
Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Well, hello world!

First, I can't take all the credit for the system, as a significant part was very much inspired if not downright copied from J Rice.

Second, now the world is going to hate me for the thought that I rate girls on this scale. But oh well... I don't actively do it... I think everybody does this to a certain extent.

And I would have to add that Jason offers a lot of insight that guys like someone and put them at 10,10,10 and then it'll fall with time. The trick is to not let yourself be fooled by going in head over heels after someone immediately. It's happened before. Also, the other trick is not to let yourself put one thing higher than it actually is because you're so infatuated with a person. For example, if you don't like the fact that a certain person has a lot of emotional baggage from the time before you knew them, then don't be like "Oh well she's hot so I'll still give her a 10 in personality." Or if a girl differs from you significantly in spirituality, don't be like "Hey well we get along so well spirtuality will work itself out." You gotta be honest about how the system works... assigning high values to a girl you like doesn't mean its true, and the truth always comes out in the end. But if you do assign realistic values to a girl, and realize that you like her anyway, then I would definitely say go for it. The system is just there so you can at least start to realize what you do like and don't like in girls.... or guys for you ladies out there.

I've got work to do now. Peace out world!

PS: I am going to copy Jason's soundtrack of the post idea.
Soundtrack of the post - She's got Issues, by the Offspring

Offspring knew what was up. = )

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

So, yeah... Bish and I are walking back from working out at FAR, and some girl he's talked to like 3 times from "community health class" (he claims) is leaving PAR and offers him food. He got an entire chocolate cake from the girl! I can just imagine if the conversation had gone on longer...
"Bish... I also have some children that need fathering..."
(Don't trust the "friendly buffet" too much now!)

So another conversation we had, that may require further analysis/explanation.
Now, according to the conversation we had during late-night Monday night. Girls apparently can't rank guys, so this may seem extremely shallow and pathetic. Well, Bish has developed his triumvirate of qualities that girls are put up on a stage until after enough poking and prodding, the truth is revealed (all figurative, of course). So we have Spirituality, Personality, and Physical attractiveness. Now, all characteristics are given a maximum of ten, and a girl can receive any combination of these numbers. The best: 10, 10, 10. The worst: 0,0,0. It's important to note that all of these are in reference to the viewer. An athiest is going to view an athiest high for Spirituality, while a christian would view another christian also high for Spirituality.
I like the system, it seems to take in all aspects and without lying about how shallow people can be, it accounts for "physical attraction." It realizes there's more than butt and boobs with counting "personality." Finally, it takes in one of the most important (more important to some) characteristics, spirituality.
Now, it seems at the start of most relationships, guys are going to put the rankings about, 10, 10, 10. Later on, they'll be more rational, and be about 7, 9, 8, something like that. Despite the fact that I know this fact, it seems like I know a girl that's about a 10, 9.6, 10, so she (in my head) will be used to calibrate the system. Well, with the well-founded generic words of advice: "Never settle for less." and "Follow your heart." It seems like we should only go after what we use to calibrate the system, the "highest-qualified" candidate. But, then we come to the point, "Where do we stand?" When does "high" become "too high"?

Soundtrack of the post:Switchfoot - Home

(once again leaving with more questions than answers...)

Monday, March 29, 2004

Well, I'm sorry that I didn't post over break, but I really didn't have much drama. Good to hear PCB was fun and productive!
I actually managed to round up enough people for a game of Ultimate Frisbee! over break back home. That was pretty fun. 2 girls and 4 guys, so it was a decent 3v3 game. Friday night, did a "video scavenger hunt" with the old youth group. I got a decent leader position in it, so I got to have a little bit of power while still remaining at the friend/peer level. Ended up doing some crazy stuff for that scavenger hunt, but sometimes it's good to be an idiot just for the sake of being an idiot.
Oddly enough, my home church has to be the place for the most drama in my life. Some of the people there and the tangents between our lives is pretty interesting. I've seen that I'm completely insane. I can talk about how the "settled down life" looks so good right about now. Then, 5 minutes later, I can see how close I could be if I took a certain path (and waited at least 3-4 years), and my opinion changes drastically. So, yeah, I probably acted completely superficial and dense this weekend, just because I didn't want things to be awkward and tension-filled. I'm not sure what to make of a person "having feelings" for me, and I'm really not sure how to deal with it. But, it's not worth worrying about, God will supply what is deemed best.

Soundtrack of the post: Switchfoot - You

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Thanks! Yeah world, it's my birthday.

And PCB was awesome! We had a great time talking to people on the beach about God and just how awesome he is. The power of the Gospel was amazing... I mean, I know I am a stubborn guy and if someone came up to me and was like, "Hey do you know about Jesus," I'd probably be like yeah get out of my face. But people in this world are really thirsty to know about God! Almost everyone I talked to was really interested in spiritual things and I got to share the Gospel, meaning the basics of Christianity, with probably 10 people over the course of the break. These people really hadn't heard it before! I mean, sure they'd heard about Jesus and maybe even that Jesus was God or that there's heaven and hell but they were really confused about how it all worked together. And they wanted to hear about it.

