if it doesn't end up happening one side's feelings are going to be hurt a bit. I guess emotions can get a little higher than what I originally thought.

That is what brought on my initial question. However, there is no solution. It's impossible to date a girl you don't know and still know how she, in her own particular feminine way (all girls are different), will end up liking you or not and whether or not she has the same expectations and hopes going into that situation. So I guess you just gotta take the chance. If it works out, yay, if it doesn't, they'll get over it in a few days.

I think it's worse (from a guy's perspective) to like the girl and not do anything. Then you end up with this infatuation that is anything but healthy. And girls.... well, if they aren't going to ask out guys (usually they don't) I have no idea. I am just starting to get this guys' side down. Girls are a mystery wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in a little bit of aluminum foil like a baked potato on the fire. Mmmmmm.......... foil

That's all I got.
Peace world!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Ahhh..... the calm silence of a dramaless blog. Who would've thought it was so relaxing?

After the previous week's flurry of drama (and oh, how sweet it was) I am going to present a few things everyone needs to know:

1. The blog won't use names from now on, unless the situation necessitates it and there is permission.
2. The blog doesn't reflect the spirituality of those people writing on it. Although we all are Christians, and our faith can't help but poke through some of these times we're writing, the content of the blog (hopefully) won't only represent dating in the Christian world or specifically in Crusade. If I talk about girls, don't assume that I'm using them to fill some emotional void in my heart that God should fill. That leap is illogical.
3. The blog is read at the risk of those reading it. Any offense taken as a result of the blog is not intentional. We will post whatever we want. It's usually not well thought out.
4. The posts don't necessarily refer to the posts previous them. Never overanalyze why a post is written, take it at face value and laugh. Or get enraged and send an email to me. But never assume that we're writing about something unless it's specifically stated or obvious.
5. Anonymous posts will be kept anonymous. However, I need to know who sent it. And also, Jason and Jules will be told. They're trustworthy.

That said, drama has been around me lately. Therefore, we have a new topic, one that may put guys in a worse light than girls (as opposed to the previous topic, where I think the guys won the argument). This new topic is:

If dating isn't a big deal, how can we (guys) protect girls' hearts while trying to get to know them better? Is it wrong to date a girl without knowing you want to pursue them?

A much respected girl says, "As much as we try to and are told to protect our hearts, we're really bad at it." This doesn't bode well for us! Hopefully we won't injure girls' self images or play with their emotions. It's really important for us guys not to just destroy girls and use them for our own enjoyment. We have to be sensitive to what they may be feeling, which is something I'm not good at and have never really done before.

I'll post my thoughts in a couple days. Until then, Jules and Jason can have a go at it or you all can send me an email.

Peace out everyone!

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Hey everyone!

Well, for the time being I'm going to close the topic that we've been discussing. I'm pretty sure I've been heard, and I'm gonna do a quick summary to give some closure.

1. Don't give us excuses on why you don't want to date us other than you don't like us.
2. A first date isn't a huge deal.
3. Waiting to see if a girl likes you before you ask her out is a sure sign of being a wimp and having no self confidence (not leading courageously and definitely EMBRACING passivity).
4. It's worth risking a friendship with a girl to find your future spouse.
5. Be honest with us and you'll spare our feelings.
6. Guys don't know how to tell the difference between a girl dropping "hints" and just being nice.
7. Girls have crappy music.

1. Don't blame us for trying to turn you down in a way that makes you feel better, we're just trying to look out for you.
2. We're not going to give a first date to a person we know we don't like.
3. Girls feel put on the spot when they get asked out "suddenly" and then do stupid stuff they regret later.
4. Sometimes girls have no idea when the guys likes them and and it's not fair because guys get a lot of time to think about asking a girl out when a girl only gets a few seconds on whether or not to accept.
5. Guys should take their time and wait until the girl shows signs of wanting to be asked out because a first date kinda is a big deal.
6. Guys have crappy music too.

Anyway, I think I speak for most that this has been a learning experience for sure. I may edit the lists if other people show me stuff in the future about how the list should be. I did my best with it.

Have a great week everyone.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

hey my dears~
I have one comment: I will still be friends with who i am good friends with in ten years and longer!!!! jeremy, jeremy, how many times much we have this conversation??? ~Julie

Sometimes, I wish I could be as articulate as J Rice. I love what he's about to say.

I have a few things i felt compelled to say in response to some of the recent posts.

First, for the guys...keep asking girls out. dont let anything deter you. the more you do it, the less it hurts. trust me on that. im firmly in the camp that believes that guys should ask more girls out, for the purpose of getting to know them better. i think we've all realized that becoming good friends with a girl, and then asking her out, can have awful consequences. broken friendships, severe awkwardness, mixed signals, and hurt feelings, to name a few. so i say, cut corners and ask them out before you know them well. a first date is a great time to get to know a girl.