It was amazing that people cared as much as they did.... since religion is something I've grown up with, I just kind of take it for granted. But when I would non aggressively present the opportunity to talk about spiritual things or religion, people really wanted to talk. So, most of the time I'd ask them what they thought and when they wanted to know what I thought I'd just tell them what the Bible says. Basically, this is that God created everyone to know and serve God. Next is that everyone does things that are wrong (sin) and this separates us from being able to know God. That's why God sent Jesus down, who lived a perfect life and died on the cross, so that through believing in him and accepting his sacrifice for our sins we could be separated from our sins. This allows us to be able to experience God in a real way... a way that has drastically affected my life and the lives of many other people I know.

I never realized how many people didn't know this! I thought most people knew it just didn't want to believe it. I guess it is kind of arrogant of me to assume that everyone else just hadn't heard about it... cuz I was definitely wrong. If anyone wants more info about it shoot me an email at bish@uiuc.edu

The trip was a blast, I got to know some new people and get to better know some old friends. The bus ride back was a lot of fun, especially getting to talk to people and sleep some (or not be able to sleep some). I hung out on the beach and body surfed a little, played some frisbee and lived off PBJ and hot dogs. Not to mention the awesome club fabilla and dance parties. w00t!

And it's my birthday. I'm done with laundry, now it's on to physics and hopefully do a little work on my paper too. I'm looking forward to getting back into the normal groove of things.... cuz then time goes faster and I'll be on to San Diego before I know it.

So in conclusion, people are awesome, God is awesome, and spring break is awesome. Dancing is OK. = )
Peace out everybody!

HELLO!!! Just got back from PCB, and it was absolutely amazing!!!! I had an incredible week, and soooooooooo much fun!! The weather was gorgeous, and I got to meet so many people in addition to getting to know those I had met before better. I had so much time to think, and I just came to a peace with everything, which I am so happy about. I just relaxed on the white sand beaches, hung out with amazing friends, and enjoyed every single minute of this time in Florida. The creative dates were a blast--the boys are such awesome people, I can't even describe it! Unfortunately this has gotta be a short entry 'cuz I have so much to do, but I'd love to hear about your breaks and spaz out more about mine!!! Happy Birthday Bish!!!!

Friday, March 19, 2004

Hey dears!!!
I'm leaving for Panama City Beach, Fl today with CRU!!! YAY!!!!! I am sooo excited!!! I really hope that this trip is going to just going to give me some time to think and relax and leave the drama of college life behind for a while. I'm still really indecisive about some things right now, and I hope that I get the chance to figure things out on this amazing trip!!!! If anyone who is reading this is going anywhere, have fun, be safe, and take pics to show me!!!!!!! Have a great break!!!!!

This is a rare post from me, coming at 10:17 in the morning (at least when it started) but I have to tell the world about how good stuff is.

1. I'm going to Florida.
2. Andrew is continually obtaining awesome magic cards for our collection.
3. I got the support letters sent out FOR SHIZZLE. (Emphasis on the R part of 'for')

I can't talk about certain things on this website anymore.... but who cares. Life's good and I'm out.


Thursday, March 18, 2004

So what's up world? I'll tell you about my roller coaster of a day.

I wake up, and having had a sore throat the previous night, decide that a massive amount of orange juice is the best thing for me.

Half an hour into my eight o'clock class (that's 8:30) my stomach starts to kill me with pain. I leave to the bathroom and belch and do all kinds of bodily things until about 8:40. I go and sit back down, my stomach starts hurting again so I just leave. At about 10 till 9, on the way into the dorm, I get queasy just as I walk inside. So I go back outside and hurl in the bushes. Whoohooo!

Then I skipped class to sleep all day, took two tests (I got violated by chem but did great on physics) and then I won a game of risk.
Tomorrow, I will be on my way to Florida. That is the consolation.
Hooray for Florida!
Toodles, world... I am off to beddy-bye.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Julia, that all the Mike shall be broken up with. And all went to bed, (in the room of Tom). Oh shoot, it's too hard to turn the good old king james' bible into a parody of the fact that Julia broke up with her bf to go out with good ole Tom. Rock on Tom! Just keep it good and healthy and what not, and on an unofficial level I'd have to say that the B.A.P. with Julia is relatively high.

Ryan would be proud of him, if only anyone knew who Ryan was. People back home, you know what B.A.P. is and trust me, it is big.

On other notes, I feel bad for Jules and I know that she's gotta figure out what she's gotta do on her own. Don't give her advice unless she asks for it, and Jules, for my personal advice to you...... ha! Nevermind. You'll have to ask me from now on.

It's for your own good.
Peace out world!

Monday, March 15, 2004

Hey dears! where do i even begin??? ok, so im not even going to get into it to the full extent but let's just say that I spent all of yesterday in tears. I cannot make a decision because I am so confused. I don't know if it would be good or bad for me, but I really do not have a feelign either way and it is driving me insane. I can't take the indecisiveness any more!!! right now I am at a stand still-not nothing, but not something either. At cru today, they spoke about holding back from doing something that is good for you, something that God wants for you. I don't konw how this applies to this situation, or even at all for that matter. but I don't have a feeling that I would be doing wrong. If i did, this would not even be a problem anymore because I would be done with it. No matter how much it might hurt, if i knew that I was not suppose to be getting involved, i would stop it. I am just standing frozen to the ground at the moment because I am scared of moving forward--i don't want to do anything that isn't what I am suppose to do. But in a weird way, what did cross my mind tonight, was what if i am fighting this too much? What if i am fighting giving into this when I am not suppose to? I realize many will disagree with this, but I am not saying that I believe it either. I am just throwing it out on the table because I am looking at all possible angles to try to get some kind of resolution. Just throwing it out there. It's kind of like....somethign is different than what you expect, so you stray away...i dont know..im just rambling now...but thanks for listening last night/early this morning bish! u are the best!! hehe! i win!

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Well, I agree with a lot of that, but I would specify that loving your partner wife etc and never growing satisfied with where you are applies to almost everything, not only relationships. We should always take it one step further, try to better ourselves one bit more. The phrase, "God loves you too much to let you stay like you are" comes to mind, especially.

For me lately, I have a giant load of worries on my mind. I can't hardly study and it's getting to me. I can't even post them on the blog due to their personal nature. It's pretty crazy....... I've felt distracted for the past 3 hours that I have been studying my physics. I'm about to go for a walk.

I really need time just to think about stuff. Giving people the wrong advice is possibly the worst thing someone could do... but when you're not sure yourself, then how could you know what to do? And when everyone looks up to you for what is right\wrong, how do you know for sure? I wouldn't want to apply the standards set to my life to their lives, although I believe they are universal, and also I wouldn't want to not be happy for someone who is finding something that could potentially be really great. I don't want to appear something I'm not trying to help someone I care for. I look at the past and see how it repeats itself, and I just get scared. I know I've learned from my own experiences, but others haven't and I don't think there is anything I can do to relate to them what I've seen.

More vagaries? I don't even know if that's a word, or if I used it right. Basically, I'm being really abstract and I don't know if anyone knows what I'm even talking about. It doesn't even affect me, not directly anyway. I'm just worried for other people. Man. What am I supposed to do?

All I know is that I should be studying, but I'm gonna take a break for an hour and maybe hit up practice test number two before I go to bed. Wish me luck!

I'm out.

"Taking the path of least resistance..."
Well, life always seems to be intertwined with complications from things we can't control, liking one person, or a person not liking us. It's those points in our life where we grow deeper and get to know ourselves better. I often fear that I may be returning to base instinct in going for the thing that I can't have. If we can't have it, we want it even more. Often critical of myself and analyzing my reactions to different things, I don't want to be driven by the base instinct of pursuing that which can not be reached. Basically, we have to ask ourselves, if this is the reason, would we be happy attaining the unattainable? Well, by definition, the unattainable would no longer be "unattainable" or the untouchable no longer "untouchable" if we attained or were able to touch them. Now you might say that I said "would we be happy..." I have made this mistake before, tying happiness to a potential successful relationship, so I'd just like to clarify that in this case happiness implies "temporary satisfaction"(although not limited to temporary). Attaining the unattainable, would that just hold us off until the next unattainable object comes into view? Hurting people is not the intention of our actions, so we can not be deemed a "horrible person." Life is not about settling, it's about never growing satisfied, never reaching your maximum potential, loving your girlfriend/wife/bf/husband more than the day before, and getting to know more about yourself.
Deliberating over these things that are going on now is just one way of our getting to know ourselves. We can not expect ourselves to do as we would want or follow the most logical path, or the path of least resistance.
Jules, this may sound like just a response to your last post, but it would appear we are in very similar situations. If I could flip my feelings for people, would I be able to just like the girl that likes me? I'm not sure I could. For relationships that are about more than just convenience and filling the void, there is so much more involved. The older I get(joints creak and pop), the less attraction means to a relationship. Don't get me wrong, attraction is a big part of the whole process. I'm not going to be one of those people that say you can have a relationship without a physical attraction. We will all find our partners attractive in one way or another, and physical attraction is just the first we see and most likely to draw us in to get to know more aspects of the other person. Are more than feelings involved? I guess that's what I'm trying to get at. I know there are many different "plans" or dreams of the future I have in my head that I will be forever disappointed in myself if I do not execute these plans. They might seem very pathetic, but I will take Sarah ice skating, I will sweep her off her feet physically(might've had to be there), and many more. How involved are pheromones now? The people that like us are probably reeking of pheromones, but are we just not picking up on them?
I guess I might've left you with more questions than answers, but I will hope that if you answer them, you'll be another step closer to the answer.

Soundtrack of the post: Simple Plan - I'd do anything

P.S. Happy Pi Day!