Now for you girls..I have many things to say. if i hear "deer in headlights" one more time, i might throw up on all of you. let me give you a suggestion..say yes. who cares if you dont know exactly what you want in the long run with this guy. a yes doesnt mean lets get married. it means ok, ill go out on a date with you. a date is not a big deal. even if you're pretty sure you dont want to "date" them, you can certainly go on a date with them. historically within cru(and i realize all of you are not in cru, but many of you are), girls have consistently turned down guys for first dates, mainly because they make this crazy assumption that a date is more than a date. it isnt. suck it up, say yes(and stick with it), have a nice night, and by the end of the night you'll have had plenty of time to consider the future, and if(and i stress if) he asks you out again, you can give an honest response. it works out the best for everybody. the guy got his date, his shot. you got to know eachother. the girl had time to think about it. and the guys feelings are no more hurt after the first date if they get rejected. i think i stand for all guys that we would prefer the chance to go on that date. even if it doesnt turn out like we hoped. its a learning experience for everybody.

Honestly, if you girls sat in on one of cru's menstimes, you'd realize that "patiently pursuing" and "waiting on the Lords will" are cop outs and actions of a passive man. any guy that waits around hoping to know for sure whether the relationship would work or not is a wimp. as men, we need to reject passivity and take chances. it may hurt, but as men we need to step up in dating, as in all other areas of our lives. you ask why we "jump the gun"? thats a bunch of crap. you think that somehow if we wait around and continue to pursue friendship with a girl that all will certainly end well and we'll figure out eachothers intentions? i dont think so. as men we need to ask out the girl(or at least talk to her about it) AS SOON as we realize we like them. why? because nothing is more shady than a guy purposefully spending time with a girl, knowing he likes her, flirting with her, hoping to get signs back, so that he knows whether shes interested or not. if a girl knows you're interested before the guy asks her out, then the guy isnt being a man about it.

Ive never read in the Bible where it says that God is going to tell us exactly who to pursue and when. however, I believe that seeking the Lords will is making decisions through prayer, trusting that God is going to be there with you while you make the decision, working that decision for your good. His will is not and never will be this map for us to follow. His will is something we learn as we take steps. in Psalms it says "thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." back in those days, they used to have these lamps that they would put on their feet. basically these lamps lit up the next step for the person. they didnt light up the whole path. Gods will is step by step. We need to trust Him for the next step, and when we get there, trust Him for the next. and that doesn't mean that He tells us what the next step is, but we know that He is with us as we trust Him in our steps.

like the other guys have said, dont give lame excuses for saying no. want a good reason? say "im just not interested." it may hurt, but its honest and to the point. none of this lessening the impact by feeding us crap.

and finally, lets be honest with eachother. the friends we make of the opposite sex in college arent going to be our good friends in 10 years when we're married(for some of us). so the whole i dont want to ruin the friendship isnt legit. the friendship will fade over time anyways, so at least on my end, im willing to mess up a few friendships for the potential of finding the amazing wife God has for me.

I will finish this post with a quote that my good friend danny likes to say "Girls. Can't live with em, can't kill em." :)

- J Rice

PS: This is from Bish. Yeah, the final quote is harsh, and the part about girls not ending up being our friends in 10 years blows. But yeah, that parts true. Anyway, I'm pretty sure this one's gonna stir the pot a little more.

Hey everyone!

I love the WPOD, especially lately. As a bunch of us hung out last night, Tom's gf Julia said, "Sometimes, when I read the WPOD, I just get so frustrated because I can't post and I want to!"

That's a good sign that we're doing our job! I'm glad that everyone has gotten a chance to voice their opinions, and I do accept emails and anonymous posts. So if you ever feel really pissed cuz I said something dumb, go ahead and rip into me through email. I'll post it for the world to see!

I love it though!

Concerning the current discussion, I'd like to say that the 7 or 8 reasons I gave for guys being more sensitive than girls was kind of crap. Of course, it was meant to be and saying stuff like "Putting up with crappy music" or "listening to irrational things" was to be funny. That concession made, I'd like to say that guys do endure a lot of different things. The most humorous to me was pointed out by Tom in his post. He basically said, "The reason we ask you out so fast is because we don't want to endure the 'too-close-of-friends-risk-the-friendship-type-thingy' excuse." That's so true. Just a good reason, again, for girls to turn us down straight than to give us excuses. Otherwise, the next time we end up jumping the gun and causing deer in the headlights type problems. That's no good! But we only do it because of what girls have told us in the past.

The way the "NGS" (nice girl syndrome) post by Jason and the way it coincides with everything is beautiful. We're supposed to look for hints, but when you're like us you don't get much attention except from nice girls. So they're just being happy and what not, talking to you and smiling. There's lots of eye contact and stuff that would be STRONG hints from less nice girls. So then girls don't see it coming... and I guess we can't blame nice girls for being themselves. But the point at which they start making up excuses just leads us to confusion. Also, how would a "nice girl" act when she liked someone!?! That might be a little unhealthy. I get a mental picture of her baking goods for the guy, making non stop conversation with him and jumping on his lap . I mean... if a girl is normally nice and flirty, then how the heck would she show a guy that she actually likes him!? Just a quandary, because I have no idea because I've never had a "nice girl" actually end up liking me. Not that the girls that like me aren't nice, just not NGS nice.

NGS is out of control.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who's been reading this stuff and for all the posts and controversy. That's what the blog is meant to do, and it kinda fell a bit short this semester (the posts had sinned and, until this week, fallen short of the glory of the WPOD, Bish 3:23). But now it's up and rockin'! Woo hoo!

Have a great weekend everyone.
PS: *note to self: in order to create drama, make an overgeneralized statement against girls... =)

Friday, November 05, 2004

Hello hello my dears!
Oh my goodness, i seriously have no idea where to start. i have another window pulled up so i can look back on what was written so i wont forget anything!! And i probably will still forget something that I had wanted to say! First of all, sorry for not posting in like forever. This has seriously been the worst week of my life. My papa passed away last weekend...ok let me tell you that feels so strange to type and read. This is one of the biggest things I have ever had to deal with in my entire life, so i apologize for being "off" for a while. He was one of the cutest people ever, who cracked a joke at any given moment, was one of the bestest storytellers, loved his family and friends, and was so so creative-words cannot even express. Anywho, i went back to chicago for all of the services, which were just perfect, but so extremely sad that I won't get into them b/c i will start crying. again. And i can't tell you how sick i am of that!!! But that is why i haven't posted in forever and a day. But just because i can: Papa, i miss you and love you soo much! You were such a huge part of my life, and I will keep you in my thoughts and heart forever.
K, so before i lose it again, here goes:
ok, first of all, i want to apologize to all of the girlies out there for not being able to defend ourselves!!! (oooh quick note: way to go jason!! that is awesome u went through with it!! keep posting the updates!! :) ). Ok, about the sensitivity issue. In my eyes, girls are way sensitive, and I say that mostly because i am an example. I am probably one of the most sensitive people you will meet (most of you already know this!!), so i see it as girls being sensitive. However, i do know many a girl who really is not that sensitive at all. And vice versa, i know some guys who start crying before I do. But ok, you are saying that crying does not reflect levels of sensitivity and I fully agree. But saying that girls have the easy way??? Not necessarily. I seriously think that it completely balances out in the long run. Starting the relationship out and asking someone out...ok traditionally this is always thrown onto the guy, but def. not in every case anymore. And this is coming from a girl who has made the first move in telling a guy how I felt, and asking him out. And I know many other girls who have done the same. But again, majority it is the guys asking the girls, but I'm just emphasizing that is not the case ALL of the time. At all. And being honest? what is that? is that just referring to the initial answer when a guy asks us out? if so, well then i def. am bringing the deer in headlights issue up. (by the way, i absolutely love that analogy!!) But for real, a lot of you guys think you are clueless in determining when a girl likes you, but let me tell u, girls are just as clueless. Again coming from a girl with experience, and it has gotten me in lots of trouble!!! (And bish, you can vouch for me on this!!!) And the telling the other when the relationship isn't working??? what is that?? we girls will and do end relationships! Why would we stay in it if we aren't happy?? If we both aren't happy? Seriously!!! Ok, so for myself, it may take a little while (and we are talking a couple of days, not weeks or months) to come out with a good way to put it, because as much as you guys seem to think that we are only looking out for ourselves and are like these man-eaters, that is not the case. We do care about you, and we don't want to hurt your feelings because, a. we know what that feels like, and b. we have to deal with just hurting your feelings, which is no walk in the park. Setting boundaries? not really sure what you mean by that, so let me know and ill respond to that one later. and paying for stuff?? oh my gosh, i hate it when guys pay for me!! i hate it!!! it almost makes me feel like im dependent on them, like they are my parents or something. Not that I'm denying that it is nice once in a while because it is really nice to be taken out by a guy. But i'm all for splitting the bills or switching it around and having the girls pay. I mean, if you are dating, as in being in a relationship with the other person, how is that fair if the guy pays all of the time. I ususally find it that the guy insists or finds a way to pay when you go to the bathroom!! and then that leaves me shoving money in a car, or