Saturday, March 13, 2004

Hello hello!
Ok, so i def. do not think last night could have been any stranger!!! and considering I left before even more interesting things happened, that definite says a lot. Ok, so me and bailye go down to late night, and who happens to be down there? Untouchable. OF COURSE!!! When does that ever happen when i want it to? umm..NEVER!!!! So ok, im just waiting for bailye who is like 5 steps behind me, and then there he is. Just being like hi! and i'm like "......hi..." and then the whole how ya doing..as we both stand there with smiles plastered on our faces, frozen to the ground. Talk about awkward. I felt like i was doing something wrong!! but the awkwardness, ironically, was not bad. Not necessarily good, but not bad. Which is really weird. so as i am seriously shaking b/c this boy has such an effect on me, andrea is cracking "mike & ike" jokes, bish is saying "hey jules, everyone is here," and me and beck are signing up a storm because I am freaking!!!!and then there is the whole small talk (oh bish, i loved the whole "bailye you look nice tongiht deal)!!! omg--the night was unreal. And OF COURSE i had a joking moment with matt before i left--just to make me more out of it and feelign horrible b/c of bailye, although I must say he has been thoroughly warned time and time again. but i am still so hung up on that oblivious boy, and it needs to end. I need a magic wand to make it disappear!! and soon too! pcb is just around the corner, and I don't need to be wonderin about that the whole time! Holy cow....i have no words for what happened...just that i guess i am a horrible person who i gonna end up hurting people, including myself

Hello all,
As my first post, I guess I should introduce myself and my tangent to different people... So, I'm Jason... yeah... Not a whole lot about me, I'm a computer engineering major, and yes, I'm the guy that was talking to Julie under InfiniteVengence's account on SuperBowl Sunday. So, yeah, the stuff that goes on in my mind is very terrible. I am able to play the role of the funny, disturbing guy, if neccesary. Jake's my roommate, and I live on the same floor in the dorm as Bish and the rest of the crew.

My little bit of drama in this world: I have a little triangle of craziness, as analogous to Bish's Strategy, 3-11-04. Girl A, girl that goes to my church, I liked her about a year/year and a quarter ago... It was weird. I don't exactly remember what made me like her, but I did. That's why their feelings, if they made sense, they'd be rationalizations, not feelings. Girl B, I liked just a while after Girl A. It was more than just a transition medium. So, I was stupid, I was incredibly dumb. I sat on those feelings until the end of summer when I realized the end was near. That is where my favorite saying came from: "Regret living the life of no regrets?" Yeah... It's pretty sad and not motivating. But if you learn from my mistake, take chances, make mistakes, and get dirty (as Girl B, told me). So yeah... I may not seem that dramatic, but if you were to know every aspect of my life, you would just fall over laughing at me.

I'd also like to clarify one of the posts where I am part of the subject. I would just like to clarify that, yes, I do like Sarah, not a whole lot around that. But for semantics sake, I like Sarah, not my roommate's/best friend's sister. Yeah, she's cool... Spring break's right around the corner, I'll be there. Hopefully I'll be able to see her this time unlike my many failed attempts over winter break...

Jules, I hope to show that I have some self-control here and seem a lot less creepy (*chuckle* seem...), since I am apparently known as "creepy Jason." I hope I might've made a decent first impression with the ladies of the 6-pack last night. But, geez Bish... How come you only know girls that are incredibly attractive? Jess, Jules, Andrea, Christie, and the list goes on...(I'm greatly abridging that list, cuz other wise, all the hot females that Bish knows, would be through the list. So don't take any offense, please.) But then again, Bish... all the girls that you know are also taken. But wow... last night was pretty cool... moldin' magic brownies and playing Euchre with lovely ladies and well, Bish. Heh...

Soundtrack of the post: Good Charlotte-Seasons


Hello all!

In my post two posts ago, I said I'd like to go to the CRU semi-formal. Well... now it seems I am going with Becky. w00t! Becky's a cool girl, we will definitely have fun. Unless I dance with a poolstick.............................................. jeez.

Unless she eats some mold and goes nuts again.

In other news, everybody was there! That is, all of Julie's male people of importance were withing 10 feet of each other last night. LOL. Julie, you gotta decide what's going on with yourself. You can't go on like this, you'll go nuts.

I'm going to take a shower and do some hw so I can play some ultimate later. Rock on Saturday!

Peace out guys,

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Hmm... What power do I have now that Bish has left this open?
Do I confess my undying love for Julie? Do I woo her with page after page of ASCII Art?
I can't take it much longer. Girl, would make up your mind! Decide if I'm going to make you puke or float!
Trust me on this one, if girls make the first move, those girls are given like +5 to the attraction characteristics.
Besides, it's not like sitting around pondering our future is making any progress...
Go for it, call me. 2-3455.

The "Untouchable"

More drama in my little world of fun.

So, I am talking to Jason about girls... man I need a life... and he's in a little situation with two girls and which he likes. Well, that was the situation last time I checked. He tells me that now he's sure and he doesn't like one but likes the other. I'm like... ok. Is she hot?

He's like, yup.

So then he goes and gets out his yearbook. I go to it and start looking through the pictures, and he points to her. Her name is Sarah.

Sarah O' Keefe!

Now, this means nothing to you, but to me it definitely meant that he liked his best friend's SISTER. AH!!!!!!! He watched the reaction on my face as it all came together and couldn't not laugh.

So yeah... I've seen this happen before. I just gotta hope that it doesn't end up like Betz and Bott and Followell... cuz that stuff is no good. But supposedly Jake knows.

All I know is that if you guys want a piece of my sister, you're going to have to go through me first. And I'm huge ... at least after tonight's workout where my neck was weird. I was reading online, and it said that after your neck felt weird while you bench pressed, you become invincible. w00t!

Nite, it's late now.

Hello world. It's late at night and I'm feelin' good and stupid, time to tell the world how I feel.