other places in a place of residence. And i have done that before!!!!! And listening to girls talk about irrational things that bother us??? for real!!!!!! Yeah, the majority of girls are emotional, and thus, affected by things, and need to express those feelings. So they will talk about them to people that they care about..hint hint..meaning u guys!!! It's a natural thing, and it's a give and take process. We'll listen to you guys when you need to talk, and all the things within the relationship will even things out. I mean, we'll go to see movies we don't want to, among other things, because it's something you enjoy, we like you, and we want to see you happy. And being in the same room with you is enough for us, so we don't mind that we have to deal with something that doesn't make us 100% happy. Its the same thing as friendship. There are some things about your bestest friends that you don't like, but you love them enough to overlook their flaws, just like they overlook yours. And putting up with crappy music??? hey, now that definitely goes both ways!
ok, one post done, hehe! alright, so about turning guys down with a compliment? with a "you'll make a girl really a happy one day"? ok maybe that isn't the best response that you want to hear, and im trying to think if i have used one of those before. I know i have said that to a friend when talking about a dating situation, not getting asked out, for sure, and i may have used something along those lines once upon a time. Let's just say i did, so i cover my butt now! but we say that b/c again, we don't want to hurt your feelings, and most likely we think extremely highly of you and believe you are an amazing guy! We don't want you to feel bad about yourselves and wonder, what is wrong with me (though i find out now, it does not help at all!!!) and about the whole "you can do better" or what not. Ok, maybe you guys don't believe this, but a lot of girls have confidence issues. And, yeah i know so do guys, but for girls..at least for myself, we don't think highly of ourselves in many situations. and maybe we know something about ourselves that we see as not fitting with you. Something that you wouldn't know. and we want to spare both you and ourselves getting hurt. That is why i would use that reason: because i feel like our lifestyles wouldnt click at some point, and to avoid some much unwanted pain, why go for it? and again, i know that without risk you don't gain, but sometimes the pain lingers in us more than the happy times do. But i most admit, that if this is the case, sometimes we should try it just to see, but again, that is something that we will learn with time.
And about a date being just getting to know someone better? ok, that again differs from person to person, thus getting the different reactions. Some guys ask girls out b/c they think she is an incredible person and wants to get them better, but other guys ask girls out for the pure intention of dating them, of getting romantically involved. And this goes vice versa as well: some girls think getting asked to a movie or for coffee means just going to hang out with a cool guy, while another girl may think that the guy is going for a relationship. If u mix and match this people with different views....yeah def. not a pretty situation!! take my word on that!!!!! and yeah, we do say let's not rush things: just because you guys have been planning this for a while, definitely does not mean that we have known about it all of this time. Again, deer in headlights!
ok, moving along: the response of "i don't want to ruin the friendship". Coming from me, friends are seriously one of the most important things in my life. I treasure them more than words can say, and i do not want to lose any of them!!! any of you who know me somewhat know how i absolutely love my people!!!! so yeah, we will use that because you are an incredible guy and we don't want you to leave our lives if the relationship doesn't work. And maybe for some of you, your response would be, well we could still be friends and actually mean it. But again, i have learned that many say that and then don't follow up on it. So coming from a bad experience, or multiple bad experiences, how can we believe that? i mean, yeah we trust that you mean it at the moment, but will you still remember and mean it in a few weeks/months? yeah, that is a risk we are not all willing to take. and if you are referring that we say this as an easy way out just because we don't see you as anything more than a friend? yeah, i guess that may come out, but u r our friend. and we love you for that!! but for the most part, i think that line is given because the girls in your lives truly value your friendship and would not want to risk losing you in our lives. ok, and the attraction to assholes? for myself, guilty as charged. But it's not like i don't want to date a guy who is nice...it just doesn't always end up like that.
yeah, so that's what i think. I probably just made some people happy (the girlies) while ticking many others off... maybe the guys :) or maybe it'll be a mix. who knows? but again..there a tons of things that drive us crazy about members of the opposite sex, but you know what? it goes back to a quote: "You can live with 'em and u can't live without them." and as much as we drive each other crazy, we appreciate and like each other just as well. Looking forward to your guys' responses!!!!! see ya soon! ~Julie

Another response, maybe more satirical than the past few...

Dear Prospective Girlfriend,
Tonight, at [insert place here], at [insert time here], I will be asking you out on a date. Yes, a date. I am writing this email to you so that the proposal will not feel "sudden" or "rushed" at the time I ask you out. This also gives you time to "think it over," talk with your girlfriend circle, overanalyze, and discuss with each other the best course of action. You shouldn't feel "put on the spot."