Oh yeah, first. It's always best to be straight up and honest with everyone about everything. If you do that you are always being fair... for the most part anyway, with relationships, etc.

Next, the latest drama in the world? Jake and Erin. Is there anything going on with the two? Well, the latest gossip is that they went to Moonstruck and some other random place Saturday night... sounds datish to me. Maybe Jake's gonna end up going out with my ex? Who would've guessed... but good for them! I am happy to see everybody getting along so well.

I'm tired and my eyes are watering with sleepy. So I'm out. Enjoy the day everybody, enjoy the day.


Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Hello hello peoples!! yeah, bish, you better expand on that 'cause I am now really curious!!!! hmmm....updates from my world at the moment....just finished my two days of hell of mid-terms!! yay!!! the drama is actually down for the moment, but I think that is only because I have not had the time to worry/think about it. Hmmm...maybe I should make sure that happens more offen, because that would definitely make my life easier!! :) But yeah, talked to "the untouchable" for a few minutes the other day. I am doing better dealing with that whole crush...not gone, but I don't think it ever will be. So now i'm just focused on handling it better....we'll see how long that lasts!!!

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Yo world!

When it comes to being fair to people, as long as you tell them your intentions and are straight up with them, you're being completely fair. Andrew's in town so I'll make a longer post later.

Peace out world!

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Bish, yeah I completely agree with what you are sayin'. hehe, but u crack me up! that entry was awesome! but yeah, in my case, too bad it's not true though!! lol! hehe! hmm havent written in a few days--i know, i know, what is up with that?? I saw "the passion" on friday night--and to all who are reading this who havent seen it--GO SEE IT!!! now, leave...get into your car and grab a bunch of friends and just go. It is absolutely amazing although horrible at the same time. Let's just say i was crying like 25 minutes into it. Yeah, powerful is the only word that comes to mind while describing it.
What else? Oh yes, my wonderful andrea (my roomie for next year in addition to being one of my best friends and fellow angels with a crooked halo) refuses to let me give up on "mike". she cracks me up, and God help me what she will eventually do one day 'cause I'm so gosh darn stubborn. But let's just say I'm not trying to stop her!! and for the other boy...yeah....i feel horrible for not knowing and being a standstill--but i really have no clue what to do. But the warnings come out of my mouth every time, so..yeah i got nothing. hopefully, ill find out the permanent thing to do soon, cause i absolutely hate being unfair to people.

Friday, March 05, 2004

I think your theory has some holes in it. I mean, that would mean that guys always like girls, because odds are that some girl is around and most girls always like somebody. And also, what about the fact that your idea would make guys seem jealous and insecure, always trying to claim as much territory as possible. They might even do something mean or stupid to try to impress the girl, since phermones would undoubtedly have an adverse affect on their logical reasoning skills. Even more, since there are so many girls liking guys, it would make guys seem to just go from one girl to the next, with no direction or aim at all, blindly following the scent of girls everywhere. And what happens when there are two girls? Guys would just get confused and stop functioning, thinking madly about "what they can do" to figure out how to choose between the two girls. But without logical reasoning, guys would pick the stupid girls, and probably be led on by something other than their heads... and that would lead to bad choices. But then you have to remember that phermones don't really leave them the choice of who to like, so they would create some crazy religion like Mormonism and just try to claim as many women as possible. And then they'd move to the godforsaken land called Utah, and live near a salty lake, because that makes sense! And that just does NOT happen............ actually...............

... in light of this analysis, I would have to say that Jules and her sister are dead on.

I always thought it was just the random firing of neurons that made me like girls. But alas, it is the very much guided firing of neurons by phermones.

I learn something every day!
= )

Hello hello!
So this is the newest of the drama surrounding me. Ok, so on Monday, as i said before "mike" found that he could talk to me and goof around like we use to before. So as i am venting about this newest confusion, my sis, who is the greatest throws her newest theory at me. She goes, you know phermones...(if that is even how u spell it hehe) that are in perfume and what not? she goes..well I think girls send them out when there is a guy in the picture, or she has a crush on someone, or when there is a possible threat to another guy. And that another guy around girls picks up on this vibe, but doesnt really know what it is. Just merely that there is an unexplainable threat--thus making them talk to the girl a lot, in hopes of not losing a chance. Yeah, that is my sis for ya. I won't lie--I loved hearing her say that, and i went on believing it for that night, but in all reality, that is not the case with mike. he is just insane and..yeah, i got nothing. but the theory is pretty good dontcha think? :)

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Alrighty world! Latest update on my romantic life.


Not my idea, but I don't want to offend anyone

Basically, right now I think that if Kelly decides she wants a relationship in the future and thinks of me, maybe something will work itself out. Who knows? I'm definitely not mad at her or anything like that... and I really hope that she does want me as a friend. If something happens later, then sure, that rules. If not, you won't find me crying myself to sleep at night.

So Jules is calling, we're going to late nite. Adios world!

Previously I had alluded to the "stalker," that is, Jason. Here is the IM conversation that started it all. I think you all can enjoy this, infinitevengence is Michael's screen name (my roomy), but Jason was talking to Jules on it.