I know that you "may only view us as friends" and perhaps you "don't think of us like that." Well, here's your chance. You have plenty of time to think about all the different possibilities and to reminisce about all the moments and chats we've had up until this point. Maybe you'd like to look for those "hints" that something like this was coming. After all, I've been thinking about asking you on a date for a long time, I'm just summoning up the courage to do it tonight. You, though, may have been blissfully ignorant of my intentions. You now have the time to think about these things, and to think about which answer you will give me.

However, once you give me an answer later tonight to "Will you go out on a date with me?" you are expected to stick to this decision. You haven't been put on the spot or caught in headlights. Because of this email, you will have seen it coming and shouldn't struggle to grasp the situation at hand. You should be ready and prepared to give a response. This response should not attempt to spare my feelings, as that would be insensitive. You don't need to drudge up an excuse from the "101 cop-out excuses to use when someone asks you out on a date." (#16 - I have to study) After all, all relationships will fail if either individual is not honest, so please don't end our relationship with your answer.
See you tonight~

Unless you as a girl want to receive this email before someone you thought was "just a friend" SUDDENLY asks you out on a date, give either an HONEST ANSWER, or STICK TO THE ANSWER YOU GAVE. Ask a guy out and you'll see how it feels.

Questions and comments are welcome ... send them to bish and he'll fwd them to the individual.

A new person, from a new perspective, on some of the most heated discussion the WPOD has ever seen...

I have a comment on the comment of the anonymous girl. I'll tell you why guys jump the gun, we've been trained to by girls. When we wait too long, the common excuse given is "I
don't want to ruin the friendship" Which we, logically, interpret as meaning we need to become the boyfriend before we become too good a friend, or we'll never be able to leap from friend to boyfriend. So either stop using "preserving the friendship" as an excuse, or deal with getting asked out sooner.

By the way, you left out my favorite excuse. "You're too nice" WTF is that supposed to mean? You want an asshole who treats you like crap? You must, because many of the girls who have told me I'm too nice have ranted extensively to me about what jerks guys are. OF COURSE YOU THINK THAT, YOU REFUSE TO DATE NICE GUYS!

I realize this seems pretty angry for a guy with a girlfriend, but I'm in the middle of midterms, and I had a lot of years of rejection before I found one willing to give me a chance.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Wow, we sound like a bunch of jilted old guys about to commit to life in a monastery. Despite our emo-attitudes, I am grateful for the anonymous person's post. It was truly enlightening. It answered my question about how much girls know when we're asking them our big question. I failed to realize that girls might not interpret our actions as carrying intentions to get to know them better. I suppose it makes sense with all the times girls have said we're "just friends" or they "don't think of you like that." I've said it before, I wish I could emulate girls when it comes to just enjoying getting to know each other without becoming romantically inclined.

I guess the main difference, with relevance to this discussion, between guys and girls is the magnitude we view with this first date/asking a person out. I, possibly representing other guys, don't think it has that big of a deal. Sure, I get nervous, require building up of courage, and usually stumble over my tongue in the process of asking the girl out. But, none the less, it would be one evening spent with the semi-exclusive company of another person. It's just a chance to get to know one another. If we knew everything about the girl, we'd be asking on bended knee with a sparkling rock on a golden ring (now that'd be rushing things).
This difference also answers one of the girl's questions, as to why rush things. For the guy, this may have been going on for a long time. He's been slowly realizing that he truly enjoys the company of this girl, she's incredibly beautiful, she's awesome in her walk with God, and they share many common threads. The guy has been observing and analyzing all this time, so it doesn't seem like we're rushing it that much. I guess I can truly sympathize with the girls on the fact that if you took all of the indecisiveness and considering of possibilities with this girl and scrunched it up into less than a minute to answer a question, it would   be overwhelming.

As for my situation, I have done a pathetic job. I have tipped my cards an incredible amount over the past few weeks. If you knew how much it's been prayed that this could be God's will, and that my actions would lead to the when and where that I should be in my life and relationship.

Despite all of the differences we have, they are truly what attracts us to the opposite gender, and intrigues us so...

Hey everyone!

There was a rebuttal I received to the insensitivity of girls vs. guys argument I posted a day ago. It was good, and sheds some light on some of my comments. The author of the email I received will remain anonymous, but I don't hate her and she shouldn't have ever thought I would. I'm not gonna post the entire thing, just the parts relevant.