Disclaimer: I in no way approve of the following conduct.... but it was all a joke. So enjoy it!
Disclaimer2: Michael also doesn't approve of the conduct. = )
- Bish

InfiniteVengence: come to me
jules22888: what?
InfiniteVengence: Come to me
jules22888: ??
InfiniteVengence: You, here, now
InfiniteVengence: I hunger
InfiniteVengence: You shall be the first of my wives
InfiniteVengence: you shall bring forth many generations of michaels into this world
InfiniteVengence: Your task is great, but I feel up to it. Do you?
InfiniteVengence: Come here now. The room is mine, and so shall you be.
InfiniteVengence: jules?
jules22888: what?
InfiniteVengence: are you on your way
InfiniteVengence: ?
InfiniteVengence: please
InfiniteVengence: deepest thoughts
InfiniteVengence: deepest romance has always been for you
InfiniteVengence: and now we shall bring a great wave of spawnlings
jules22888: what?
InfiniteVengence: have you seen the Levitra commercials?
InfiniteVengence: I have, if you know what I mean...
InfiniteVengence: Or do you want me to go to your place?
jules22888: bish?
InfiniteVengence: I'd like to throw my football through your tire swing
InfiniteVengence: you wish
InfiniteVengence: It is I. I am your greatest
InfiniteVengence: the one you have desired, just as you are the one I have desired
InfiniteVengence: If you want love, we'll make it
jules22888: u are insane
jules22888: who is this
InfiniteVengence: Who's account is this?
InfiniteVengence: Of course, I'm insane
InfiniteVengence: Doesn't it turn you on?
InfiniteVengence: But really, you're hot.
InfiniteVengence: I want you
InfiniteVengence: tonight
InfiniteVengence: I will wait for nothing
InfiniteVengence: there is nothing in our way now
InfiniteVengence: Your body is a wonderland
jules22888: waht?
jules22888: omg
jules22888: u are insane
InfiniteVengence: yep
InfiniteVengence: the frisky type of insanity
InfiniteVengence: I'm sorry
InfiniteVengence: I've always wanted to tell you
InfiniteVengence: I want you
InfiniteVengence: but I never had the courage
InfiniteVengence: amazing what a few beers can do
jules22888: uh huh
InfiniteVengence: so, back on topic, my place or yours?
InfiniteVengence: I'm a kissing slut.
InfiniteVengence: Let's make Valentine's day this year, special
InfiniteVengence: You know, this is no fun when you don't respond
InfiniteVengence: ...
jules22888: lo cement
InfiniteVengence: confused, I am
InfiniteVengence: lo cement?
jules22888: ask bish what that means
InfiniteVengence: one sec
InfiniteVengence: ................who is this Bish again?
InfiniteVengence: sorry
jules22888: uh huh
InfiniteVengence: isn't that lo siento?
InfiniteVengence: Quiero tu cuerpo
InfiniteVengence: y tu amor
InfiniteVengence: we could do some role-play, and you could be Strawberry shortcake
InfiniteVengence: problem is, that doesn't get frosting
InfiniteVengence: well, do you really want to know who this is?
jules22888: sure
InfiniteVengence: first you have to tell me what you're wearing
jules22888: y
InfiniteVengence: trade information
jules22888: i dont really carethat much
jules22888: :-P
InfiniteVengence: mmm... your tongue
InfiniteVengence: you slowly reveal more to me
InfiniteVengence: :-P
jules22888: riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
InfiniteVengence: so are you coming?
InfiniteVengence: your choice of 5 guys here
jules22888: wow arent i lucky
InfiniteVengence: You have your choice of Michael, Tom, Jake, Jason, and I, Eric
InfiniteVengence: you could mix and match if you want
jules22888: why did u guys choose to harasses me tongiht?
InfiniteVengence: most beautiful girl on the list
InfiniteVengence: buddy list*
InfiniteVengence: and since Carly wasn't on the list...
InfiniteVengence: ooh
InfiniteVengence: could we get both of you?
jules22888: i dont knw
InfiniteVengence: are you in?
InfiniteVengence: We could go out to dinner first, if you want to take the traditional route
InfiniteVengence: or dinner and a movie for the cliche' route
InfiniteVengence: or the just right here right now way, as seen in college girls on wild 3
InfiniteVengence: college girls gone wild 3
InfiniteVengence: *
jules22888: riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
InfiniteVengence: you get to make all the choices
InfiniteVengence: unless you want to be dominated
jules22888: ooooooooooooooook
InfiniteVengence: which I guess you still have to choose whether or not to go that route
InfiniteVengence: come on baby, evangelize me
InfiniteVengence: was that ok an agreement?
jules22888: evangelism is a great t hing
InfiniteVengence: you bet
InfiniteVengence: front or back?
InfiniteVengence: "God said procreate"
InfiniteVengence: get to know each other in a biblical sense
InfiniteVengence: My holy water wouldn't mind purging your sins
jules22888: u guys
jules22888: are sick
InfiniteVengence: I stole that picture of you from bish
InfiniteVengence: there are no other guys
InfiniteVengence: I just said that to get you to come over
InfiniteVengence: it is only I
InfiniteVengence: but I shall seem to have the strength of 10 mortal men
jules22888: well in that case
InfiniteVengence: the love making ability of a dozen horny teens
InfiniteVengence: well, the passion of them
InfiniteVengence: the setting of your deepest fantasy
InfiniteVengence: can I pick you up at midnight?
jules22888: in your gray nike illini shirt? or are u changing first?
InfiniteVengence: I'll be a total gentleman
InfiniteVengence: at least until we hit the sack
InfiniteVengence: we won't be wearing anything
InfiniteVengence: so I don't see what it matters
jules22888: hmnmm i dont know about that
InfiniteVengence: my roommate's out of town
InfiniteVengence: so we can have both beds
InfiniteVengence: one for night, one for morning
InfiniteVengence: and the floor in case those 36 hours of effect the levitra continue
InfiniteVengence: are you up for it?
InfiniteVengence: so what would you choose tonight?
InfiniteVengence: I'll impersonate your husband in your speech class
InfiniteVengence: if you wish
InfiniteVengence: and since I'm your husband...
InfiniteVengence: you should submit yourself to me
InfiniteVengence: or I could come to your room and we could make love under the glowin' stars
InfiniteVengence: and shake the hotties from the rafters
jules22888: riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighyt
jules22888: u and your fantasy world
InfiniteVengence: you have no idea
InfiniteVengence: seek not the inspiration elsewhere than your body moves in me
jules22888: down boy
InfiniteVengence: Jules...
InfiniteVengence: I lick your earlobe and remove your watch
jules22888: uh huh
InfiniteVengence: I take yo pants off, grunting like a troll
InfiniteVengence: I smack you booty
InfiniteVengence: Smack, Smack, yeeeaahhh
InfiniteVengence: I make some toast and eat it off your ass. Land O' Lakes butter all in your crack. Mmmm
InfiniteVengence: I peel some bananas
InfiniteVengence: get me peanuts. Peanuts from the ballpark
InfiniteVengence: Ken Griffey Jr. Yeaaaaahhh
InfiniteVengence: I'm spent, I jump down into the alley and smoke a fatty. I throw rocks at the cats
InfiniteVengence: Stone Cold Steve Austin gives me some beer
InfiniteVengence: Wanna Wrestle Stone Cold?
InfiniteVengence: Yeeaahhhh.
InfiniteVengence: Wanna cyber?
InfiniteVengence: this way we don't have to go in the cold
jules22888: or not
InfiniteVengence: although I should take a cold shower
InfiniteVengence: you've got me in the mood
InfiniteVengence: I'm sorry if I'm being rude
InfiniteVengence: You make me feel alright
InfiniteVengence: Tonight we'll be together and be tight
InfiniteVengence: I'll take that sparkle in your smile
InfiniteVengence: and hardcore, defile
InfiniteVengence: umm...
jules22888: uh hu
InfiniteVengence: that wasn't too bad for free verse was it?
InfiniteVengence: I'll be a gift that doesn't end
InfiniteVengence: think of a rose on valentine's day, every day of the year
jules22888: uh huh
jules22888: boo to vday
InfiniteVengence: VD?
InfiniteVengence: venereal disease day?
jules22888: u got it
InfiniteVengence: that might actually happen this year
InfiniteVengence: there was this one girl
InfiniteVengence: man, never trust a girl bish recommends
InfiniteVengence: You're just lucky I've wanted you longer
jules22888: ?
InfiniteVengence: I need you now
InfiniteVengence: My umm... wang got stuck in the zipper
InfiniteVengence: little help
InfiniteVengence: McKinley deal with this sorta thing?
InfiniteVengence: It is time Michael reveals his true feelings
InfiniteVengence: Carly, Jules and I, just sounds sweet
InfiniteVengence: what's your number?
InfiniteVengence: Hearing your voice'll make the fantasy that more realistic
InfiniteVengence: Quick setting
InfiniteVengence: we're on the quad
InfiniteVengence: just you and I
InfiniteVengence: I toss you the frisbee
InfiniteVengence: then while you look up to catch it
InfiniteVengence: I come in and lay you down on the grass
InfiniteVengence: nobody's around
InfiniteVengence: he's not sorry
InfiniteVengence: he wants it rough
InfiniteVengence: harder
InfiniteVengence: harder
InfiniteVengence: excuses excuses
InfiniteVengence: now he's shifting the blame
InfiniteVengence: your voice does sound good
InfiniteVengence: right now
InfiniteVengence: it sounds real sweet
InfiniteVengence: no
InfiniteVengence: talk to me again
InfiniteVengence: sorry
InfiniteVengence: nobody else's sick
InfiniteVengence: just I
InfiniteVengence: but it's true
InfiniteVengence: you and I
InfiniteVengence: I'd at least remember your last name
InfiniteVengence: sweetums