~Begin Anoymous Post~

"First off to your opinion that girls aren't nearly as sensitive as guys and this being evidence of their indecisiveness. I don't think that it's fair for guys or girls to claim that one is more sensitive than the other. The truth is we are all equally as sensitive. You might not see it that way and that's ok, but to make blanket statements is not effective. I think guys and girls express their sensitivity way differently, and with that there are varying degrees of sensitivity within both sexes. To your specific rationalization that girls are not sensitive due to your (and other PAR guys) recent misfortunes in asking girls out, I'll try to shed some light on some possibilities for you. Here's the thing. You say "And if a girl was sensitive, meaning she knew what was going on and whose feelings were being hurt, hopefully she would in her rationality be honest and save the guy the grief of realizing that there was more at work than what was said." First off, the vast majority of girls do NOT want to hurt guys, and do everything in their power to prevent this from happening. But in relation to that specific comment, esp the "she knew what was going on part", I'd challenge, did she really?

For the recent instances of PAR guys asking girls out that I'm aware of, the girl was in the dark up till the moment the guy asked. Then instead of her being ready and prepared to give a response, she's caught off-guard like a deer in the headlights, and must struggle to not only grasp the reality of the situation at hand, but also come up with a response. I realize you likely don't see this that way and that's ok except for the fact that it was the reality of the situation. If a girl seems "indecisive" at least in this type of situation, it's probably b/c she didn't see it coming at all.

Later on in your blog you say that "it is quite obvious that girls really are looking out for their own good first." Well, I really don't get how you see this. If anything from a girl's perspective it appears that the guy is looking out for his own good first. I say this because if the guy was truly looking out for the girls good (or dare I even suggest the Lord's will) he would have more patiently pursued her instead of jumping the gun. Yes, I can see absolutely how it's hard to take rejection, and I definitely empathize with how hard it is for guys to put themselves out there. But why do it so quickly? Your hearts can be protected as well if you act upon the Lords timing. And guys always let the girl have the easy road? Perhaps to some extent in that she's not asking you out, but believe me it is absolutely difficult to do on the other end of the line. Here you have a guy asking you out, but you had no clue he was interested. Maybe you'd go out with him, maybe not, but you're not sure what to do because you've never considered this guy in that way, you haven't had the time to. But you don't have time to now, he's standing in front of you with his heart out there and the last thing you want to do is hurt him. So what do we do, fumble with our words frantically trying to grab ahold of the situation in the few seconds you have while he's eagerly waiting for you. And all the while you're thinking, when did this happen?

I realize this might not paint the best picture of girls for you, but oh well. And look at your list as far as what it "involves" girls need to be honest too (all relationships will fail if either individual is not honest), the girl better tell the guy if it's not working out and she's praying about it, girls enforce the boundaries (this may actually be more difficult than creating them), and yeah we listen to guys talk about irrational things that make no sense to us (that's why we just let boys be boys), and guys have crappy music too."

~End anonymous post~

Basically guys, she's saying that we put them on the spot and they freak out. Maybe we shouldn't do that. Who knows.... it's all too confusing. Considering the Lord's will is important, NO DOUBT. But taking the initiative isn't rejecting the Lord's will, in my book. It's just trusting that God's in control and will use it to the good of everyone.

Thanks anonymous poster, you are awesome.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I feel you Jason. But even Pearl Jam has had your problem. Listen to him sing (Plus it's a great song too)!

"I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star,
In somebody else's sky, but why... why... why can't it be, can't it be mine?"

I guess we need to form a band or something. I'll be lead singer (we'll get real far that way).

In all reality, I want Jules' opinion, desperately, on the WPOD. A girl needs to stick up for their half of the population. These are serious accusations.

Peace love and shiny things!

Given that I have the same perspective-based opinion as you, Bish, I'm not sure if this will be constructive.

I think girls are   sensitive, but more sensitive than guys? I guess that's the true issue. Out of the list, I completely agree with these: Asking the girl out in the first place and paying for stuff.
I agree that guys are sensitive with the rest, but the girls probably also follow those, such as the being honest, setting boundaries, and listening to things they don't care about. They should be honest and set the limits of the relationship just as much, so that they are comfortable. And they don't care about the football game, the comic books/video games, or tons of things we have to say.

Some of these, that guys are being sensitive by doing, the girl really doesn't have the choice, such as asking the person out and paying for things. I would have no problem with a girl asking me out, it'd be a little odd, but it'd be a nice surprise. It's just counter-traditional, besides with PAR guys, it seems we're more than willing to sacrifice our dignity for a chance. However, paying for things, I wouldn't let the girl do that. They have insisted on covering the tip before, and it was something they were quite adamant about, but dinner and entertainment, it's on me.

So, despite the things that girls can't do (due to tradition, etc.), there are still things that they could not do to be more sensitive . Perhaps it's just me, but in the past... 2 year dry spell of dating, I've received more compliments from girls turning me down than any other time. Every time you're turned down, you just wonder, "what was wrong with me?" "what did I do wrong this time?" Do girls know this? Is that why they tell us we're "courageous," "a really cool guy," "you'll make a girl really happy some day," or my favorite, "you'll find the perfect girl, somebody much better for you than me." Is it that they're trying to be sensitive when they say things like that? My problem is that they don't conclude anything. They open it up for discussion, and even worse, persuasion.

I don't want a "better" girl, I already think you're perfect and more than I deserve. Can I convince you that you're good enough for me? Can I persuade you to just give me a chance, one date? Can I stop asking myself why the girl I'll make really happy some day, why you can't be that girl?

Or is it all just empty words to make themselves feel better with the thought that they let us down easy? I don't know the answer, and I really don't care what it is. I don't want the girl to be hurt, I want her to feel as good about herself as possible, but come on, a little truth can go a lot further than all these compliments and excuses that get over-analyzed and over-used. I can hardly accept that you would rather do something else this Saturday night because you're not good enough for me. Let me worry about that! But... that's not the issue, is it? It has nothing to do with what you are for me, it's what I am for you, and right now, it's just not enough.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Honesty: always the best policy.

Today, Dave Bernthal and I were talking. He said that girls were probably 10x as sensitive to what was going on than guys.

I think that's not true. I think girls aren't nearly as sensitive, and this can be seen in their indecisiveness. Everyone knows that girls are indecisive, I asked my waitress at Steak and Shake a month ago (when my friend's girlfriend broke up with him) and she said, "Girls are dumb because they're indecisive, they don't know what they want, and they're moody." Everyone knows Steak and Shake waitress are awesome (go Katie) and they can't be argued with.

And if a girl was sensitive, meaning she knew what was going on and whose feelings were being hurt, hopefully she would in her rationality be honest and save the guy the grief of realizing that there was more at work than what was said. But instead that doesn't happen. This can be seen in multiple instances (PAR guys all can relate to this with their various shady dealings), and it is quite obvious that girls really are looking out for their own good first. Guys usually suck it up and let the girl have the easy road. This involves
1. Initiating the relationship
2. Asking the girl out in the first place
3. Being honest
4. Telling the girl if it's not working out
5. Setting boundries
6. Paying for stuff
7. Listening to girls talk about irrational things that bother them
8. Putting up with crappy music.
You may say that guys do these things because, in exchange for these things, they get a relationship with a girl. True. But hopefully, a girl would treat the guy the same way. But it is my experience that she doesn't. Plus, doing these things suck, and guys don't do them because they make guys feel good. They do them because it makes girls' lives easier. And that is sensitivity!

So, girls aren't as sensitive. Or, they're sensitive and just don't care about how guys feel. Either way, girls are dumb. This is true... check my song in the last post.

On that note, I love girls to death. W00t! We have to live with them, and we love being around them. It's just that stupid relationship thing that always causes problems.

Bush 04 seems decided... if somehow, at this point, he loses Ohio I will be surprised. And with Ohio he's got the election. It puts him at 269 and the House is Republican.

Go Bush!

PS: This time the election wasn't "stolen." Florida answered the ludicrous attacks against it by pumping out hundreds of thousands of extra voters for Bush. Suck that Michael Moore.

"Ode to Jason" (to the tune of "ode to joy" (the joyful joyful we adore thee song))
Happy happy we are happy
Jason went and asked her out
She said yes then no but what's new
We live in P.A.R., no doubt

Now the moment of truth awaits us
Will the excursion ever come?

Hopefully all will end up well
But we all know girls are dumb
~ verse 2
Now the question is what to do
Will she suggest another time?
The ball's in her court and he's helpless
But Jason looks hot in his prime

Based on this we know the girls want him
Due to his massive awesomeness

We know he's chalk full of ideas
Certainly she will say yes
~ The end

Good job Jason! Even if it doesn't turn out well we still love you.