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

hmmm ...well nothing really happened today to write (even though it was a good day!!), but here's some drama from monday for ya. Ok, so "untouchable" a.k.a. Mike, decided he could talk to me and joke around with me all night..ok for real, what the heck is that all about??? I mean, seriously... what is that!!!?? It was all like last year, when we could just joke around and what not--not ackward at all. As much as that is awesome, it makes me mad too, 'cause what am i suppose to do with that? ahhhhhhhhh boys!!!!!!! I just wanna be like, do u like me?? and then, ill get the sweetest, "I'm sorry, but..." and then I can get on with my life!!! well with the other drama in my life at least!! hehe!!! yeah, but boo to that in general!!


Not my idea, but I don't want to offend anyone

To summarize, my situation with Kelly didn't work out how I planned.

Goodnight for now!!!

Hello hello!!
Yes i am officially obsessed with this new deal, and I am basically writing just to say that. And to add the fact that fitz, the ex-boyfriend, definitely imed me last night to inform me he was sorry for being mean in previous conversations. Weird, eh? That's the newest update for now!

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Well before i start, i must say this is the coolest thing ever!!! We are gonna have way too much fun with this, and I am sure all reading it will have even more fun for the mere fact that our lives are sooo entertaining b/c of the drama...well once it is over of course. We can look back and laugh...most of the time! :) So prepare to be entertain and on your toes all the time! Alrighty! Well since brian (i am gonna start calling u that again!!) started with some intros of the characters that will be included within this work of art, I guess I should do the same. (Even though you did cover most of 'em!)
* Brian(a.k.a Bish)--well I am gonna introduce you again because you are one of the main characters!! hehe! one of my closest friends who I continually find myself on the same page with, which I might add, it soo awesome! But seriously, as you guys read, you will find out how amazing this guy really is!
* Julie (a.k.a. jules)-me...yeah i don't wanna introduce myself, but i will. Hey!! hehe! All you really have to know about me beforehand is: drama finds me!! I swear!!! but you will find that out for yourselves very soon. And i talk a lot, and am usually laughing....enough said for now.. you will learn more later!
* untouchable (a.k.a "mike")- a guy who is WAY above me and i feel like i am going to throw up or float whenever I am around him.
* carly" my adorible roomie and one of my best friends from high school..you will hear me rave and rave about her, and how she just cracks me up. And also how she is my mommy!
* Katie- my twin...well..we swear we must have been separated at birth, though we have different b-days, because we have parallel lives that just get frightening sometimes. When one thing happens to one of us, you better believe the same will happen to the other.
* Q- Another of my bestest girlies from high school who makes me crack up no matter what kind of mood I am in! I love her to pieces!
Yeah...well getting into all the characters would be wayyy to looong..and brian covered a majority of our mutual peoples...so u will just have to read and meet all the others when they make their appearance in our drama!!!

Ok, I would like to start off with fun, but unfortunately fun isn't here at the moment. My step cousin Andy died in a car accident a few days ago, which I guess is drama in its worst form. Boo to that. But this is a webpage of drama, and it will be filled with both laughter and tears. Andy, we'll miss you.


Alright world! Prepare to know all about the combined drama of Julie and Bish. First of all, know that our drama is very rarely connected, although it is quite similar at times. Second, know that our drama is top notch, college aged drama. Third, if you ever disagree with me, you can go make your own blog to yell at me, and I promise I'll read it every day....... yeah.

To get everyone up to speed, I'd like to start off with the players.
Bish - He's the guy that started the blog, and he's me. He's a sweet guy when he's not being so stinkin' modest.
Julie - Bish's ex-crush turned good friend. Oh man... I'm sure she's got something to say about that! But really, I harbor no hidden feelings for her.
Michael - Bish's roommate. He's a fun video game loving computer guy. His life is drama-less, but he's my roommate so he gets mentioned.
Tom - He's up for hire as an enforcer and will beat up your mom for the low cost of a fiber glass core foam sword. And he used to have a awesome goatee... now it's more tame, but the girls like it more I guess.
Andrew - Bish's best friend, and awesome buddy from back home. Mentioned 4th for no reason, it is mainly because the drama in my life pertains very little to him, unlike in previous times. However, he remains as sometimes the sole source of inspiration and refuge for Bish in times of need.
Jason - The stalker, he messes with Julie's mind. It's awesome. More on this later.
Jake - Jason's roomy, and a close friend of the group. I'm pretty sure he likes my ex. HA!
Chris - Another good buddy and the flirt-master. His renowned skill at flirting makes all men jealous. He's the man.
Andy - My 2nd best friend from back home, and he's engaged to a sweet chick. Also a source of wisdom, for he knows everything. But unfortunately, like Andrew, he is not much engaged in the drama.
Erin - My ex girlfriend, a good friend of mine and a person that I have much respect for. But Alas! She is still a source of drama, much moreso since of Jake's interaction with her. This will be funny, I'm sure. Good luck Jake!
Kelly - My current romantic prospect, this girl is entirely awesome. She's an inspiration to be around and completely carefree and wonderful. She's definitely everything I look for in a girl, except she misspells definitely as definately, which is my pet peeve.
Art - Kelly's guy friend down the hall that now hobbles because of a frisbee accident.
Bailye - Julie's good non exlusive friend. I'd say more but it's too complex and it's her place to do it.
Kate and Julia - Kate and Julia are Erin's friends in her dorm. Kate is rebouding off of her ex boyfriend, and Julia is, well, Julia!

Anyway! There's gonna be more people I forgot about, I'm sure. And of course Julie has her half of people whose names I don't even know. But it'll be fun introducing them too.... and now, for the latest piece of drama.

In the next post, of course.

this is sooooooooooooo cool!!!!!

Hey world, this is Julie and Bish's "Blog O' Drama." The name says it all. Keep reading for all the latest!


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