Females flip-flopping on the issue.
(Given that it's election day, a political-themed title)
Ah... Well, last night was certainly interesting.
So, I went to CRU, and before heading off, checked *GIRL*'s away message. It said, "homework, group project, and hopefully CRU." So, I was hoping that she'd make it, since my mission was pivotal upon her being there. So, after the message and worship, I was putting up some chairs and wandering around, looking for "people" to talk to. Not seeing *GIRL*, and not finding anybody else to talk to (except Clint Maple, a really cool graduate student) I decided to head out early. So, I left to go back to my room and start homework and studying. I made it about two blocks and figured, "Ya know, I promised people I'd do this(5 day plan threat looming), I have to ask her before Friday, and I really don't care how foolish I look, I'm willing to go out of my way for this." I decide to head to *GIRL'S DORM* and find *GIRL*. I figure I'll get in to the dorm, go to the computer lab and check her away message to see if she did go to CRU and I just missed her. I'd also use the "Find People" for the campus to check out which room she's in (way to think ahead Jason).
So, since you have to get swiped in to the dorms, I was waiting around outside the doors. I was at the east entrance, waiting for somebody to come. There was a guy at the west entrance that was taking a while and I could probably make it down to there to get in before the doors locked. But, I decide to wait at the east entrance, besides there's a girl coming up, digging in her bookbag to get her card to swipe in, I'll just follow her. The girl's about 15 feet from the door, and who should it be, but *GIRL*! The odds are astronomical against that. She notices me at almost the same time I notice her, and she speaks first because I'm so taken back that it's her. All of a sudden my mind is reeling, it has to crank out entirely different scenarios. I'm unprepared, but we talk, I ask if she got back from CRU, and we walk into Weston. After talking to some people who are playing board games we continue on, and *GIRL* asks if I have a busy week coming up. I say "Yeah, I've got two tests in the next two days, I was just heading back to study." We're heading up the stairs now, and she asks, "What are you doing over in *GIRL'S DORM*, it's pretty far from P.A.R. to study?" Me, "I was just wondering if you would like me to take a look at that computer problem." She just says "Ok," seeming completely baffled that I'm over here for such a lame reason. We get to her room and her roommate's there, one cool, Katie Russell. There's some conversing going on while I look at her computer. I finally do all that I can, and really can't think of much else to do, (although I should've had spybot run completely, I checked the msconfig, restarted, uninstalled some adware, etc.) . So, I pretty much finish up, and tell her what I checked.
My turn again, "I actually came over for another reason too; I was wondering if you'd like to go see The Incredibles, Friday." She asks, "What is that?" I explain that it's the next Pixar film, etc.. She replies, "Hmm... What do I have on Friday?" My heart starts beating, and I can feel it moving my shirt, I'm so pathetically nervous. She continues, "Sure, I could do it Friday. What time?" Me, stunned, I didn't think this far ahead("This was as far as I planned."). "I guess that's going to depend on showtimes... so, I'll uh... let you know." She wishes me good luck with my studying, and I bid them to have a goodnight. I walk about two doors and hear what I believe is *GIRL'S ROOMMATE* laughing. I jog back from the *GIRL'S DORM* with much happiness. I get back and Jake and Bish have beaten me back, even though I took off early. They predict and call me out on the shadiness. Well, after a few delays, the kiddies gather round to hear my explanation for such shadiness, which you have been reading. I finish explaining with a very optimisitic attitude, and Bish, at least, seems proud of the steps I have taken tonight.

I finish the story, and turn to my laptop, flip up the lid, and there's an IM waiting and flashing for me. Her roommate's family is coming down and made dinner reservations for all the girls, so she can't go Friday night. "maybe some other time though" So, I beat Bish's time by a long shot from acceptance to being turned down. But, I don't believe this is being turned down, it's just being rescheduled.
Have your people call my people.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Sup folks!

This weekend was a good weekend. Completely. Virtually no studying AT ALL! Horrible for me, and I promised myself I wouldn't go to sleep until I finished my chem lab. Yeah right. I guess I'll just figure out my unknowns.

And what are my unknowns? If only it was as easy as an unknown amount of copper in a sample of brass... but it is not so. So many unknowns:

1. Jason's love life.
2. The results of Saturday's party. (overanalysis necessary! be discreet Jason!)
3. The quantity of information that can be put on the blog without everything exploding.

However, the party was awesome. Tom and Michael came and met my CRU friends, which was a first. Jason went as an internet pirate which was the most awesome thing I've ever seen. On a scale from one to awesome, he was a 10. Josh's costume was good, but Jason deserved runner up. Sorry Borg.

Prostituting myself on the street corner was sweet, dressing like a girl was painful. I've never slept as well as I did last night, being a girl is hard work! Getting yells from guys saying I'm hot, wearing a chafing bra and hos... the list goes on and on. And realizing that, while you talk to girls, YOU ARE WEARING A BRA AND LIP STICK! HOW FREAKY IS THAT? I weirded myself out like 3 times.

Go weekend, go "being a slacker", and go fun times ahead. This weekend was a much needed TOTAL break from work.

Maybe these two tests this week won't go as well as a result. Oh well, in 100 years we'll all be dead anyway.

Bye everyone!

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